So when you die you die

Well, perhaps. After all, 'they gave us laws', and many, many of the laws are universal, and can be considered like steps of personal evolvement. The Holy writings are wise, if lived and interpreted right.
on a serious note, I KNOW something is interfering in my life (and those around me, I see it all the time) this may be an explanation? maybe not, but there is something illuminated one, of that I can assure you :)

Sci-forums 'nothing exists beyond' group can sod off! Don't be jumping on my bones!
on the intergration into their world theme, maybe thats why we were created, they failed to reproduce and need to repopulate. but as theya re more evolved, so do we need to be, so we keep existing here in diffrent forms (reincarnation etc) until ready to join their world and live among them? Could go on theorising this for hours, once the basic idea is possible its all possible :)
yea who knows right
but i mean unless we have proof we know nothing
not that we shouldn't have theories though don't get me wrong
just from my experience i think unless every possible is covered then anything can still change, whether it is that way or not
When you die you'll know exactly what happens ;)

You know before we discovered America, we may have denied its existance or failed to comprehend its existance, but the fact remains it existed. Yes we found our proof, took a long time though ay?

There are many things outside the realm of sciences ability to prove/disprove, we are limited by our current thinking/techniques and knowledge, science is NOT God? To presume Science has the answers to everything is to make it so!

One can neither prove not disprove God, neither prove nor disporve what happens after death with respect to any 'soul' oif you beleive one exists. We do know however that our body will decompose and break into smaller and smaller parts, those smaller parts will be consumed by other living things and thus become living matter again.

Nothing therefore ever really dies?
That's kind of a hard thing to think about I guess. "when you die you die." I can't get to bothered by it though because I believe in an Afterlife (for better for worse) so I can't exactly see life with an end. It's hard to imagine I mean.
Theoryofrelativity said:
you look at some of the crazy species we have and it is MOST likely a giant school project!!! Take the platepus! What went wrong there? They got a fail for sure!
There was a book called "The Homeward Bounders" where demons controlled the world, but it was more of a wargame than a science project...
To analyse what happens to you when you die, you would have to analyse what "Life is".

Afterall death is life being taken away, so you could say that death is "Oblivion" which to some means nothing, but to others was the birthplace of everything.
When you die, you are still part of the amazing thing that we call nature. You are just no longer you. All of the biological artifacts that make up what you define as you are returned to natures clay. You will never be you again, but nature will live on and therefore you will live on.
If you believe that the 'dream' of 'self' is reality,
that the 'illusion of life' is reality,
that the 'illusion of existence' is 'reality',
so you'll be likely to believe that the 'illusion of death' is likewise 'real'.
The fear and trepidation thereby produced will certainly seem 'real' to you, too!

'Disilusionment' is forestalled by harboring no 'illusions'.
theoryofrelativity n illuminatingtherapy : these superior beings who created us..who created them? why r they there in the 1st place? what is the meaning of their existence?
or maybe a being superior to them created them..we could go on..thats a flaw there..
but i used to fancy this when i was 10..
dream of what you want your other life to be and that life should be that dream without you remembering it.
Have yourself cryonically frozen at death and there is a chance that you will be revived 50, 100, 200 years from now and will live for eternity. It's possible.
I just heard on the news of a rich man and his wife who had themselves frozen to extend their lives. (God obviously liked them better to have made them rich, and as such, should live longer than the rest of us whom god obviously didnt like as much!). Their son was saddled with the responsibility of maintaining the equipment. He 'oopsed' one day, they melted, and no one ended living forever. Hahahahha...
What kind of person wants to live forever anyway? Most have enough trouble just being 'Here/Now'!
nameless said:
I just heard on the news of a rich man and his wife who had themselves frozen to extend their lives. (God obviously liked them better to have made them rich, and as such, should live longer than the rest of us whom god obviously didnt like as much!). Their son was saddled with the responsibility of maintaining the equipment. He 'oopsed' one day, they melted, and no one ended living forever. Hahahahha...
In France. Their system depended on a generator and electricity. Most places in America use liquid nitrogen (which requires no electricity) and are run as non-profit organizations, some of which set up trust funds to ensure you are taken care of. Of course, there is always the risk that ignorant religious idiots will resort to terrorism or legal action to ensure that their rights take precedence over the rights of the logical. At the Cryonics Institute in Michigan, it only costs $28,000 to freeze your whole body until the day you are able to be revived.
What kind of person wants to live forever anyway? Most have enough trouble just being 'Here/Now'!
That's why I want to be frozen. I think that in the future, there will be many answers to social and economic problems that we face today. I think life will be much more enjoyable. Trust me, I hate life today.
Cottontop3000 said:
I think that in the future, there will be many answers to social and economic problems that we face today. I think life will be much more enjoyable. Trust me, I hate life today.
Cottontop, I hear you. But, I think that the saying "no matter where (or 'when') you go, ... there you are!" might be applicable here.
Which also brings "we don't see 'things' (or people!) as they are, we see them as we are!" to mind.
Perhaps the real work, here, now, is to learn to love yourself! To access that which has always been there within, 'compassion', 'beauty', 'elegance', etc...
Standing in the 'place of beauty within', one can see nothing but beauty wherever one sees. Accessing one's inner 'grace', one sees 'grace' everywhere.
Perhaps making a thorough list of all about 'life' that you hate might be wise. Then, look in the mirror and, one at a time, see everything on that list. When the denial mechanism has been reasonably disabled, learn to accept and love 'that' which is also part of you. There is no human ugliness that is not inherent in each of us, nor any human beauty! That is our totality and it can be wholistically loved!
'Gods denied are demons born.'
Don't run, dude, fight the good fight.
A finer truth has not been expressed than, 'heaven is at hand!'