So they are burning and looting in Baltimore tonight


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Valued Senior Member
I was listening to the councilman from that area and heard him say that it was wrong to burn, hurt and destroy but did not do anything to prevent it while he was in the streets with the rioters. Talking won't stop rioters and looters and even when the mayor said it should stop she ordered the police to pull back from where they were, which was protecting stores , to a location about 3 blocks away. That gave the rioters an open season on looting and more burning which they did.

If anyone with a sense of reason would allow the police to move away from stores they were already protecting that person doesn't have a very good sense of reason and shouldn't be listened to even if it were the mayor or councilman. To not give the police the orders they needed to control the riots they are just as guilty of inciting the riots as are those who participate. Now more building are on fire and because the police have been ordered to back away even more looting is going on.

How exactly does looting and burning stores who are black owned show anything other than disrespect for their own neighborhoods? Why does burning down family owned stores help the rioters cause of bringing justice to the person who was killed? What is wrong with those in charge in Boston to let this go on and not call in reinforcements to bolster the police and firemen? The National Guard should have been brought into help stop this before it got out of hand but it looks like the mayor doesn't think so as her city goes up in flames and looters take everything they want.

Bad day in Baltimore for everyone there.
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Obviously it's not a rational move, but an outburst of frustration on the part of the protestors. As far as the police retreating, sometimes that's a good tactic when a firm line means more violence and thus more anger.

There are many burning and looting do you want me to name them all or just use a phrase that encompasses those who are doing this? Since I doo not know each individuals name then I use "them" to include only those who are doing the illegal activities. Is there another word you can suggest?
Obviously it's not a rational move, but an outburst of frustration on the part of the protestors. As far as the police retreating, sometimes that's a good tactic when a firm line means more violence and thus more anger.

A "rational" outburst, stealing liquor and goods from their own neighborhoods stores that are owned and operated by people living in that community. How does burning down stores that are being operated by other neighbors in the area helping to stop police stupidity?
Does the city want this to happen? No. So they better make damn sure the circumstances that led to this don't happen again.

And it's Baltimore not Boston.
Does the city want this to happen? No. So they better make damn sure the circumstances that led to this don't happen again.

And it's Baltimore not Boston.

The mayor could have seen this coming and called out the national guard before the funeral happened. But she did not do that and, as I stated in the OP that she pulled the police away from the stores they already were protecting allowing the rioters to burn and loot. Again I ask how does burning and looting stop stupidity? Burning and looting only gives the "bad elements" to take advantage of a situation.

My bad for the location, but you understood where I meant.

We should be able to change the opening headlines.
CT, you've confused Boston with Baltimore.

Since they both start with 'B' I suppose it isn't that difficult to fo,but they are different cities, in different states.
CT, you've confused Boston with Baltimore.

Since they both start with 'B' I suppose it isn't that difficult to fo,but they are different cities, in different states.

Thanks for the information. I was already notified about that. My bad.
The mayor could have seen this coming and called out the national guard before the funeral happened. But she did not do that and, as I stated in the OP that she pulled the police away from the stores they already were protecting allowing the rioters to burn and loot. Again I ask how does burning and looting stop stupidity? Burning and looting only gives the "bad elements" to take advantage of a situation.
They are angry, you understand? It's not about organizing to make a difference at this point. It's past that.
Obviously it's not a rational move, but an outburst of frustration on the part of the protestors. As far as the police retreating, sometimes that's a good tactic when a firm line means more violence and thus more anger.
Is it frustration or opportunism? My guess is its more of the latter. And when the rioting stops residents will complain there are no business in the area. Gee, I wonder why.

Unfortunately, this isn't new. This kind of rioting occurs periodically.
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As I understand it, this is a more extreme case of police brutality against black males. They broke his back while he was in jail and he died there. Also I think the official version of what happen is to be released on Friday - 1 May 15. It had better identify and hang out to dry in the sun at least one cop, or things will get much worse, if it is a "white wash" away of police guilt.
As I understand it, this is a more extreme case of police brutality against black males...It had better identify and hang out to dry in the sun at least one cop...

