So, what'll happen to me?

Either you pass into nothingness, or you are reborn into a state that fits your karma.

Take your pick.
The Christian respons


Do you know why the "Bible toting Christians" never lay off and never stop talking about God even after they get laughed at, yelled at, pushed around, and called all sorts of bad names? It's because they know they are speaking truth. Now, I'm not going to say you are going to Hell. That would be WAY to judgmental of a thing for anyone to say. But I will say that Hell is a very real place and God tells us in the Bible that even people who think they have lived "good" lives will end up there if they don't except His sacrifice. I'm sorry that no one has given you a reason to believe in God, but in His eyes you have all the proof you'll ever need. Good has shown us he exists through creation itself and through the Bible. That should be all the proof you need.
Now I am nothing but a sinful, broken girl who doesn't even deserve to be saved. I have seen that even through the "little stuff" I have hurt God enough to deserve eternal damnation. I know that I have broken God's heart in two, but all it took was me seeing my mistakes and asking forgiveness and suddenly my slate is wiped clean in the eyes of God. Not only that but there is this presence in my life that I could never live without now. It is obvious to me that you are not that self righteous. You correctly said that a life of unbelief and "little" mistakes is enough. You do see in your heart that you are wrong. So do something about it. I challenge you to search your heart, see through all the crap these other people have been feeding you (please don't take offence at that anyone, but that's how I see it) and look for truth. The Bible tells us that if we begin to look for God he will run to us with open arms. God is a God of relationships. He wants nothing more than our Love and attention. He is not a vengeful God who would send a truly sinless person to Hell, but we all know deep down that we've screwed up. Even if society excepts what we have done and even if it's not against the law it doesn't always make it right in the eyes of God. I think this is what you were looking for when you began this thread, so here it is. Bring on the persecution. Thanks for reading I know it's kind of long.
Re: The Christian respons

Originally posted by Mystee

I'm sorry that no one has given you a reason to believe in God, but in His eyes you have all the proof you'll ever need. Good has shown us he exists through creation itself and through the Bible. That should be all the proof you need.

But that's not enough proof, it's nothing like enough proof.

It takes a certain type of individual to accept the word of the bible, and what ever attributes it takes, I don't have them. That isn't ever going to change.

If there is a God, then I don't understand why He is prepared for so many of us to have no reason to believe. I genuinely have no reason to believe. I guess I'd like nothing more than to believe that when I die I go on to live forever in paradise (or whatever), but I've absolutely no reason to believe it to be the case.

Looks like I'd better get the tanning lotion in....;)
Originally posted by Ladybug
An interesting take on the subject can be found in Piers Anthony's novel, On a Pale Horse.

That was a good book. I read the entire series. I obtained them from possessions of a poor bastard that died from AIDS.

Oh, by the by, Croper . . . heh that has an uncanny semblence to "groper" . . .

. . . oh, yes, by the by, you're going to burn in the utmost fiery pit of Tartarus. Condemnation and perdition is all you can hope for; it's your penance for being such a irremedially nasty, intractably naughty nonbeliever.
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Re: Re: The Christian respons

Originally posted by croper

It takes a certain type of individual to accept the word of the bible, and what ever attributes it takes, I don't have them. That isn't ever going to change.

That's an advantageous and healthy sign, comrade. A portent of good things to come, indicative of a well-functioning mind.

You see, here in the world of sanity, which organized religion has chosen to reject, we call those 'attributes" by the names "naivete," "stupidity," and "gullibility".
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Re: Re: So, what'll happen to me?

Originally posted by Flores
each one for their own salvation my friend. ...Your deeds will determine your be rightous for your own good sake.
So the only reason to do good is to save your own ass… err soul?
So much for altruism. I wonder if Allah will note the hypocrisy.

Of course, He will. That means we're all going to burn in Hell. So one might as well live a barbarous, licentious, and all together immoral life and indulge in all life's forbidden pleasures! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA
Youre going to hell,youll be forced to sit at satans table and eat lots and lots of food,and drink lots of alcohol,before an afternoon of whipping bdsm style by some leather clad babes,and youll get raped repeatedly,plus its always hot.

Im going to hell aswell,im looking forward to it,satan's my best friend.
How Uncanny! Fafnir is his neighbor. You two should get together and tell us some funny stories. I'm certain there are a bunch.
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Originally posted by doom
Youre going to hell,youll be forced to sit at satans table and eat lots and lots of food,and drink lots of alcohol,before an afternoon of whipping bdsm style by some leather clad babes,and youll get raped repeatedly,plus its always hot.

