SOLLOG raises someone from the DEAD!

Originally posted by Jahiro
You're incorrect


And most likely know you're lying and spreading lies thus by doing so.

What, and you believe this is TOLERABLE? Truly, you think little of your actions because you cannot see the harm they can cause.

Tell me, when MILLIONS of people are DEAD in the cities listed for nuclear terrorism, will you then continue to spread lies about Sollog ?

or will you realize instead of wasting time lying, you could have been researching something you claim to know without any supporting evidence--and thus, deny the truth from getting to those in those relative cities which could have Saved their lives

Will you then see the harm?

I tell you now, you will not. But you will feel it


Oh no! We have a Sollog disciple here.:rolleyes:

Do you realize that Sollog has been predicting the destruction of the US for years now. He has even less credibility than Nancy Lieder does, and that's saying alot.

Get your head out of your ass and wake up to reality. Sollog is some loser who has NEVER been right in over 7 years, and I doubt he'll ever be right.
Oklahoma city bombing
Earthquakes, 10 in a row
Plane crashes
famous deaths (diana, anton lavey)

He stated 2001 the usa wouldnt exist as a nation: as you can see, 2001 the largest event in our generation took place. Coincidence? Allegorical complete hit. Course if you were looking for the complete destruction of the USA, then he missed-i'd agree with you... read more about him before you make assertions

I don't have time to post relevant data to prove the things above that he predicted. If you want to seek it out for yourself, you'll see the facts speak for themselves. I've spent too many hours debating with illogical close minded monkeys to continue to debate whether or not Sollog is a true prophet (ie can see the future). The warning is real, end of story. Time will validate it

Besides, prophet or no prophet, isn't it clear the usa is in its last days? It should be

Re: A Classic SOLLOG Article

Originally posted by static76
A must read for all Sollog fans!:p
It's already been debunked, oh, like a hundred times on alt.prophecies.nostradamus

It isn't true. I'm sorry. If you want to believe that it is, fine, but you're only deluding yourself. Not everything you read is always fact-but i'm sure you know that.

The case was thrown out, Sollog was let off, and the judge called him one of the greatest minds he's ever seen in his courtoom. Stuff altman forgot to include in his article. BTW, altman doesnt like Sollog. Can you say biased? What a lame article... AND lets PRETEND it's even true.

STILL, Sollog's accurate prophetic hits do not relate to if he was placed in jail or not. But like i said the case was thrown out so the idea is null. The question is can Sollog actually see the future. The answers are out there.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
-Albert Einstein

A Mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste

Originally posted by Jahiro
Oklahoma city bombing
Earthquakes, 10 in a row
Plane crashes
famous deaths (diana, anton lavey) :p
He stated 2001 the usa wouldnt exist as a nation: as you can see, 2001 the largest event in our generation took place. Coincidence? Allegorical complete hit. Course if you were looking for the complete destruction of the USA, then he missed-i'd agree with you... read more about him before you make assertions
Are you serious? How did the USA cease as a nation in 2001?
I don't have time to post relevant data to prove the things above that he predicted.
I'm sure you don't, because this data can never be found.
If you want to seek it out for yourself, you'll see the facts speak for themselves.
I already know about Sollog and the facts speak to him being a kook.
I've spent too many hours debating with illogical close minded monkeys to continue to debate whether or not Sollog is a true prophet (ie can see the future). The warning is real, end of story. Time will validate it
Just do me a favor and don't drink the kool-aid...:(
I happen to enjoy kool-aid

Furthermore, if kool-aid is going to play a part into this, then every single xtian and relatively all the members of religion as a whole (esp. xtianity) have already drank the kool-aid--and the worst part is--they don't even realize it

Re: Re: A Classic SOLLOG Article

Originally posted by Jahiro
It's already been debunked, oh, like a hundred times on alt.prophecies.nostradamus
The only thing that has been debunked there are Sollog's fake prophecies...
It is clear this is more like a game to you, and I dont have time for people like you

Truly, you will not understand the harm you are doing until it is too late. I am not replying to you anymore.

Originally posted by Jahiro
It is clear this is more like a game to you, and I dont have time for people like you

Truly, you will not understand the harm you are doing until it is too late. I am not replying to you anymore.

Do you realize the harm you're doing to your brain cells by reading Sollog's lies and trash??
ok, listen, your all missing the point. I am the true prophet!

want proof?

1 - In the next week, i will breathe at least twice.

2 - In the next 5 weeks the name of the month will change.

3 - in the next 4 days a politician or religious leader will lie, somewhere, in the southern or northern hemisphere.

and finally ...

