So, Jesus died on the cross for our sins?

You do not see the second coming. Like you did not see the first.

A light is hidden in a basket, if you don't look in the basket.
bigal said:
Gods conscience is the collective conscience.
We produce what we want. The second coming is here.

I think I have seen the Young Christ King. He is bright and almost electrically ... looking for the right word... 'Positive'. He is enthusiastic and almost otherworldly in the degree to which nothing He does is simply Common Sense. He is not only Fearless, but he is delighted to encounter dangers. His adherence to Noble Ideals is almost exasperating. But his expectations and enthusiasm are contageous. Saying No to Him would be as heartbreaking as saying No to a a baby.
bigal said:
You do not see the second coming. Like you did not see the first.

A light is hidden in a basket, if you don't look in the basket.

The First Messianic Mission was a disaster. But there were the Three Kings. Idols toppled in both Rome and Egypt. People knew something was going to happen. And then there was a Ministry. Christ was only executed because he arrived at a scale of popularity which was considered dangerous on an international scale (the Pharisees convincing Pilot that Jesus was more than a local problem).

So it is not entirely correct that people did not see the First Coming. The Rural Communities did and largely recognized Him for who he was. Jesus was famous for 3 things in Judah -- He was know as having been the occassion for the Visit of the Caravan of the Three Kings. He was famous for having been the Twelve Year Old Prodigy in Jerusalem. And then for His Ministry. People were prepared for His Greatness and Appreciated it when it arrived on the scene. Only the Pharisees killed Him.

Now in regards to the 2nd Coming -- Our Lady the Blessed Virgin has made some of Her Greatest Appearances of all time just in this last Century. But I am aware of no indications that the Christ King is now a young man somewhere.

Then I have heard other rumors that this Dispensation will largely involve the Holy Spirit.

Sri Aurobindo -- Yoga's foremost Philosopher of the 20th Century saw no single Avatar on the scene but spoke of the Super Consciousness becomeing Manifest on this Material Plane.
bigal said:
You're waiting for something aren't you.


I feel semi-secure in waiting since I have had the experience of Angels and Visions keeping me more or less up to date.
They say the best things come to those who wait.
They say if you don't hurry, you'll miss the flight.
They say, you only get what's coming to you.
It obviously makes no difference.
You religious guys are very funny, but I admire you.
Beauty is in simplicity, in all walks of life.
Look in the mirror and look out of the window.
What are you afraid of?
bigal said:
Do you believe it will be a christian?

Not a Protestant. The Angels still refer to the Protestant Rebellion Churches as the Churches of Darkness.

I've met a few figures in my Dreams. One -- The Young King is so entirely Ideal that I can hardly imagine that, if He were Human, He would not come up in a Marian Tradition -- a Catholic. The other Figure is an extremely Large Blond Man (hair with a tinge of red) with pale blue eyes. He is NOT the Christ but will be an International Unifier. His affiliation will be Catholic. I know this because in the dream where we met, I was on the run from Agents of the Catholic Church who wanted to have me assassinated. This Great Blond Leader had a bodyguard who was sent to find me. I thought he too was one of the agents out to assassinate me, but was suddenly given reassurance that this particular agent was sent to 'bring me in'. Apparently, at some point there will be a Coup in the Catholic Church when the Catholic Church will go from being 'Roman' to being deliberately Universal with the aim of actively unifying the Three Higher World Religions.
bigal said:
It obviously makes no difference.

Somewhere in the Bhagavad Gita it says "know that in The Truth there is inaction in action, and action in inaction".

so it makes no difference, but it really does.
bigal said:
Look in the mirror and look out of the window.

The greatest Angel I've ever seen told me that 'Christ is the Life in All Things', so looking out the window is looking in the mirror, and looking in the Mirror is Christ looking back.
I know you know all the answers are inside yourself.
No religion is needed for that. No angels and no Bhagavad Gita's are needed.
Christ is in the mirror and God is the mirror.
bigal said:
You're waiting for something aren't you.

The time needs to be right. It reminds me of a Story about Christ. When He was 12 He had run back to Jerusalem and when His Mother came back for Him He told Her that He must be about His Father's Business. She told Him 'No! That Time is not yet come,Young Man, but when it does I will be sure to tell You, but now you are going to march Your butt home!'

