So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?


1 Corinthians 11:1..are you in
Registered Senior Member
So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?I don't see why you athiest protest against other religeons when for you there is no real purpose in life?Why stick out for your beliefs if they won't get you anywhere?Whats the bloody point?

Its easy to be an athiest through life but the hardest place to be an athiest is on your death bed.
Well sir, i can turn this one round and ask you:

if you believe you'll go to heaven no matter what, why do you not just jump infront of a train, or shoot yourself in the head.

I mean after all why stick around here when you could be "up there".
we have some time alive, hopefull around 80 years, at least i am not wasting my life praying or going to church
Pi-Sudoku said:
we have some time alive, hopefull around 80 years, at least i am not wasting my life praying or going to church

They might waste there life going to church but how much of our lives do we waste on this (and other) damn forums, it is no better or worse than wasting time infront of a TV or playing video games.

So at least in this respects it is a no score draw, however when religious people waste MY time, that is a different story.
GodlessEvil said:
Well sir, i can turn this one round and ask you:

if you believe you'll go to heaven no matter what, why do you not just jump infront of a train, or shoot yourself in the head.

I mean after all why stick around here when you could be "up there".

you can't go to heaven by doing nothing! that contradicts the idea of having a Hell if you do something bad, like suicide. Christians have to earn their way into heaven, and by going to chuch you can do lots of good deeds. You can't do good things when you're dead and i guess God would see that as a cheap way in if it worked like that...
Katana said:
Christians have to earn their way into heaven, and by going to chuch you can do lots of good deeds.

Hi Katana,

The bible clearly states that you cannot be saved by good works or going to Church although it does state that each will be rewarded according to his actions on Earth so good works do have value of course.
The only way you can come into the presence of Almighty God is by accepting the gift of life that Jesus gave freely. Grace can never be earnt, not can anyone 'deserve' to go to Heaven.


Well Godless Evil the point of my life sitting aroung here on this earth is to make the most of it. As much as I would love to be in heaven right now I would rather help as many of my friends and foes as possible. The more the marrier....sorry for the cliche.
Anyway also my faith is not based on what I've been brought up with it's experiences I've had....but apparently that's a mental ilness :bugeye: I know that I'm not wasting my life so I don't care and my church is different to most becasue I Hate....well lets say extremly dislike most structured churches. At my church we sit on couches and have fun it's not about the tradition there its all about Jesus. If you took the time to research the Vineyard Churches you would realise church can be fun.

Any who
God Bless lol
Yes but do babies not go to heaven, a 1 year old baby has not really done much in the way of deeds except for maybe shit itself and vomit over shoulders and burp,so when they die...what then?
"er i'm sorry little one, on my list it says you have done nothing but poo, off to hell you go BURN!"

Now you are not going to try and deny 1 year olds die, are you?

And not all have been baptised and none of them would be able to pray or do any good deeds.
All.For.One said:
So Why Be Athiest If You're Just Gonna Die?Whats The Point Of Sticking Out For It?I don't see why you athiest protest against other religeons when for you there is no real purpose in life?Why stick out for your beliefs if they won't get you anywhere?Whats the bloody point?

Its easy to be an athiest through life but the hardest place to be an athiest is on your death bed.
I disagree.
I'm not sticking it out for any other reason than I'm enjoying my life.
And even when life gets bad, there's always the possibility it will be enjoyable again - so I don't contemplate anything other than to keep going. I'm not doing it for any alterior motive like trying to buy my way into somewhere. I'm doing it for personal enjoyment.
I also help people (charity work, friends etc) because it makes me happy.
Selfish, isn't it. :D
All.For.One said:
Well Godless Evil the point of my life sitting aroung here on this earth is to make the most of it. As much as I would love to be in heaven right now I would rather help as many of my friends and foes as possible. The more the marrier....sorry for the cliche.
Anyway also my faith is not based on what I've been brought up with it's experiences I've had....but apparently that's a mental ilness :bugeye: I know that I'm not wasting my life so I don't care and my church is different to most becasue I Hate....well lets say extremly dislike most structured churches. At my church we sit on couches and have fun it's not about the tradition there its all about Jesus. If you took the time to research the Vineyard Churches you would realise church can be fun.

