So when you die you die

wesmorris said:
It is the way of life to avoid death.
Short and to the point.
And totally incorrect, from my perspective.

A 'life' spent in the avoidance of 'death' is only a 'poor shadow life', 'not-lived' consciously but through a glass darkly.

Is the way of life not to 'live'?

If 'life' is an avoidance of something, then it is not a 'life' but an avoidance, eh? By definition?
Not an act of 'living' but an act of 'avoiding'?
Not living in the reality of the 'Here/Now', but in a 'fantasy concept' of some possible (non-existent) 'future'?
Dreams within dreams....
nameless said:
Short and to the point.
And totally incorrect, from my perspective.


A 'life' spent in the avoidance of 'death' is only a 'poor shadow life', 'not-lived' consciously but through a glass darkly.

So you take my words to mean that is all life can be?

One is not necessarily constantly threatened with death. When death knocks however, or if it occurs to one that death may be threatening... it is the way of life to avoid death.

Do you think the "survival instinct" is bullshit or something?

Fear is, IMO, a primal motivator to avoid death. Of course to you it's fantasy - just another part of the dream. As you wish. I personally find your "dream within a dream" stuff generally useless - though occasionally enlightening regarding this or that. Regardless, I said "it is the way of life to avoid death" as it seems nature generally programs life to do so if there is choice involved.

At this moment, I do not at all fear death. That does not at all mean however, that were this moment to involve a near collision with another vehicle at a high rate of speed, I wouldn't have a strong impulse to avoid that vehicle, and the death or severe injury that would likely result. If your point stands, you shouldn't care one way or the other.

I think you do.

Is the way of life not to 'live'?

Avoiding death is to remain alive. If by your standard that doesn't cut it, I'd surmise you're judging what it means to live which IMO, is not at question.

If 'life' is an avoidance of something, then it is not a 'life' but an avoidance, eh? By definition?

If you're dead, you're not alive. Simple. Again, your judgement of what it means to live isn't necessarily pertinent to anyone who isn't you.

Not an act of 'living' but an act of 'avoiding'?

Again, to remain alive, you have to avoid death when it's presented as likely. As one is not necessarily always in such a state, there can be much more to it. If you don't believe me, next time you're about to die in traffic... just die. Then try to come back here and discuss this from your newfound perspective please.

Not living in the reality of the 'Here/Now', but in a 'fantasy concept' of some possible (non-existent) 'future'?

? You're making it complicated because of your apparent need to judge how people live and think.

Dreams within dreams....

As you wish. Why not just die then and spare us from your judgement? I do not wish you dead. But since you don't care to avoid death, why live? Why dream? Why speak? Why anything?
I'm not defending TOR, rather.. trying to make a point about judgement and humility.

nameless said:
Secundus, 'pity' is nothing more than a vain act of ego.

Oh? There is a ring of truth to what you say, but what of this judgement upon it? Is it more than vanity? You're as vain as she in your judgement of her ego. Do you know her heart? Are you sure of her vanity? Are you as you said "seeing her through yourself" and judging her by your standard? In your post here, your vanity is no less than hers.

'Pity' says, "too bad that you cant be like I am! I am better than you and its too bad that you can't be like me! As wealthy as me, as healthy as me, as pretty as me, as intelligent, correct, etc...."

Ah, yes. How greivous it is to pity a man who is starving, or a deer hit by a car. How shameful an act of ego to feel you relate to another and wish to help them. Your condescending judgement about the ego of others is terrifically hypocritical. I salute you. Where the fuck is your humility, oh he who has no name? Do you reserve your name because you lack ego, or because you seek the power you find in anonymity? Only the dead are truly nameless, nameless.

To sharpen your 'vanity' on another (the victim of your 'pity') is sadistic and completely self-serving (read; selfish and inconsiderate). Perhaps you are already aware of this?

Oh what a sin to serve thyself. Oh how he who delivers the message sinned in doing so.

On the other hand, this sort of 'defensive' behavior is relatively common when the object of denial is brought to 'light'.

LOL. Honestly? I took the point to be "I feel pity for an animal that lacks the will to survive". That one might feel such a thing does not characterize one's entire perspective of reality, but can represent that for a moment, they attempted to relate to the position in which they see the object of their comment and did not enjoy the thought. I think your analysis is nothing more than your ego taking a dump after being threated by that to which you've analyzed must be wrong, without ever stopping to consider the possibility you might be wrong. A conceptual knee-jerk reaction, spitting on that which offends you, labelling it something you know to be bad and smiting it with your mind to fit it into your dream.


Vanity? You reek of it.

Of course I might be wrong.
wesmorris said:
Oh? So you take my words to mean that is all life can be?
I just responded to your words, which were, "It is the way of life to avoid death."
You didn't say 'a way' indicating a 'facet' of the totality, but THE WAY which indicates considerably more than 'a' facet, more in the way of an 'imperative' of the totality. So I responded to your words.
Should you like to re-state them...

