So... Did anyone get raptured today? LOL

i did. i'm telepathically transmitting this post from heaven right now.
Bad ass. Do they really have ALL the chocolate you can eat there, or was that just a rumor?

i'm not hungry anymore, and i feel like i just had sex ALL THE TIME, even though we don't have sex here. :shrug:
It's still just Saturday morning, California time, so it could still happen.

What I'm doing is getting ready to loot Christian homes when their occupants suddenly 'poof' off into heaven. Lots of cool HD TVs and expensive cars, all sitting there for the taking.

Of course, the problem is that here in Silicon Valley, I don't think that there's anybody that's devout enough to be raptured. We're all damnable heathens, damn it.

(Prospective looters greatly outnumber "the Elect" is my guess.)

That does raise a more serious point. Apparently the preacher that's caused all this excitement lives in Oakland. But I haven't heard anyone here in the Bay Area talking about the end of the world. I haven't seen any of those billboards that I've read are all over the place in other parts of the planet. It's basically a non-event in the preacher's own home turf.
do you ever think about how much time we spend eating and drinking and peeing and pooing?

farting, bloating,'s all so cumbersome.

If you take all those things away....What else do we have to do all day?
All day??

you can do whatever you want!! freedom!!! like today, i spent some time frolicking and then i sang a song, and i snuggled with some furry creatures, and now i think i'll create some art for my house made of gemstones!