Im going to hell aswell,im looking forward to it,satan's my best friend.

Satan is the deceiver. He may get you to follow him with thoughts like this, but he really cares nothing for your soul or your happiness. Hell is going to such for anyone who ends up there because they will realize the full love of God and then never see his face again. Yeah, I'll take love thatnks.

Christ's love to you,

Originally posted by Mystee
Satan is the deceiver. He may get you to follow him with thoughts like this, but he really cares nothing for your soul or your happiness. Hell is going to such for anyone who ends up there because they will realize the full love of God and then never see his face again. Yeah, I'll take love thatnks.

Christ's love to you,


No christ is the deciever,satan is just a figure you choose to blame everything on,satan has been the best friend the church has ever had.

I dont think like that,i dont think theres an afterlife,and i dont have a soul in the first place,no one does.

I like to throw satan at you peeps and fuel the fire so to speak now and again though.

Perhaps i AM satan,if im the ultimate deciever then maybe im decieving you,but you wont believe it and i know you wont believe it anyway cos thats the idea,my.... sorry his biggest trick was making the world believe he dont exist.

Hahahaaa,coarse as i say its all bullshit.
originally posted by croper
If there is a God, then I don't understand why He is prepared for so many of us to have no reason to believe. I genuinely have no reason to believe. I guess I'd like nothing more than to believe that when I die I go on to live forever in paradise (or whatever), but I've absolutely no reason to believe it to be the case.
Why not?<----Reasons to believe---->Why?
Maybe you should ask yourself if your reasons for "not being able to believe" are just as valid as any reason for belief would be...

Look at the responses you get. Atheists would mostly condemn you to hell (jokingly, maybe - but that is where they believe they are going if hell existed, and they would gladly take you with them). Muslims know enough about God, but have no reference from which to know salvation. Christians have two options: tell you what the Bible says, and tell you that God loves you enough that He could save you even in your doubt. What Jesus did and said was not because of exclusivity but for the sake of inclusivity. Not many people have the guts to realize this.

The rest will invariably tell you that whatever you need you can find within yourself - that you are your own salvation. If God promises you salvation, this amounts to rejecting His promise.
Do you know why the "Bible toting Christians" never lay off and never stop talking about God even after they get laughed at, yelled at, pushed around, and called all sorts of bad names? It's because they know they are speaking truth.
there is of course the wee tiny problem being that you don't actually know either way because there are no ultimate truths in this world that back up either religion or atheism.

the best idea is probably to just live your life to it's fullest. no-one can say for sure what comes after this and if it happens to be hell then you'll know that god really is a dick-head; if he can't see over his anal-retentive notions of scarifice's and acceptance's then he is not the all forgiving god that we all get told (read: force fed) about. besides, by the time eternity is over i think most will be used to their continual suffering in hell, heaven would be too boring anyway- never being able to hurt yourself would be a drag.
um, read the sentence again ;) no, seriously i don't think there are any really. i mean we can all agree on things we physically perceive but when it comes to explaining these things i don't think we'll ever get things precisely to a tee, no-one will collectively agree on anything these days. i guess ultimate truths for me are things that i perceive- no-one can change these perceptions of mine so they are ultimate to me. what i read into them or use to explain them are subject to change, i don't believe in god per ce for neumerous reasons, but they're my reasons, so no-one can make the perfect argument against my ideas because no-one will ever know what i think entirely. i dunno. nothing is ultimately true as we perceive things as humans, when our descriptions of things could be horribly wrong. i find our knowledge to finite to make asssumptions about the infinite, another reason i guess i don't believe in god. talk about stream of thought.
Re: Re: Re: So, what'll happen to me?

Originally posted by Raithere
So the only reason to do good is to save your own ass… err soul?
So much for altruism. I wonder if Allah will note the hypocrisy.


Sorry I didn't get to that in time, but who said that the only reason to do good is to save your own ass.....I didn't say that, but I'm a believer in putting light in my house before I become the street light. It's my philosophy, maybe harsh to some, but it works fine for me. First of all, I don't claim to know anything about how god will judge us, so I merely say, do your best and submit to the fact that you will one day be subjected to god's judgement and will have to accept with no choice the consequence of yourlife. I have submitted to that notion.
I have an Iranian friend at work that insist that he wants to go to hell. He said that all the bad girls are going to hell and he is sick and tired of the company of good girls.
I like good girls much more than bad girls. Am I the odd-ball, or is your friend?
It depends on your definition of good girl and bad girl. I think my friend is looking for a bad girl with no inhibitions. But I agree with you, it's not odd to like good girls, for example, I'm a good girls in a very very bad way.