I find it hard to believe that--given past perceptions on the part of the ignorant masses--police wouldn't be approaching all arrests that deal with black males with particular care...maybe Mr. Gray caused his own death by violently resisting... i.e. the police did nothing but in throwing some sort of fit, he injured himself or, the injury was a result of attempts at subduing him because he would not stop fighting? I don't know, is that a possible scenario or are there facts out there that point specifically at some action by police that definitely indicate police are at fault? If it is not known what happened, why the irrational destruction? It seems no one learns from past mistakes...people continually insist that certain groups do not represent threats and those certain groups continue to react before facts of a situation are known. Certain ones who--by perpetually refraining from rushing to judgment--are irrational in their restraint/refusal to bring justice, while the ones who, irrational in their lack of restraint, continually indulge in orgies of destruction for refusal to bring justice both deserve justice. Bring the justice due them in accordance with their respective behaviors. The present chaos seems a fitting 'downpayment'.

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Is it frustration or opportunism? My guess is its more of the latter. And when the rioting stops residents will complain there are no business in the area. Gee, I wonder why.

Unfortunately, this isn't new. This kind of rioting occurs periodically.
Right. Every time a cop murders someone in the community and there is no justice.
As I understand it, this is a more extreme case of police brutality against black males. They broke his back while he was in jail and he died there. Also I think the official version of what happen is to be released on Friday - 1 May 15. It had better identify and hang out to dry in the sun at least one cop, or things will get much worse, if it is a "white wash" away of police guilt.
Well, your conclusion is more than a little premature. But the police do have some explaining to do. From the video I saw, the arrested man appeared to be fine when he was placed in the paddy wagon. So whatever happened to this young man, it happened while he was in custody of police. And it is difficult to envision how he sustained such deveistating wounds in the back of a paddy wagon, even with the nickel ride. The police have some serious explaining to do. Was he injured by another prisoner? I don't know. Either way, police have some culpability here and some serious explaining to do.

In any case that doesn't justify the looting and burning of businesses which serve the community. Yeah, they are going to show the man by looting and burning down local businesses. No, they are just going to show the man what fools they really are. Now to the credit of the community, there are some very good folks who have tracked down their children who have been participating in the rioting and taken appropriate disciplinary measures. And there are people in the community who are actively working to quell the violence and restore order. There are some very good people in that community who are being overshadowed by the behavior of miscreants. That is sad. Martin Luther, would have been appalled at the rioting and rightly so. The CVS pharmacy and other pharmacies which were looted and burned didn't harm anyone. All those people who now do not have the medications they need because of the theft and destruction of the pharmacies harmed no one. The senior center didn't harm anyone. Where is the justice for the ill who now do not have the prescription drugs they need? Where is the justice for the seniors who rely on the senior center? There is no justification for the violence and the destruction of property.
Right. Every time a cop murders someone in the community and there is no justice.

What is justice? Is convicting an innocent cop justice? Is convicting a cop for crimes for which there is no evidence he committed justice? Justice isn't mob rule. Justice requires evidence. Justice requires due process of law. Convicting people without evidence isn't justice. Mob rule isn't justice. No, that's more like an excuse for misbehavior (e.g. looting, assault, & arson). In the Baltimore case, people began the rioting almost immediately. There was no time for due process of law. Justice takes time. And sometimes justice never happens (e.g. OJ Simpson). I don't recall the riots when OJ Simpson was acquitted. Oh, that's right, there were none.

If history tells us anything, a few years from now these same rioters are going to be wondering why there are no businesses in the area and of course they are going to blame it on racism. The fact they previously looted and burned down those businesses a few years earlier won't have anything to do with the lack of businesses in the area...oh no. It cannot be that.
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