So, what'll happen to me?

'good' and 'bad' are simply relative, subjective concepts. No matter how you live your life some people are gonna see you as a saint, while others are gonna see you as a sinner. It's so easy to say the person who lives a "good" life is gonna go to heaven, and someone who lives a "bad" life is gonna go to hell. It's too easy. What makes it worse is that humans are the ones pronouncing judgement onto others who aren't too much different than themselves. Too many times I find religion is being used as an excuse to condemn others when it might work best as a way of "finding God."
Originally posted by Flores
Sorry I didn't get to that in time, but who said that the only reason to do good is to save your own ass.....I didn't say that, but I'm a believer in putting light in my house before I become the street light.
I'm more concerned with why one does good.
Is it all about avoiding punishment or is there something deeper?

do your best and submit to the fact that you will one day be subjected to god's judgement and will have to accept with no choice the consequence of yourlife. I have submitted to that notion.
There’s that submission theme again. ;)

I don't beleive a word you wrote croper! :) Everyone beleives in God deep down. Anyone who says they don't is a liar. Everyone has a conscious and they act according to this. If this wasn't true then people would just walk into shops and take what they want (despite the fact that they probably wouldn't get caught) and people would just do whatever they wanted. However people don't and not just because they have been taught they will be caught and punished, because it's not always true, but becuase they think about the other people who will lose out. This could be something that is taught and I think it mostly is, but this is not always the case.
I don't beleive a word you wrote croper! Everyone beleives in God deep down.
sorry mate, this is not the case, i take myself as an example.

Everyone has a conscious and they act according to this. If this wasn't true then people would just walk into shops and take what they want (despite the fact that they probably wouldn't get caught) and people would just do whatever they wanted. However people don't and not just because they have been taught they will be caught and punished, because it's not always true, but becuase they think about the other people who will lose out. This could be something that is taught and I think it mostly is, but this is not always the case.
not sure what you're trying to get at here, but god doesn't make me feel guilty, if i do something bad i feel all guilty by myself. it's part taught response part instinct and in no way does it have anything to do with a presence of god. people who do act in such ways haven't been taught that there actions have negative reactions, that or they just don't give a shit. once again, not quite sure what you are trying to say, but god doesn't have a part in the concious decision's that people make- negative or positive.

Everyone beleives in God deep down. Anyone who says they don't is a liar.
This implies you have been indoctrinated by religion all your life, which is very sad.
Originally posted by Sefter
Everyone has a conscious and they act according to this. If this wasn't true then people would just walk into shops and take what they want (despite the fact that they probably wouldn't get caught) and people would just do whatever they wanted.

People don't abide by common standards of morality because they fear the Lord. They comply, because they fear the Law, and the wrath of the righteous guardians thereof. It is by the unremitting hand of the constable, the enforcer, the bailiff, that the scrounging brigands are placated, not by His Word.
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This implies you have been indoctrinated by religion all your life, which is very sad.
mmm, i agree. through life long indoctrination comes very limited thought, people don't get to make their minds up about anything much that way. many people have believed the same things before us, why don't people want to explore a new frame of mind with the new mellenium we're in- one that is going to herald some amazing technology, technology that will need to be paralled by many types of new thought; not the same rehashed stuff that people have been going through for generations now.