Any who
God Bless lol

Depends on your definition of FUN, however who am i to criticise those who go to the church for enjoyment based on fantasy when we all do it just by going to the movies.

After all, if you spend 3 hours watching lord of the rings, the time you are watching it you enjoy the fantasy, otherwise why would you sit and watch it?

Just like fictional books, why continue reading if you know it is all rubbish and fiction?

So i cannot judge your church going as a bad thing as every atheist has explored imaginary notions in his mind from time to time, is it no more a waste a of time to indulge in such rubbish?

Do we not all suffer mental illness wanting to explore fantasy?
GodlessEvil said:
Yes but do babies not go to heaven, a 1 year old baby has not really done much in the way of deeds except for maybe shit itself and vomit over shoulders and burp,so when they die...what then?
"er i'm sorry little one, on my list it says you have done nothing but poo, off to hell you go BURN!"

Now you are not going to try and deny 1 year olds die, are you?

And not all have been baptised and none of them would be able to pray or do any good deeds.

You misunderstand God's nature and it is a common misunderstanding, one I used to share.

God doesn't want ANYONE to perish. A baby clearly has made 'NO CHOICES' and premature physical death before that baby can form an opinion cannot exclude it from everlasting life. If God had not told Adam and Eve about the dangers of touching the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil then how could they be blamed for touching it. The point was that they were told. It was as simple as 'Touch it and you die.' Adam and Eve's obedience to God was now in a position to be tested and they failed. As a result their fruit (all of human kind) was doomed to perish as well because God cannot live in peace with inequity and ALL were tainted.
The baby that dies prematurely is washed in the blood of Jesus that the baby may enter life eternal. Without Jesus' sacrifice, the baby would perish without hope because death could claim it being that the whole tree of humanity condemned itself to death through disobedience. The blood of Jesus is all the payment needed for God to declare us all 'innocent' because it is that blood poured out that fulfills the requirements of the law on our behalf. Death cannot claim an innocent life, thus by grace and grace alone we are spared. We effectively become a new creation when we believe.


Katana said:
by going to chuch you can do lots of good deeds.

How about help people every sunday morning, bake cakes for the hungry.

Why not convert churches to homeless shelters

Ofter people who go to church do bad deeds, like those kiddydiddling priests
There are many bad examples of Christians just like the 'kidyliking priests'. But have you ever tried to look past the bad things Christians have done and look at the good?
christians do good things too, but so does everyone, what good things have been inspired by christianity?
They don't I never said that I just pointed out that people always look at the bad things christians do.

And thank you all you athiests who do good in the world.....GOD LOVES YOU FOR IT
c20H25N3o said:
You misunderstand God's nature and it is a common misunderstanding, one I used to share.

God doesn't want ANYONE to perish. A baby clearly has made 'NO CHOICES' and premature physical death before that baby can form an opinion cannot exclude it from everlasting life. If God had not told Adam and Eve about the dangers of touching the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil then how could they be blamed for touching it. The point was that they were told. It was as simple as 'Touch it and you die.' Adam and Eve's obedience to God was now in a position to be tested and they failed. As a result their fruit (all of human kind) was doomed to perish as well because God cannot live in peace with inequity and ALL were tainted.
The baby that dies prematurely is washed in the blood of Jesus that the baby may enter life eternal. Without Jesus' sacrifice, the baby would perish without hope because death could claim it being that the whole tree of humanity condemned itself to death through disobedience. The blood of Jesus is all the payment needed for God to declare us all 'innocent' because it is that blood poured out that fulfills the requirements of the law on our behalf. Death cannot claim an innocent life, thus by grace and grace alone we are spared. We effectively become a new creation when we believe.



