Sinner or Saint: Which are you closer to?

Well, if there were no humans to observe the Earth orbiting - how would you know? You only "know" because your senses tell you so. So long as truth must be filtered through human eyes, there will always be a subjective aspect however high the degree of certainty. Agreed?

I, personally, know because of my senses, but whether I have those senses or not would not alter the fact of the sun existing, would it?
We are talking about the difference between 100% certainty and 99.99999% certainty. Does the sun exist with 100% certainty? No. So, long as the evidence for the sun's existence is filtered through subjective human senses, we cannot be 100% certain the sun exists. Does the sun exist with 99.9999999% certainty? Yes.
Only if you subscribe to solipsism, which I said earlier.
What certainty do you have that it will cease to exist when you stop observing it?
Good point. You can label it whatever you like, but everything we think we know is filtered through subjective human interpretation and thus always "subjective" to varying degrees.
Good point. You can label it whatever you like, but everything we think we know is filtered through subjective human interpretation and thus always "subjective" to varying degrees.

Ah, now we're getting somewhere...
Oli said:
I, personally, know because of my senses, but whether I have those senses or not would not alter the fact of the sun existing, would it?
Notice the "personally".
What we know and what is real are two different things.
Australia existed (bad example because there were the native population there) before we knew about it - undiscovered islands existed before we knew about them.
They were real before we had knowledge.
Knowledge is subjective, the reality isn't.
What we know of the sun is limited by what we can measure - but it's still there.
No, you are only 100% certain the sun is there. As for true knowledge that the sun is there without reference to human senses, you can't prove it with 100% certainty. You are only so convinced that it's there - that you jump to the wrong conclusion that it must be there. No, it doesn't have to be there. You have no frame of reference besides your own senses to draw that conclusion. Your senses are subjective.
Good point. You can label it whatever you like, but everything we think we know is filtered through subjective human interpretation and thus always "subjective" to varying degrees.

In which case, what makes you think you could ever know anything, including whether there is a God. If we do not believe our senses, the interpretation of stimuli in our environment, how do we know that we exist at all? Do we exist because we believe? No, otherwise there would be no atheists...
No, you are only 100% certain the sun is there. As for true knowledge that the sun is there without reference to human senses, you can't prove it with 100% certainty. You are only so convinced that it's there - that you jump to the wrong conclusion that it must be there. No, it doesn't have to be there. You have no frame of reference besides your own senses to draw that conclusion. Your senses are subjective.

So the sun wasn't there until we noticed it and will no longer be there when we stop looking?
This IS solipsism.
I am responsible for everything I see... if I don't pay attention to it it ceases to exist.

Which is more likely - we conjured things out of thin air and claimed we discovered them or we actually discovered a pre-existing island?
It makes less sense to say that it only exists BECAUSE we sense it - that's the ultimate arrogance.

If pushed I'll admit there's a vanishingly small chance that we actually did create the universe by noticing it (and we create new stars and galaxies as we invent better telescopes), but this is so unlikely as to be easily dismissed.
I think therefore I am. Well, actually I think I think. Can't be 100 percent certain of anything, when our knowledge is solely contained within our brains which is subjective. Yes. Yes. It sure seems like the sun must exist. But, still can't prove it with 100% certainty.
There is something called the sun that affects my senses - whether it is also exactly what you call the sun may be debatable.
But there is something there, agreed?
Otherwise my/ your senses couldn't detect it?
Else there'd be nothing for us to have a consensus on what the word "sun" refers to?
I agree the sun is there. I am just not 100% sure. I am 99.9999999% sure, but I can't fully commit given the fact that only my subjective senses tell me it's true. Is there such a thing as objective truth? Yeah, probably. But, again I can't be 100% certain of that.
I'm 100% certain something is there - otherwise the entire world is suffering a mass consensual delusion.
And I choose (or was taught) to call it the "sun".
Its effects are consistent from person to person, year to year, pretty stable illusion, don't you think?
You can't be 100% certain. As you point out, there is the possibility of illusion. There's the possibility you are a brain in a vat on some distant planet. I'm not saying these outlandish possibilities are true. I am only saying you can't rule them out, so you can't be 100% certain.
I keep meaning to read the "serious" philosophical expositions on that, but never find the time.
Yeah I could go with the brain in jar theory, but there's no evidence for it...
Conceded, but so is me being responsible for everything...
there's no actual evidence for it, just wild ideas.
But there is something we call the sun - even if we're brains in a jar there's something that gives us the impression that the sun is there. Verifiably and consensually there.
Regardless of what we use to check.
The only evidence for the brain in the jar is that it's possible. That's my whole point.

if the sun went into super nova and blew up our entire solar system and destroyed every single planet including earth (obviously)

did that not actualy happen just because our senses were destroyed with the planet? or did it actualy have an impact within the universe.

reality is not subjective only the way we sense things are.
