Sinner or Saint: Which are you closer to?

Hitler may have started out as a Christian, but he certainly didn't end there. Nazi Germany is a perfect example of where non-religious forces can turn good people into bad people. The Nazis were nationalistic facists - not religious. As to whether it's so difficult to be good without religion, well if there is no God why shouldn't I do whatever I want? Isn't this selfishness the definition of evil?
How bad or good are you people?

its a subjective matter depending on what people think good or bad is.

in my personal opinion im not a bad guy. but to the government and law system im seen as bad,

i think im a good guy im not evil hearted and spitefull. but i know some religious people would say im a sinner etc etc.

Good is really defined by how well you get along with other people. After all, if you were the only person on the planet, could you really do anything wrong?
Is how well you get along with people just an opinion? It seems to me there can be objective observations made along those lines.
So, if someone shoots someone else just because they wanted to try out a new gun, this anti-social behavior is bad only because I think it is?
So, if someone shoots someone else just because they wanted to try out a new gun, this anti-social behavior is bad only because I think it is?

yes, obviously the person who shot they guy didnt think it was bad did he. and the pigeon who saw it happen most likely didnt think anything of it.

its a human subjective opinion.

But, if there were only two people left on Earth, a man and a woman, and the man tries out his new gun on the woman killing her and thus ending our species, this is not objectively bad?
But, if there were only two people left on Earth, a man and a woman, and the man tries out his new gun on the woman killing her and thus ending our species, this is not objectively bad?

Prevention of future incest?
But, if there were only two people left on Earth, a man and a woman, and the man tries out his new gun on the woman killing her and thus ending our species, this is not objectively bad?

to whos objective? what if the man does not want the human race to survive and he "thinks its bad for the earth"

then to him its not "bad"

Obviously by "objective" we generally mean a consensus view made of lots of subjective minds. There is no Mr. Objective out there to ask. Of course the killer probably thought he did nothing wrong, but the consensus will be that he did.
Obviously by "objective" we generally mean a consensus view made of lots of subjective minds. There is no Mr. Objective out there to ask. Of course the killer probably thought he did nothing wrong, but the consensus will be that he did.

Nope. By objective we mean 'what is' regardless of human concensus / interpretation. In other words, it is what reality says is true.
All reality is only seen through the lens of human interpretation. Yes, measuring the speed of an object may seem as if it is outside the realm of human interpretation, but it is not - because the observer is going to be human. Accordingly, there is no objectivity that can escape the limits of human interpretation. When we speak of objectivity, we are assuming this will be seen through human eyes.
All reality is only seen through the lens of human interpretation. Yes, measuring the speed of an object may seem as if it is outside the realm of human interpretation, but it is not - because the observer is going to be human. Accordingly, there is no objectivity that can escape the limits of human interpretation. When we speak of objectivity, we are assuming this will be seen through human eyes.

the human eye is not an opinion though. it is something that all humans have to use in order to use our sense of sight.

the fact stands that opinions are subjective. to western society is it ok to eat other people or wrong? well to many cultures eating people is not wrong. wich is an opinion. regardless if the opinion is held by an individual or the masses its still an opinion.

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