Ahhh for pitys sake, your whole argument is formed round this adam and eve nonsense, how in the hell can you believe that the earth was created in a matter of days.

One word: dinosaur
hello did dinosaurs never exist,what about the fossils, what do you say about dinosaur bones?
have any opinion on that, and the standard model of evolution and the actual age of the universe, ring any bells?

Unless adam and eve are metaphorical:

Ok,well lets alter the 1 year old thing and give it a twist, i'll accept what you said for now,
what about a 4 year old, now a 4 year old is not that great a difference, but i have heard of 4 year olds commiting sins,making silly choices and possibly murder, it is not entirely impossible.

So they go to hell yes? a 4 year old?
or a 5 year or 6 year old it is still a young age to be going to hell.
GodlessEvil said:
Ahhh for pitys sake, your whole argument is formed round this adam and eve nonsense, how in the hell can you believe that the earth was created in a matter of days.

One word: dinosaur
hello did dinosaurs never exist,what about the fossils, what do you say about dinosaur bones?
have any opinion on that, and the standard model of evolution and the actual age of the universe, ring any bells?

Unless adam and eve are metaphorical:

The words mean something. I have no idea about the age of the Earth and frankly I dont really care. The story of Adam and Eve as written in the bible tells us about God. You could throw away the book and the one it points to would still be there. The spirit of it is a constant.

Ok,well lets alter the 1 year old thing and give it a twist, i'll accept what you said for now,
what about a 4 year old, now a 4 year old is not that great a difference, but i have heard of 4 year olds commiting sins,making silly choices and possibly murder, it is not entirely impossible.

So they go to hell yes? a 4 year old?
or a 5 year or 6 year old it is still a young age to be going to hell.

Can a 4 or a 5 or a 6 year old be sent to prison? Why not? Because they are not considered 'responsible' for their actions in legal terms. If we, mere mortals, specks of dust that are blown away in the winds of time insist on such legal technicalities, how much more would God insist on those things when dealing with eternal justice? The law makes provision for eternal life by requiring a perfect life for an imperfect life. The Son of God, became a man in order to provide that sacrifice for which He was given the keys to both life and death. That's why He is Lord. His grace saves and His blood may be received by all. Everyone has a 'Get out of Jail Free' card, but if they refuse to play it, then they cannot righfully moan that they are where they are. If someone does not know what a 'Get out of Jail Free' card is because they are too young too understand, then God blesses them and gives them the benefit of the doubt because the card is still valid for them.


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Hey I like your persistence Godless Evil take a read of this it may explain some things.
Moses said, "The secret things belong to the LORD.” Some issues may remain mysteries. God’s perfect love and justice far exceed our own. Whatever He decides will be loving and fair.....that's from the Bible. I am not going to decide this theoretical 4 year olds fate I'll leave that to God. That's part of his job, isn't it.....
And also on the Adam and Eve thing it is said that every part of the Bible can be taken around 15 diferent ways. And if God made the world he must be mighty enough to make it in a week. I thought atheists thought it was made in 1 big bang???
c20H25N3o said:
The words mean something. I have no idea about the age of the Earth and frankly I dont really care. The story of Adam and Eve as written in the bible tells us about God. You could throw away the book and the one it points to would still be there. The spirit of it is a constant.

Can a 4 or a 5 or a 6 year old be sent to prison? Why not? Because they are not considered 'responsible' for their actions in legal terms. If we, mere mortals, specks of dust that are blown away in the winds of time insist on such legal technicalities, how much more would God insist on those things?



Right... NOW we are getting somewhere, if a 6 year old (or whatever) is not resposible for their actions and do not go to hell, then it would be OK for a 6 year old to commit suicide and go straight to heaven would it not?

If they go to hell your argument is invalid, if they go to heaven, then there IS an easy way out,we could all just kill ourselves when we are 5 or 6 years old and go to heaven.