One is not necessarily constantly threatened with death. When death knocks however, or if it occurs to one that death may be threatening... it is the way of life to avoid death.
Perspective. The 'way' of 'life' is to 'live'. At any moment, 'living' can be perspectivally interperted as 'avoiding death', but that is one 'interpertation' away from 'living life'. Are you not seeing what I am saying?

Do you think the "survival instinct" is bullshit or something?
It definitely has use, as the sub-program it is, in enabling (at times) 'life' to be 'lived'. And this 'instinct' can be euthanized by 'understanding', by 'knowledge', as can the 'instinct' to 'not suffer an enemy to live'.

Fear is, IMO, a primal motivator to avoid death.
Fear of death. True and fine on an animalistic, atavistic level. Is that level something to strive for as 'a' way of life? It displays no understanding at all of 'life' though. I guess whatever works for one, at whatever level of understanding one 'enjoys'... Ignorance is always painful and generational of fear. I think that the atavistic 'hard wiring' is for those with nothing 'higher' to replace it.

At this moment, I do not at all fear death.
Perhaps because 'at this moment' you do not have to smell it's 'fetid breath' up close?

That does not at all mean however, that were this moment to involve a near collision with another vehicle at a high rate of speed, I wouldn't have a strong impulse to avoid that vehicle, and the death or severe injury that would likely result. If your point stands, you shouldn't care one way or the other.
The way of 'life' is to 'live'.
A subset of 'living' is the reasonable avoidance of 'death'.

Bye the way, your rant on your 'projected judgementalism' is both spurious and totally irrevelent. Why the emotionally defensive reaction? Whats up with that?
"Bye the way, your rant on your 'projected judgementalism' is both spurious and totally irrevelent"

How is it less relevant than your own?
Nameless is all ego and contrary. If I had said I feared death I guarrantee every response would have been exact opposing to view to that he has presently expressed.

Sausages and bacon Nameless are nice but not worth losing a limb over, you may have my ponder on that wise friend.
nameless said:
I just responded to your words, which were, "It is the way of life to avoid death."
You didn't say 'a way' indicating a 'facet' of the totality, but THE WAY which indicates considerably more than 'a' facet, more in the way of an 'imperative' of the totality. So I responded to your words.
Should you like to re-state them...

No, I'll stick with the way it was stated.

If you'd apply your own perspective of time you'd see your incorrect understanding of the statement.

Since there exists no other time than now, one wouldn't have to avoid death if they were not presented with it... no? It IS the way of life to avoid death. Simple. You don't have to bother when you're not faced with it. Hence, overeating and smoking. *shrug*

As such, you simply missapplied the statement.
nameless said:
Yes dear.
Enjoy your new fan.
She thinks like you do.

I do I do! I am just much less eloquent, it's a 'Brummy thing' my reply would have much more brief, as in, 'nameless you are talking crap'. :)
nameless said:
Yes dear.
Enjoy your new fan.
She thinks like you do.

I my message was intended for my "fan", I would have addressed it to her instead of you.

I'm a person. I have a name. When I feel strongly enough to type something, I do. When I read what you wrote, it made me feel strongly that you're terrifically vane, hypocritical and that you completely lack humility or understanding. It made me think you fail to contemplate the possibility of your own misperception or crap for judgment - as all humans seem to experience at least occasionally.


Ignore it as you wish. Maintain your anonymity. Deny your humanity and just lose yourself in your dream, dreamer.
Actually, according to your tortured logic, if there were nothing but 'now', you could not avoid death. You live one moment, and do not the next. Death cannot at all be avoided. Life can just be lived. I've said what I have to say and leave this thread to y'all.
nameless said:
Actually, according to your tortured logic, if there were nothing but 'now', you could not avoid death. You live one moment, and do not the next. Death cannot at all be avoided. Life can just be lived. I've said what I have to say and leave this thread to y'all.

Thing is Nameless, you and I know that you like to tango with me, especially as I lack your eloquence which of course makes you look good! Now along came Wes, very eloquent, said it all, (unexpected by you!) and thus your battle is lost, both to me, as I did not engage you and to wes, as his is the correct point. You do not mwish to argue with Wes, only moi.
Should I be flattered, no............get off this ego thing, I've heard it to the death now.
Cottontop3000 said:
Nameless, when ToR gets like this, either ignore her or call her the psycho that she is.

When ToR gets like what? What is your problem? Have you skipped all the insults to me to the bit whrere I replied with 'crap'? What blindness do you suffer from cotton? Should I be abused and say nothing? Every bit of abuse you've seen me utter has been in reply to abuse.

You make me sick.
Cottontop3000 said:
That's my objective. To make you sick.

You have been particularly unpleasant to me cotton in many threads and without any justification or due cause, well I would say gloves off, but I really cannot be bothered. I tried to smooth the waters just for a pleasant ride and here you go again, you just can't put your hostile little self away can you. I shan't be so lame as to add you to ignore, but these are my last words to you. So spout as much as you like, it will fall on deaf ears hence forth, you are just plain nasty.