Size of the Observable Universe

That’s impossible! The earth had to be in a slightly closer orbit for the year to be a few days shorter, the tilt of the earth as no connection


This doesn't nessesarily have to be true.
But I'm not saying the world was on a perfect 360 day orbit, either.
It would make since though, 360% is a perfect circle.
Anything out of balance "slows down".
A 3-speed fan blower like those used in a common central air-conditioning system has to be tested for "vibration" before instalation.
If the blower wheel is slightly un-balanced, the motor doesn't even have the power to reach the RPM's to shift into the next gear..
Your talking centrifical force, anything spinning when throwed out of balance....will slow down.
I beleive man caused this catastophy, through science they had before the flood.
The bible says the conditions of mankind would be the same today as it was then.
Matthew 24:37 - "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
We don't have today, the ability to built the pyramids...
Can you imagine the force of the explosion it took to "tilt" the earth 23 1/2 degrees, and throw it farther away from the sun.
Looking down at the Himaliyan mountain range from space, it forms the ridge of a crater over 500 miles across.....
Russia today has a 100 megaton bomb,..... whats to stop us from making a 1 Gigaton weapon, or 10 Gigaton weapon....
Man has developed nuclear energy today....this is a common source of power.
The stars are powered by fusion. Man before the flood had 10 of our lifetimes to accumulate knowledge, living to be over 900 years old.
We attained nuclear power in less than 50 years of experimentation.
What excludes the posibilty of man as I have descibed, not man so-called "science" and archeology today would paint them as having been, also having discovered this common source of power.
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:eek: :m: Gwa ha ha! You can't be for real! So first you propose that the earth's tilt has something to do with the amount of days we have in a year. You appear to like the number 360 because that happens to be the number of degrees we ascribe to our measurements of circles. There is no reason why that number needs to correspond to the number of times the earth spins on its axis in the duration of time in which it makes one orbit of the sun!

Now you are proposing that earth became tilted because of a massive nuclear explosion caused by a bomb that the ancient Hebrews were able to design and construct due to their unusually long life spans on the order of 900 years! Perhaps it wasn't "the great flood" that eradicated the dinosaurs after all, but Noah (who was a nuclear scientist by night) who discovered that he could split a plutonium-239 isotope into two smaller fragments with a neutron, and that this would result in an incredible amount of energy in the form of heat and gamma radiation to be released. :bugeye:
Are you a air conditioner repairman? If so, then you have a crap job, you could be a televangelist with your artful bullshitting skills.

not kidding man, you could make millions

Can you imagine the force of the explosion it took to "tilt" the earth 23 1/2 degrees, and throw it farther away from the sun


If you read the scriptures concerning the world before the flood, It was watered by the dew that evaporated in the afternoon, and condensed at night.
There had never been rain on the earth to that time or even a single cloud.

It was "knocked" off it's axis by man, who tampering with science and nature cauesd the destuction. The imbalance caused the poles to shift, the areas that were tropical to become artic and visa-versa. however, the area around the pyramid site seems to have remained a center point.
God said, I will destoy...but let man do it to himself.
This is the way God does things many times.
He said I will delever my people...but sent Moses and empowered him to bring them out.
Believe what you will, but a prophet said this was what happened, and I believe it......
It lines up with the scriptures perfectly.
you knock a perfectly balanced terrarium off it's axis, melt the polar ice caps, break up the fountains of the deep...all that water in the atmosphere with out seasons condenced.......

You figure out the rest.
Your telling me there i enough water in the polar ice caps? If all the ice caps in the world melted it would raise sea levels 200 feet... that’s not enough to cover all land heck that’s barely enough to get ride of the “wang” state (Florida) infact there is not enough water on the whole planet to cover all land and there never was and never will be.
Are you actually trying to claim the flood didn't happen..?

That's just what they thought then too.....
Theres no water up there, .......
Where's it going to come from....?
Funny how those spirits are still around.
God takes the man, but not the spirit that was on the man.
It stays to come back upon another.
Noah preached for 120 years without a single convert.
They were a very scientific age, just like today.
Satan had blinded their eyes......just like today.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Are you actually trying to claim the flood didn't happen..?

I have seen some evidence that says there could have been a large flood in mesopotamia around when the bible says. I think it was on discovery channel. Do you have any scietific proof of a flood that covered the entire world? I would like to see it, to me it sounds highly improbable.

Originally posted by TheVisitor
They were a very scientific age, just like today.
Satan had blinded their eyes......just like today.

Scientific, indeed...except that it was in no way like our modern age. How was it scientific? And what exactly makes the prehistoric biblical world at all like the world of today?

Oh yeah, and every time you say Satan temped humanity or something like that, you sound like a child. I mean, all your credibility (what little you have) falls through the floor.

Actually today is not a very scientific age a good percentage of the world will agree with me.
So basically, only you and whoever agrees with your crackpot theory is blinded by Satan. What arrogance!

You couldn't even get a cut-down should read:

So basically, only you and whoever agrees with your crackpot theory is (NOT) blinded by Satan. What arrogance!

And you want to criticize the bible........
Don't quit your day job.
Well at least we agree TheVisitor, your delusional and live in a fairy word with goddess, angles and devils. We on the other hand don't but you can claim that Satan is blind us those reaffirming your delusion and making it impossible for us to argue against you. Let me guess Satan makes everything bad in the world and all people are inherently good at their core its just Satan is tempting them right?
Originally posted by TheVisitor
So basically, only you and whoever agrees with your crackpot theory is blinded by Satan. What arrogance!

You couldn't even get a cut-down should read:

So basically, only you and whoever agrees with your crackpot theory is (NOT) blinded by Satan. What arrogance!

And you want to criticize the bible........
Don't quit your day job.
I think you got the meaning of what I was saying despite my oversight in including the word 'not'. Hmm... now let me do some editing of your posts:

"Theres [sic] no water up there"

"They were a very scientific age" [Noah and those who lived in his time were an age, eh?]

"you knock a perfectly balanced terrarium off it's [sic] axis, melt the polar ice caps, break up the fountains of the deep...all that water in the atmosphere with out [sic] seasons condenced [sic]"

"It was "knocked" off it's [sic] axis by man, who tampering with science and nature cauesd [sic] the destuction [sic]."

"the areas that were tropical to become artic [sic] and visa-versa [sic]"

"He said I will delever [sic] my people"

And that is just in your prior three posts! You didn't hear me complaining about your awful grammar and spelling. The point is that semantics, while important for clarity of communication, do not affect the validity of the argument one is making.
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