Sleeping with the enemy

Does it me one racist if they say they dont like European/Slavic women. Due to to much Arm pit hair no just makes them not like Armpit hair I think.
Hmm. Well what does it mean when one says a whole group of people (no whole groups of people) are not attractive enough to warrant one to even consider sleeping with them?

Few, if any, would have said a word if someone said they wouldn't sleep with someone shorter then themselves (or taller or heavier or skinny or.....). Throw in the color of skin, and everyone's "racism meter" goes off loudly.

Baron Max
Few, if any, would have said a word if someone said they wouldn't sleep with someone shorter then themselves (or taller or heavier or skinny or.....). Throw in the color of skin, and everyone's "racism meter" goes off loudly.

Baron Max

You think not? Funny my 'meter' was going off loudly after reading the following but hey... I'm just an insane woman with a sexually repulsive gash, right?

It has to do with biology. I, for one, am not attracted to black men. That does not, in any way, mean that I am racist.

Ok... would you have sex with a horse? A dog? A gazelle? Or how bout this.... a midget? Or maybe someone 8 foot tall? Maybe someone who has no arms or legs. Or someone who stinks? No???? Why not? Because you don't find them sexually attractive.

So you see. Not fancying anyone but your twin is all down to 'biology' apparently and beyond question on this here science site.

Oh no hang on there is an issue about fancying your twin isn't there...?

BTW A 'racism meter' does tend to go off at the mention of 'racism' rather than 'fatism' for some reason.
BTW A 'racism meter' does tend to go off at the mention of 'racism' rather than 'fatism' for some reason.

This site is run by a black man ....James R (at least I think he's a black man?)... who just goes all to hell whenever racism rears it's ugly head. I think he probably has a program set up to alert him whenever the words "racism, race, racist" are used.

Fat-ism? Yeah, lot's of -isms are allowed here without much comment. But NOT racism!

Baron Max
So you don't see how my saying 'I don't find you attractive because you are black/asian' might slip into the realm of racism? Subconsiously even?

Doesn't someone saying that you shouldn't find those outside your tribe, race or culture attractive, slip into that realm?

How about if you do find those outside your race, tribe culture attractive are you racist against your own tribe, race culture for that?

No I don't. We are all discriminating about with whom we choose to mate and build our lives but that is not racism. Racism is about taking away someone's right to something. The equation for racism is power+privilege. When people fought racism they were fighting for their personal freedom under the law, their right to evolve in society unhindered, that freedom also includes being able to freely associate. Blacks tend to marry blacks, whites tend to marry whites and Asians marry asians that isn't racist.

Someone saying they don't agree with or believe in an inter-racial relationship is very different from saying that one isn't attracted to a certain group of people. But using your second example I would still say no. Its simply a preference on their part. Now if they tried to change the law so no inter racial marriage or union could take place then it would be racist.

No. If you are attracted to someone outside your race you are attracted to someone outside your race. It doesn't make you racist against your own race or culture.
No I don't. We are all discriminating about with whom we choose to mate and build our lives but that is not racism. Racism is about taking away someone's right to something. The equation for racism is power+privilege. When people fought racism they were fighting for their personal freedom under the law, their right to evolve in society unhindered, that freedom also includes being able to freely associate. Blacks tend to marry blacks, whites tend to marry whites and Asians marry asians that isn't racist.

What if your family or race or culture actively discourage you from 'marrying out'? What's that?

Someone saying they don't agree with or believe in an inter-racial relationship is very different from saying that one isn't attracted to a certain group of people.

How is it different? And can you see how the former might affect the decision making process of the latter?

Its simply a preference on their part. Now if they tried to change the law so no inter racial marriage or union could take place then it would be racist.

So the law is the only way to prevent inter-racial attraction and marriage?

No. If you are attracted to someone outside your race you are attracted to someone outside your race. It doesn't make you racist against your own race or culture.

What does it make you then to be attracted to another human being? Human? Or free, of sorts?
Many races discourage you from marrying an outsider. In Asia cultures like Korea and Japan have an active taboo about marrying outside ones race. Khmers and Thais also tend to look down on those who marry outside the race and I have come across the same with African-americans. I don't see this as racism. If someone is really interested in someone outside their race they are not going to be stopped by the suggestions of others. We have taboos built around class not just race, religion also comes into play. Someone who doesn't believe miscegenation to be a bad idea might only feel that way for themselves and others and not feel the need to have it actively banned. Not being attracted to someone is a matter of aesthetics and personal preference not a question of using power and prejudice to hurt another group of people.

The law is the deciding factor. A cultural taboo against marrying outside of ones group may lead to family alienation but there would be nothing preventing one from marrying outside of ones group. One can very well have cordial relations with no ill feeling towards another group but still have no desire to marry into it or have sexual relations with anyone among the group.