4 - a natural disaster will occur on earth in the next 14 days.


buffys ... the great.
You people are being way to conservative. You guys tend to dispose this with no platform of support. It may or may not exist ; if you can prove that he did not claim numerous eathquakes, and the 9:11 tragedy than do so instead of implying intolerance.

The standard variation of understanding is not the only variation. I believe people were being this intolerant in the beggining of all great things/sciences.

I believe why things like this is debunked so quickly is because of the large amount of athiests in this board outruling anything concerning the possibility of god.

Btw I believe in agnosticism, I further believe the god portrayed is a invented concept of mankind to awnser difficulty in life and athiests debunk this concept of god.
So far, I've yet to see any prophecy. I've seen attempts at profit-cy, however.

This sollog person said in a UseNet message that there would be a "great emercency in Washington D.C." on 911.

As is true with the Nostradamus "prophecies," this is a vague, non-specific claim that has a vague, non-specific timeframe.

Eventually something emergent and of importance was going to happen on 911 in Washington. If I were trying to develop a following and convince people to pay $29.99/mo, this is exactly the type of bogus claim I'd make.

The "great emergency" has the added bonus of being any number of things from Hurracaine George (which made landfall on 9/17) to a political issue to a terrorist attack (they attacked the WTC with a truck bomb in NY, D.C. was a likely target).

No... this "prophecy" is an accidental example of words and events. If it were specific in any way it would be interesting, but still likely a coincidence.

sollog isn't a prophet. He's a profit.
Originally posted by 420Joey
You people are being way to conservative. You guys tend to dispose this with no platform of support. It may or may not exist ; if you can prove that he did not claim numerous eathquakes, and the 9:11 tragedy than do so instead of implying intolerance.

The standard variation of understanding is not the only variation. I believe people were being this intolerant in the beggining of all great things/sciences.

I believe why things like this is debunked so quickly is because of the large amount of athiests in this board outruling anything concerning the possibility of god.

Btw I believe in agnosticism, I further believe the god portrayed is a invented concept of mankind to awnser difficulty in life and athiests debunk this concept of god.

And his first cult member is found!
Cult member? I do not believe he is a real prophet, I just believe that people are flaming / not debunking and are being intolerable to something different.
Cult member? I do not believe he is a real prophet, I just believe that people are flaming / not debunking and are being intolerable to something different.

you make a fair point but its not so much sollogs beliefs im contemptuous of, its his sale of them. Most religions ask for money of course but its on a donation basis, you can access every aspect of it and never give even a dollar if you so choose. Gaining full access to sollogs views on the other hand REQUIRE payment.
Bull frigin crap BUFFY the VAMPIRE


You can go to Alt.prophcies.nostradam and find EVERY SINGLE thing SOLLOG has written regarding prophecies, EVER

NOW as far as books go and the like

If you wrote a BOOK you would charge some money to BUY it

It's normal

And as far as having to buy membership to know his views, let me do a couple things

First, let me tell you the simple beliefs he has that are known to me from what I've read

1) Most of humanity is dead real soon
2) If you wish to survive this time period, move to the high mountains of Canada, Asia, and South america (Safe zones)
3) Nuclear terrorism is the huge problem in the immediate future
4) GOD is ONE and ONE is LOVE

You say its wrong to charge money to view someones beliefs or some crap like that

So all those Xtians who went out and bought a bible are feeding into the same type of bullcrap you said isn't right

Huh, Buffy the slayer, are you listening?

Jeez this frigin forum needs to take some logic pills or something, so everyone learns to REASON and RECEIVE ALL THE FACTS before casting UNRIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT

Don't believe SOLLOG's warnings? When the nuke warning comes full circle and YOU SEE it with your own eyes, will you then say something like...

"oh my, look at that. Truly I am dreaming, I must wake now."

Please, arise from your slumber

And see for ONCE SOLLOG is not against you but FOR YOU

And as far as having to buy membership to know his views, let me do a couple things

First, let me tell you the simple beliefs he has that are known to me from what I've read

1) Most of humanity is dead real soon
2) If you wish to survive this time period, move to the high mountains of Canada, Asia, and South america (Safe zones)
3) Nuclear terrorism is the huge problem in the immediate future
4) GOD is ONE and ONE is LOVE

*sigh* ... yeah, thats a great example of clear logic and evidence - see my earlier prophecy for equally accurate foresight.

im surprised you're so uncontrolled and angry in your response Jahiro, as i said, its not your faith that bothers me, its the shameless sale of it. The religions im aware of have been able to flourish without being dependent on holding back ideas for the paying believers.

BTW - i think it was fairly clear in my earlier post that it was the sale of the ideas i found contemptuous, not the books. Believe what seems right to you, i have no problem with that. For all i know sollogs views are correct, i am not a god, so i dont know.