SOLLOG raises someone from the DEAD!


Registered Senior Member
Wow, this is an interesting story. Course I wasn't there to witness it, but this is one account of what happened, with other witnesses there as well supposedly. Enjoy


Written By D.E. Alexander 24 7 News Net

post edited due to its length.
Yes, so , tell me, do you want us to believe you, because it sure sounds like your trying to start a cult
Another crackpot that thinks he's a god.

The article was written by someone peddling books... the Sollog site is all about making money... $29.99 per month.


This is the reason why serious paranormal research is not taken seriously..

This "miracle workers" are sometimes the proof that human stupidity can achieve "miracle" status..

Jahiro I suggest you stop making publicity of Mr. Sollog..
You only will get yourself descredited...

Do it for the good of humankind evolution... :rolleyes:
Well this is just one thing that can't be proven nor disproven

And that's how it goes

I really don't care if you believe what I write

Originally posted by EvilPoet
Just out of curiosity - is the Alexander mentioned above
the same Alexander that is mentioned in this article?

That is correct

and before you jump to conclusions, the TRUTH is SOLLOG and Alexander are 2 different people, contrary to what you may want to believe and Mr. Altman suggests

I've been in contact with Alexander...

Originally posted by Jahiro
SOLLOG and Alexander are 2 different people, contrary to what you may want to believe and Mr. Altman suggests I've been in contact with Alexander...
Oh really? I guess I'm suppose to believe that just because you say so, right?
the TRUTH is SOLLOG...
The TRUTH is - SOLLOG (aka John Ennis) is better at making sock puppets than predictions. The TRUTH is - SOLLOG is a fraud and I'm not the only one that feels that way. The TRUTH is - something that you're unwilling to look at as far as your idol SOLLOG is concerned. "The eyes are of little use if the mind be blind."
the TRUTH is SOLLOG... costs $29.99/mo. for premium prophecies. There are still some "free" prophecies available in the guest galleries, however.
You know, you claim sollog is god ( or something like that, Im not goign to pretend i pay attention after reading the first 2 sentences in your posts because at about that point i remember how ignorant you are) But yet in the bible It says that miracles will cease to exist and will altogether stop, because they were only there in the first place to show that god was real
yes i agree, as well as most, sollog isa fraud and he makes you feel special so that you will follow him in reality your hte one with your eyes closed
better question why would god chose a pompous asshole represent him? it seems every time you flaunt your holier than though ideas at us, and on top of that im pretty sure most of the people here dont like , or even listen to you, but rather just show up at your postings just to make fun of you or see what other mundane crap you are spouting
"Follow the money" is usually a good principle by which to get to the bottom of scams like this one.
If I'm correct, Sollog died a couple years ago in a car accident. Guess he didn't see it coming...
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whats this thread doing pseudoscience? Maybe sciforums should start a pseudoreligion section.

Im thinking of starting a cult now, $29.99/mo! and here, like a sucker, ive been working for a living. What dya think, "The Church of Buffys" ... catchy hey? I recently brought my bank account back from the dead, does that count?
Originally posted by buffys
whats this thread doing pseudoscience? Maybe sciforums should start a pseudoreligion section.
Sollog is/was a nut who has been all over the usenet for the past 7 years with predictions that never come to be.
Prove it

When LA and NYC have major quakes, I wonder what you're going to say

Originally posted by static76
If I'm correct, Sollog died a couple years ago in a car accident. Guess he didn't see it coming...

You're incorrect


And most likely know you're lying and spreading lies thus by doing so.

What, and you believe this is TOLERABLE? Truly, you think little of your actions because you cannot see the harm they can cause.

Tell me, when MILLIONS of people are DEAD in the cities listed for nuclear terrorism, will you then continue to spread lies about Sollog ?

or will you realize instead of wasting time lying, you could have been researching something you claim to know without any supporting evidence--and thus, deny the truth from getting to those in those relative cities which could have Saved their lives

Will you then see the harm?

I tell you now, you will not. But you will feel it

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
You know, you claim sollog is god ( or something like that, Im not goign to pretend i pay attention after reading the first 2 sentences in your posts because at about that point i remember how ignorant you are) But yet in the bible It says that miracles will cease to exist and will altogether stop, because they were only there in the first place to show that god was real

Not reading thoroughly shows you're commenting on something you haven't read enough about. That is being close minded, immediately turning down what is offered to you because of preconceived beliefs... If I am ignorant, prove it

Reference the scripture you are suggesting in the bible, I believe you are referring to this perhaps:

"Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. (ICorinthians 13:8) "

If this is what you're referring to, I don't believe it's enough evidence to suggest that what Sollog is doing or has the ability to do contradicts this scripture. It merely is suggesting ALL other things than LOVE are subject to failure and change.

Now, how about this scripture which is a direct reference to prophecy in the end of days?

(Joel 2:28-29)28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

Oh, and I never claimed Sollog was God. But, I never claimed he wasn't either


P.S. The correct way to post: references, logic, reason