So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?

All.For.One said:
So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?

You're not going to die?

Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?

You don't want an answer you just want to preach.

I don't see why you athiest protest against other religeons when for you there is no real purpose in life?

Loaded question. Here's a little challenge for you: spend more time in the Word Of God, and less time on here making threads such as this. The Bible says that only God judges people. Stop playing God.

Its easy to be an athiest through life but the hardest place to be an athiest is on your death bed.

Think for yourself instead of regurgitating what that "To Hell And Back" video had to say.

At my church we sit on couches and have fun it's not about the tradition there its all about Jesus.

Do they pump nitrous oxide through the air ducts?

have you ever tried to look past the bad things Christians have done and look at the good?

Well without Christians we wouldn't have that part in history called the Spanish Inquisition, the Burning Times, or entertaining things on television such as the Branch Davidian complex being set ablaze. Those things add to the human experience. We should all be grateful.

What happens to a child who commits murder in a court of law?

Depends. Is the kid black or white?
to the question of this thread:

you don't have to believe in an afterlife to have a meaning to life. In this question it shows that you are ignorant in that you think that people that do not believe in an afterlife don't think that their life has a point. I don't believe in an afterlife, i believe that when we die we are fertilizer, But just because i belief that when we die we sieze(sorry for the spelling) exist am i going to take my life. i make my life have a point to it. the reason i don't just blow my brains out is because i like to wake-up in the morning an see the bright sun, and the rain, and many things that this world has to offer. I am studying to become a med assistant because i like helping people i donate blood because i am a universal donor, and i like seeing smiles in childrens faces when you do something that makes the smile/laugh. i don't pop myself because i want to make others happy and that makes me happy, because i want to help people when they are sick, i basically want to make a positive change in someone else's life and that is why i don't just surrender i make my life worth it, do something that will help later generations in this world before i leave it and that is why.
If you don't believe in an afterlife, why would you want deluded people telling you what you can and cannot do with the little time that you have on Earth? Since I'm talking to a Christian I will have to spell this out explicitly, since you people seem to have trouble reading between the lines: deluded person = Christian.
p.s. I can think of nothing - ever in all of history - that is good that has been done in Christ's name.
Did dinosaurs go to heaven? they were here for over hundreds of million years, be a little unfair not to award them, or is the only award they got is an asteroid thrown at them,that's not very nice.
If they did go to heaven, i'm scared of heaven, i mean in hell you might get burnt a bit, but in heaven you keep getting chased by a t-rex and eaten.
There would be alot of dinosaurs up there man, they were here for ages.
I never said that there is no purpose to your life. In an atheists eyes that believes in evolution living means evolving and that would be a purpose.....but my point was what is the point of sticking up for atheism and critisizing other religeons when there is no point in bringing others beliefs down when in the end in atheists minds we all just end up fertilizer anyway. Do you understand where I am coming from?
All.For.One said:
I never said that there is no purpose to your life. In an atheists eyes that believes in evolution living means evolving and that would be a purpose.
Evolution is not a purpose.
Evolution just happens.
It is the natural way of living things.
i want to fight for rights for atheist because then we would be all reading the bible in school and conform to christian believes even though we don't believe in them and that is a horrible way to live life. put yourself in the atheists shoes what if your religion was a minority and thera was some other religion in most power and they infringe on your rights and pay for faith based stuff of that religion from your taxes and people looking at you like you are the worst of the worst, would you like that and conform, I wouldn't. no one religion should have too much power because that meens discrimination toward others and don't tell me i wouln't i've known of people beiong denied things because they were of a different believe. also thanks to many atheists, agnostics, and those that thought they believed in god they didn't necessarily relate to christianity as whole we have many freedoms now that would iligal in others eyes from back then.
sorry for my spelling i was writing fast because when i had finished with other versions of that they were erased when i clicked to post and it told me that i wasn't signed on when i had been.
Datura said:
You're not going to die?

Nah.. just the body dies since it had a beginning.

zyncod said:
p.s. I can think of nothing - ever in all of history - that is good that has been done in Christ's name.

Christ said that people will use his name to do evil. Their lips honor God but their hearts are far away from him.

GodlessEvil said:
Did dinosaurs go to heaven? they were here for over hundreds of million years, be a little unfair not to award them, or is the only award they got is an asteroid thrown at them,that's not very nice.

I don't think they died by an asteroid, but if they did, what's wrong with that? It sounds like quick death.

If they did go to heaven, i'm scared of heaven, i mean in hell you might get burnt a bit, but in heaven you keep getting chased by a t-rex and eaten.

If fear existed in heaven, it couldn't be called heaven.

Sarkus said:
Evolution just happens.

