Size of the Observable Universe


It`s like comparing `modern science` with the `Simpsons`...

But, i`ll go on with this humorous thread...

If i remember correctly, there was a great meeting of al the bishops of Christendom, in 325AD at Constantinople... where they decided what the doctrine was and which books to include into the bible...

Yes, they tried to make everything consistent and even rewrote sections... (from memory)
It seems that they left out the `fact` that jesus had a brother James , and (3?)sisters...
The Bible claims that there was light in the Universe on the first day; but in <b>Genesis 1:14</b>, the sun was not created until the 4th day...Doh!
Also the bibles `secret` mathematics involved ancient babylonian theology; the use of the number 7 and 40 seem to crop up too often...
Like as in the great flood story ...

The exodus `red sea` crossing was actually the `<b>reed sea</b>` (in the delta region), and was not just one mass movement, but one of <b>many</b> over centuries...

The translation for Mary as a VIRGIN was incorrect, it actually meant ~<i>young maiden</i>...

Perhaps we need another update/patch to amend these?

(It would be good to read that the world was created 4.6 billion years ago, or the universe 13.7.....)
But overall i would say that as a ancient record of events, it a good resource...

As for modern science..... ;)
You should go to a theology forum and say that! Those people can back up their bible pretty well except for the fact that they need to interpret it anyway they want to defend their claims… only proving that that bible is not a conclusive source of information.
Like I said, no contradictions only mis-intepretation
Those who stuggle with it's meaning, are perhaps reading someone elses mail....
But I will attest to the fact, there are no contradictions....

The two creations in Genesis, the mis-conception of the virgin birth...i.e. maiden does mean virgin., but Mary was not above other women in any supernatural way, she was favored to be chosen, thats all
These and other so-called errors are not errors as they seem, things were written by God, so they would need God's spirit in man to be properly interpreted. In the Bible lies the power to restore Man to the position he fell from with the power to create a world with his word alone.
Do you think He would let this power fall into his enemies hand, without it being in His plan.?
This power is now being returned to it's rightfull owner, after 6000 years.

There are many things that have been mis- construed, and it started shortly after Paul left the scene, and really got going in the 325 Nicene Council mentioned above.
That created a monster in the name of the christian church that slaughtered 68 million in the dark ages alone.

That is not a true representation of Christ's people. That is the anti- christ....They are against the Word, mixing thier false creeds and interpretations with truth to make a decieving lie. Christ was the Word............anti-Word is anti-Christ.
Not the unbeleivers, they don't believe it at all.
The anti-Christ is very religious, like Cain was.....and today are impersonating Christ.
Not only do they decieve the one's drawn into their trap, but discredit Christ to the outside world with their false interptations of His Word, and thier hypocracy.

He has always had a small reminant here with the truth in each age, for those really looking, whom He choses to call.
Thats who's mail it is, .....Not organized religion's, God never did start one, and when here in the flesh Jesus stood against them with every word he spoke.
He's doing the same thing today.
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No scholar or seminary student can do anything but scratch the surface of whats there, and blindly guess at it's meanings. ... It is only mis-interpretation, through men reading it with the human spirit, not the spirit of God.
That's not true, TheVisitor. The Lord of the Rings is the true word of God. I know it doesn't seem to elaborate much on this, but that's because people aren't interpreting it through the true spirit of God, like I am.

The Bible is just a distraction invented by Sauron to draw people away from the truth of his evil ways. If you would but open your heart to the message of LOTR and have a little faith, you would understand God's true purpose for us. I will pray for you in this regard.

Your friend in Frodo,
Jade Squirrel

Martin Luther was a German Catholic priest who felt that the Pope was misinterpreting the word of God. He founded the Protestant religion, so that lay people could misinterpret the word of God for themselves. (From the Online Atheist Dictionary).
Actually, Jade isn't as psyhcotic as she may seem. I don't know where I heard this, but I know that Tokien was a really big Christian, and there have been books written discussing the link between The Lord of the Rings and the Bible.
Oh Really

Why oh why would anyone care about the Bible?

A few thousand years ago when I was a young man everyone
believed in Gai, Zeus, Ares and Poseidon.
These where illogical Gods with silly complex contradicting stories all their own.
Yet people believed in it. They loved it. You brought fish to Venus when your love life was bad. You brought fresh game to Ares when your war wasen't going well. Ususally to burn in a brazer so the gods could get it's essence.
It seems silly now, or is it.
People belived it just as strongly as they believe in the myth of Christ and Satan today.

Throw off the chains of ignorance. We are all animals with the “god” given ability to think for ourselves.

If God really existed there would have been no Holocaust, no evil. I’m sorry but I stopped believing in God’s plan when it was proved to be fallacy again and again.

Oh what’s the use? Take it to a theological forum will ya? I want people to help me think not chase my tale.

Re: Oh Really

Originally posted by monkey
Why oh why would anyone care about the Bible?

People belived it just as strongly as they believe in the myth of Christ and Satan today.

Throw off the chains of ignorance. We are all animals with the “god” given ability to think for ourselves.