What characteristics I am personally attracted to is besides the point. Personally it wouldn't be race that is a factor but culture. I don't want to engage in an romantic sexual relationship with someone not raised in the west for example, so in that sense a black man and a white man from Europe or the States has more in common with me than someone from Mozambique for example. There are too many hurdles in cross-cultural relationships and there are certain things I would be unwilling to adapt myself towards. I have seen many gorgeous Khmer men but I have never found one towards whom I felt sexually inclined but I have no racist feelings towards Khmers. I just don't want to go to bed with one.
Rules of attraction?

Sniffy said:

What would be 'acceptable' reasons why?

Pure aesthetics.

Not wanting to have sex with someone isn't an indictment of character unless one makes it about that.

What is the difference, ethically speaking? And how does one determine the difference? I mean if I have been 'brought up' in a society that regards black and Asian people as inferior would that not have an impact on whether or not I find myself attracted to black people or Asian people? And if that were the case how would I personally be able to distinguish lack of attraction from racism?

Of course it would. But racism can make people attractive in certain ways, too. I would say, "Just ask Strom Thurmond,"° except he's dead.

The difference between lack of attraction and racism is found in people's reasons, although those are sometimes buried under layers of ego defense.

See also, Lucy's note on culture. She is definitely onto something, though one note I would add° is that while culture is not a constant across ethnicity, sometimes people need direct experience with that fact before they understand viscerally what they recognize academically.


° Just ask Strom Thurmond — In a minor irony, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)—most recently infamous for accusing President Obama of lying during a speech before Congress—denounced Essie Mae Washington's claim to be Thurmond's daughter as untrue, and, though he later apologized, went on to equate Thurmond to Thomas Jefferson, and said, "These are heroes of mine. I really hope these would be heroes to future generations of Americans." A slave owner and a segregationist who both had illegitimate children by black women; perhaps this is what passes for multiculturalism in South Carolina.

° one note I would add — I'm actually of the presumption that Lucy is already aware of this; I mention it explicitly because if nobody does, the nature of Sciforums is such that it will become an issue, anyway.

Works Cited:

Janofsky, Michael. "Thurmond Kin Acknowledge Black Daughter". The New York Times. December 16, 2003; page A28. November 23, 2009.

Colmes, Alan. "Wilson Bashed Strom's Mixed-Race Daughter In 2003". Liberaland. September 10, 2009. November 23, 2009.
What is the difference, ethically speaking? And how does one determine the difference? I mean if I have been 'brought up' in a society that regards black and Asian people as inferior would that not have an impact on whether or not I find myself attracted to black people or Asian people? And if that were the case how would I personally be able to distinguish lack of attraction from racism?

You might not be able to tell the difference because your racism might lead to a sublimation of any attraction you would otherwise have. But by definition, any society that regards black and Asian people as inferior is a racist one.
James R is black!?

Oh, for fuck's sake!

The guy is whitebread, white flour, chickenshit white.

O.K, I'm racist, I have a distinct preference for women who have any other colouring than white. I find any number of white women attractive but given a choice of sexy white woman or sexy dusky woman, bring on the twilight zone.

And BTW Sniff, don't pretend that your 'Devil's advocate' standpoint fools anyone ( O.k you fooled most), you've been attracted to the darkside. I'd bet my left nut.
I have to admit, I have never found black women sexually attractive. Even black supermodels. I don't really know why. I find mixed race girls super hot though.
Some kind of genetic personal preference I guess. I rarely find black women attractive, but I adore the skin tone of Indian and Iranian girls. But then I don't like supermodels.
I am the product of a mixed relationship (dad: chinese/vietnamese + mom: spanish(we're talking white, lisping redheads too)/korean). There's some pretty active racism amongst the elders, some even going so far as not wanting to sit in a restaurant with other family members because of the race difference. That's an unhealthy level of racism.

However, I think what most of the newer generations suffer from is more of a bias against cultures, rather than of actual race. For instance, if I see a grown man walking with shorts hanging past his knees, I have the urge to pants him and then push him under a moving vehicle. Do I actually do this? No. Does this have anything to do with what blood runs in his veins? No. It's a matter of what I consider to be a healthy, productive representation of a civil human being. Some families misinterpret not so popular culture for race, which is where we get stereotypes from (i.e. black gangstas, lazy wetbacks, smelly italians, and all that jazz). As long as you can learn to differentiate your dislike of the culture from the actual person who happens to be of the race, you'll be fine.

By the way, there is a wide range of "blacks" and "asians". I think it would be extremely hard to discriminate against them all, considering the fact that the racial group "asian" includes people from the middle east (look up asian indian). And let's not forget mixed marriage products. People tell me I look filipino, hawaiian, native american, or even mexican depending on the day. So unless you're actively looking at passports and genealogies, chances are you've probably already been with an asian, or maybe even a black mix, and not known it. If that makes you feel grossed out to the point where you can't stand to look at yourself, congratulations, you're a racist.