Why do things evolve?
c7ityi_ said:
Why do things evolve?
An extract from - 'cos this says it far better than I can:
If a thing is replicated with a random incidence of failure (mutation) and not all the copies can survive then there will be evolution - there MUST be; this is as self-evident as anything in geometry or mathematics.
Replication within a finite and imperfect universe leads to evolution as surely as three equal length sides on a flat polygon lead to 60 degree angles. No force could make it otherwise unless that force could defy logic, in which case all bets are off and you might as well go mad."

There is no "why" to evolution.
There just is evolution.

If you're going to ask "Why do things evolve?" then it is because you do not understand what evolution is.
You might as well ask "Why is the sky blue?". Noone can tell you "why" - only "how".
Likewise we can explain HOW do things evolve - but there is no WHY.
Ahh this is the almighty question! What is the purpose of life?

Beware those who are weak and immature, and choose to delude themselves into believing the purpose of living - is only to please a supreme being that does not exist, so that we may become immortal and live on in heaven/paradise.

This is why I find the ARMISH (spelling?) so selfish. Their whole life is to gain "points" for the afterlife. To get a ticket to heaven. How selfish.

I believe that once I am happy, healthy, and content, I may use my abilities, interests
etc. to help others through the field of psychology/neuroscience.

By doing this I hope to help others, contribute to making a healthier society, and as a bonus for helping otherse I may be rewarded with a warm fuzzy feeling for being altruistic.

That way, when I die, I may not have anything to look forward to (apart from peace), but I can look back and say "wow I actually did something, helped people, contributed etc."

This opposed to not actually helping anyone: shaking holy water on someone, circumcising someone, going to church, or praying, which achieves very little if any benefit to mankind.
sirjpierre said:
i make my life have a point to it. the reason i don't just blow my brains out is because i like to wake-up in the morning an see the bright sun, and the rain, and many things that this world has to offer. I am studying to become a med assistant because i like helping people i donate blood because i am a universal donor, and i like seeing smiles in childrens faces when you do something that makes the smile/laugh. i don't pop myself because i want to make others happy and that makes me happy, because i want to help people when they are sick, i basically want to make a positive change in someone else's life and that is why i don't just surrender i make my life worth it, do something that will help later generations in this world before i leave it and that is why.

Thankyou for posting this sirjpierre,

I think that is a beautiful way of saying it. I wrote what I wrote before reading what you wrote.
I'm going to add your post to my collection of things that have touched my heart.
All.For.One said:
So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?

I don't understand the question... these are two disjoint concepts that don't seem to have any relevant relationship.

All.For.One said:
Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?


All.For.One said:
I don't see why you athiest protest against other religeons when for you there is no real purpose in life?

I don't think it's religion per se' that Athiests protest. It's 'religious belief', i.e. acceptance that assertions (the existence of 'God' in this case) without considering supportive and contradictory evidence.

All.For.One said:
Why stick out for your beliefs if they won't get you anywhere?

What 'beliefs' are we talking about?

All.For.One said:
Whats the bloody point?

Of what?

All.For.One said:
Its easy to be an athiest through life but the hardest place to be an athiest is on your death bed.

I don't recall and overwhelming majority of atheists on this forum having the easiest time with it throughout their lives. That quote came from that hell after death flick and a commonality seemed to be that most of those folks (if not all) had never seen a bible. In other words their atheism seemed to be a consequence of their lack of exposure to religion rather than critical thinking.
All.For.One said:
So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?I don't see why you athiest protest against other religeons when for you there is no real purpose in life?Why stick out for your beliefs if they won't get you anywhere?Whats the bloody point?
Because we want others to be athiest. Yelling at christians, denouncing thier stupid beliefs is our way of giving them a taste of thier own medicine. It's revenge for thier Inquisitions and genocides against us.
All.For.One said:
I never said that there is no purpose to your life. In an atheists eyes that believes in evolution living means evolving and that would be a purpose.....but my point was what is the point of sticking up for atheism and critisizing other religeons when there is no point in bringing others beliefs down when in the end in atheists minds we all just end up fertilizer anyway. Do you understand where I am coming from?
Yes, Christianity has made the afterlife an overwhelming theme in your life. This makes your actions in this life almost irrelevant except as it relates to your eternal reward. That's why Christians tend to favor exploitation of the environment rather than sustainability. Your attitude is that life is just something to be endured, rather than lived to the fullest. We would rather people pay more attention to the only life you can be sure about, the one you are living right now.

Fertilizer is an almost magical substance that creates life, why would you disparage it?
Individuals create their own purpose in life. Some choose to devote their lives to bullshit causes or bullshit beliefs like religion. Others actually do something meaningful.