If God really existed there would have been no Holocaust, no evil. I’m sorry but I stopped believing in God’s plan when it was proved to be fallacy again and again.

I'm not going to criticize you for not believing in God, because I think that you are just as wrong as I am for believing in him. So, that also gives you no right to critcize me for having faith in God.
You said it yourself
the “god” given ability to think for ourselves.
That's why there was a Holocaust and that's why there is evil. And, what is God's plan to you? Are you implying God had a plan? The majority of the Christian faith is,

I think it's silly to debate the existence of a mythical being.

It's your right to believe anything you want.
As it's also your right to discuss it.

I just get tired of wasting time on this or any fictional entity.
I'd like it if the discussions on this board where limited to the observable.

For the record I do believe in many things I can't see. I have faith in these things, like gravity.
I would have more faith in God if he would show himself.
Since he hasen't he can't. Since he can't he won't.

But I do believe in Yogi Bear. I have excepted him into my heart.
For at least He offers Pikanic baskets to all. Boo boo.

Don't you dis Yogi. He is the one true Bear.
The argument is age old, and will never be "limited to the observable", despite what you may wish. And God can show himself, why He does not, ask some one who knows more than I. the Hell do you believe in "Yogi"?
One more series of needless comments.

First It's been Nice talking to you.

My real points besides the Yogi joke were the following.

I believe that a scientific forum is Not the correct place for a discussion about the existence of God.

In fact the original message was a query about the size of the observable universe.

What do I believe?
I believe that if God exists the only thing he has demonstrated to humanity is that he is either too busy or important to bother with them anymore.

I don't blame him for this. Having meet humanity I put it right up there with the Cobra or the mole rat for decency.
Besides He's a busy guy.
I mean he must be busy and all what with the creating and begetting and what not.

Probably the most important.
Let's say there is a God.
If God does exist there is no one living on the face of the Earth that can act as a spokesperson for him.
No one.

And If (S)he has a problem with me I'm sure (S)he'll let me know.

We would be less then insects to such a creature.
I for one would not dare put words into God's mouth,
It would be well just rude.

Besides, I haven't earned it. I haven't evolv...
Oh, uh sorry, I forgot, me bad.

Now Yogi I can understand.

He's Real.
He's Tangible.
Simply He is.
Well He is a Bear.

He even has a nemesis.
Ranger Smith.
In fact the original message was a query about the size of the observable universe.
All conversations change topic at one point or another. It's just always been that way. Whether it be a real life conversation, or a forum. Anyway, there are a lot of questions that we simply don't know the answer to. One of them is this: Why does God let bad things happen? Well, there just is no answer. Plain and simple. None. Now, as for Yogi, did he make the Universe? I think not.
For the record I do believe in many things I can't see. I have faith in these things, like gravity.
Actually, monkey, you don't need to have faith in these things because faith is belief without proof. There is proof of gravity.

Don't ever let a Xian accuse you of having "faith" in science. Science requires no faith; it requires proof.
You know the moral monkey was trying to say is that the faith one has to believe in Santa, Tooth fairy, Buggyman, Yogi Bear,,, ect. is the same as believing in god! :D
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Originally posted by monkey
Check back in a few thousand years and perhaps we'll have learned the answer.
Sorry, I don't expect to live that long unless I start believing in Jesus and am thereby granted everlasting life. And it's not looking good for me there. I'll have to go with our current best guess.

Originally posted by alice
universe is
..can't give it a 'size'
My question was limited to the size of the observable universe, for which we can estimate a size because we can observe it.

Originally posted by James R
For comparison, the bible thinks the value of pi is 3.
Ha ha! 1 Kings 7:23 and 2 Chronicles 4:2. Classic Bible verses! While we're on the subject, here are my two personal favorites:

“Now this man [Judas] purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.”
-Acts 1:18

[Said Jesus to Peter,] “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me.”
-Matthew 16:23
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

Don't mind TheVisitor, he's just a guy I stupidly invited from a theology forum.
Thanx a lot!
Anyway, most ancient mythologies have contradicting stories.
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To TheVisitor,

Isn't the Jewish year 360 days? I am almost certain that anytime the work "year" is used it referrs to 360 days.

To TheVisitor,
Isn't the Jewish year 360 days? I am almost certain that anytime the work "year" is used it referrs to 360 days......-AntonK


I believe your right...360 days.

Just like 360% in a circle...........
Which would make 12 - 30 day months.

This may have been the way the earth was before the "Great Flood" and the axis of the world tilted 23 1/2 degrees.
:eek: Are you now saying that the year was 5 and a quarter days shorter in the past because of the tilt of the earth's axis?
That’s impossible! The earth had to be in a slightly closer orbit for the year to be a few days shorter, the tilt of the earth as no connection. The tilt or wobble of the earth only controls the seasons. It is possible that the tilt could be out of sync with the orbit, that would produce the effects you want, but the tilt would naturally sync with the orbit do to tidal effect (because the earth has a parabolic orbit) this process though is horrifically slow and takes billions of years not the ~6000 that you need.