So when you die you die

It's not that bad mate, life has been doing for years. Possibly before you and I were ever born (to die of course). smile :)
thats a big possibility yeah,

but its not 100% certain, as a human you shouldent go getting ahead of yourself, we dont really know anything about the universe (no matter howmuch we think we know) we still are pretty much in the dark when it comes down to the universes creation, and things beyond us such as eternal energy sources etc,

but yeah dont believe there will be nothing so hard, because for all you know it might be the thought of non existance that makes you non existant in death, maybe you choose your existance with consciouse thought, and abstract "awareness" who knows,

i dont believe anything really, ile just observe and wait and see, i wont go pretending i know about this 100%, so just be open.

but also accept that its possible for there to be nothing ofcourse,

spidergoat said:
No you don't. "You" were an illusion that never existed in the first place.

WINNER: self negating statement award.

I'd congratulate you if you weren't so damned fictitious.
EFOC, yeah, I concur wholeheartedly.

It's silly to me that people tend to presume one way or another. Pretty amusing really.

Ah, the vanity.

I know!


I love that. It's so cute that we think we know! Bold even. I respect the spirit of the proclamation, and the feeling when I think I know about whatever.

Ah so human to know!

Knowing is both empty and full.

It's an illusion.

It's everything you know.

Superposition is too cool.

Meh I'm so sleepy and flaky ATM.

I remember waking from a dream once and knowing that dreams are what it's like to be dead.
i have had simular thoughts about that, maybe thats what its like to be dead, just existing in that kind of way, who knows,

logic comes to mind,

claims of logical process of thought, hmm its not very logical to assume about such extream matters that we really dont know about,

the ego gets ahead of itself sometimes dosent it, why do we have to know it all, and even when we dont know it all pretend to know it all, thats the worst of all, "pretending" to know, even pretending to yourself that you know,

when ofcourse when it comes down to the core,

humans dont really know squat about the universe,

we have 5 senses, we dont have all knowing all seeing godlike knowledge. well i might, but none of you do.

Human can never know a damned thing about the universe... however, we can know a crapload about our model of it, and fairly estimate the effectiveness of the model in terms of satisfying whatever is desired from manipulating it.

A model is all you have to go on if you're thinking.

If you're being there's nothing to think about, so "effectiveness", "knowing", etc... doesn't exist to you then.
Imagine this:

It is VERY possible in the future we will create a life form and then we will give it some place to exist while we observe it. We become fond of our little life forms, and interfere with their existnace from time to tiome, although the big plan is to let them get on with it and see what happens. We may have SOOOOOOO many life forms we have to hire others to do the viewing. They may also interfere in our little life forms lives, even though against the rules!

ok, this is entirely feasible as we are already trying to do it!

So................if its possible then now we must accept its possible its already been done.

Perhaps its already been done and we are THOSE lifeforms.

God, Gods are our scientist creators, sometimes they interfere sometimes they don't, sometimes they answer our prayers sometimes they don't. Just like we sometimes would, sometimes would not, as we have other stuff to do outside of our observational duties! Explains a lot ay? Or not? Who knows. My petri dish needs changing.
I'm glad you think so Illuminating one, It would explain a lot and no one can say its not possible as soon we'll make it possible ourselves, so clearly it is! God exists!!!! as do his co-workers!
Oh, gee, I really, really like that thought. What if we are just the biology project of some pre-historic 6th graders. Everyone in the class had to make a universe that is capable of evolving, or else they wouldn't pass.

Or... maybe it's the buddhist-fighter-scifi-monks of Himalaya. :D
illuminatingtherapy said:
Oh, gee, I really, really like that thought. What if we are just the biology project of some pre-historic 6th graders. Everyone in the class had to make a universe that is capable of evolving, or else they wouldn't pass.

Or... maybe it's the buddhist-fighter-scifi-monks of Himalaya. :D

you look at some of the crazy species we have and it is MOST likely a giant school project!!! Take the platepus! What went wrong there? They got a fail for sure!
I guess the one who invented the human got a gold star and maybe a special certificate, although now we humans are detsroying the whole project (Project Earth)their name is now graffiti in school playground!!!
It's obvious that it's the class bully that created this universe, and he is into religions, empires and armies and such. I don't think he really gives a fuck about the grade, he's doing it for the laughs.
hey there's a thought, just to spice it up a bit, some observers few dicated a few 'rules', little did they know how those rules would turn out hey??? Meanwhile i've now added this idea to religious thread, with 'proof god exists' title! lol so check it out there!!!

Just think, when we create world, and we want to give it religion, how do we do it?
The most creative person in class (doing media studies, perhaps drama class) says, oooh music action, drama, virgin bride, stars, angels, few wise men, animals 9kids like animals) how fabulous! imagine Christianities birth was a musical to the boys upstairs!