18 Years later, at the Marriage of Caana, His Mother told Him to commense making the Wine from Water. He replied with a hint of sarcasm "I thought you said the Time was not yet come". Apparently for 18 straight years every day he had waited but not quite patiently. He had bided His time with some degree of resentment. But it turns out that Mary was right. There had been no big hurry to die.
bigal and Leo, you can just edit your posts instead of making loads in a row, you know.

historian2be said:
I know that if you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times, but let me say it again: Christians are not perfect, just forgiven. I am a Christian, and let me tell you, if automatically being perfect was part of the job description for Christianity, my life would be a lot easier. So, although we Christians are supposed to walk in Christ's steps, sometimes we mess up. That's why Christian women can't go through labor painlessly. Hope this helps!
I thought when you got baptised, or were born again, or became Christian or whatever, that that washed away all your sins: if it doesn't, how can Christians have any hope of getting to heaven? Unless you're saying all Christian women are somehow sinful, shouldn't some have a painless birth?

Leo, I'd ask you the same question. Don't you think there are some sinless, good Christian women today? Shouldn't they have painfree births?
bigal said:
You use biblical stories a lot.

The above story was actually from out of Anne Catherine Emmerich, the same Visionary who was responsible for much of the screenplay for that movie "The Passion".

I've been around and have read a lot and so I have many stories, biblical and otherwise.
bigal said:
Do you think there is any room for sarcasm in perfection?

Sarcasm and Irony are the Gold and Gems of the the Crown of Perfection.

Sarcasm and Irony are mitigations of Judgment and Anger.

It might be a mistake to suppose that Christ was perfect in the PC sense. Was Christ as Perfect as He needed to be. Every tool is built for the purpose it is supposed to serve. A Perfect Hammer will not do much for sawing a log in half.

In one of the Gospels of Thomas we are told that Joseph told Mary to keep the little child Jesus home because it was suspected that he was cursing to death people who would make him angry. So, when later in life He had mellowed down to only being sarcastic, I would suppose it was considered a great improvement.
So therefore there is no such thing as perfection. Only a perception of perfection.
Therefore Jesus was not perfect. I bet he even pulled one off in his bedroom once or twice.
So Jesus endured a whole days torture for us. He died, he rose, he died.
He gave in.
That is why the second coming is inevitable, but for what outcome?
To lose again?
You can never win, only be winning.
You can only win if there is an end.
Firefly said:
I thought when you got baptised, or were born again, or became Christian or whatever, that that washed away all your sins: if it doesn't, how can Christians have any hope of getting to heaven? Unless you're saying all Christian women are somehow sinful, shouldn't some have a painless birth?

Leo, I'd ask you the same question. Don't you think there are some sinless, good Christian women today? Shouldn't they have painfree births?

Somehow you are making a necessary connection between having a totally sinless history with being permitted into Heaven. Why would you think that? Paul said it, but he was being sophistical, not prophetic. To get into Heaven one does not require a clean History but a clean Soul. If you can repent and do penance and achieve absolution, then you can detach from the Karma of past Sins. If upon death you are still less then Pure -- then a brief burn-off in Purgatory will prepare you the rest of the Way.

Yes, it is not necessary to sin. However you are speaking in paradox when you talk about Pregnant Women not sinning. To become pregnant requires Sin. Sex is animal behavior. In the highest sense of the Word, sex is anything that is Non-Spiritual. Yes, Paul the Antichrist thought it was hilarious to bring sex into the Church and right up to the Altar by making Marriage a Sacrament. Actually that is quite an abomination. Marriage should have been left in the barnyard where all those affairs concerning animal 'breeding' belong. The Virgin Mary was not Human. She was the Immaculate Conception -- born of the Potency of Adam that was passed down from the Patriarchs in the Arc of the Covenant, She was like one of the Original Spiritual Beings... a direct daughter of Adam and God. She did not Sin because She did not have animal sex. Indeed, I am convinced that the Virgin Mary did not ever have human female genitalia. She had no birth canal. The Baby Jesus came out of Her in a beam of light.

So you are talking in paradox when you speak of a knocked up girl being sinless.

But allowing for all possibilities, if a sinless girl were to conceive, then the Protections of Heaven would assure her an easy childbirth.
Metaphorically yes, technically?
The superman scenario would have been much more believeable.