signs of Doomsday.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
- but saying some big invisible guy knows the exact date has no credibility, no value, and is really quite inconsequential to the argument of earthly destruction. Earth will cease to be someday- still doesn't mean it's because of anyone.

Snake, you have wrote so much under so many threads and didn't understand anything. GOD IS NOT AN INVISIBILE GUY IN THE SKY. Can you at least get that. We don't know what god looks like. He might be an ultimate combining force, a forming energy, ect. But we know that this force is responsible for all creation, alteration, and end. This force has free will and know what it'd doing....It's no invisible green elephant or man though. Please elevate from kindergarden already so you may understand theism better.
Originally posted by heflores
We don't know what god looks like. He might be an ultimate combining force, a forming energy, ect.
I might be inclined to believe in the possibility of a god if we were to agree it would just be a force of some kind.
But I will never believe anyone in history knew anymore than we do which is nothing. Therefore I don't believe in the bible the Quaran(sp?) or whatever.

I don't believe this god would give a damn about what we are doing in our insignificant lives.
This combining force or power which we may call god have never talked to individuals with the exception of Moses, and even to Moses, information were revealed to his Mind and god didn't speak to him in a typical sense like I would speak for instance.

The force has revealed to Jesus words, so has it to Muhammed. Since ancient history we all know that looking at the face of god is death, because this great power or force can not be near us lowly carbon atoms in our current form. God may only communicate with us from behind a veil.

Please note that energy and force are still lowly terms to when it comes to talking about god. Power is a more complicated terms, because it multiply the force by the velocity. Other more complicated terms may come closer to describing god, but I don't think we can agree on a mathematical equation, because a creation will never become more sophisticated than it's creator. And we must be more sophisticated to understand it.

On that same token, angels are not chubby white children in wings. In the Quran, angel are described as tough planets, while devils are described as rejected shooting stars.
Originally posted by andy1033
[Bwhat is that all about, man does not need to terraform mars yet, people have visions of artificle towns and cities first. they know terraforming may take centuries. you do not see in my post that i said within 100 years mars is going to be like earth. mars as we all know would take centuries to terraform, and by the way we have all the gasses and water already there on mars, we just need to unlock it, and this is something we will do.

again i say man is virtually unstoppable

It's impossible to make artificial towns that will ensure survival of man because of the simple rule of supply and demand. Mars does not offer us any of our supply of water, energy, food, ect...that would put up with our demand for infinity. The current models look at forming artificial towns that would resupply from earth often. Without earth, there is no hope for Mars, unless god decides it to be an cause a climatic change that will render Mars habitable.

Plus, we have never succesfully even travelled to Mars. The furthest man have went was to the Moon, and there is no plan to cultivate the moon that I'm seeing 40 years later. We have never collected data from Mars or established it as favorable grounds for man habitat. Are you talking out of your butt again.
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Snake, you have wrote so much under so many threads and didn't understand anything. GOD IS NOT AN INVISIBILE GUY IN THE SKY. Can you at least get that. We don't know what god looks like. He might be an ultimate combining force, a forming energy, ect. But we know that this force is responsible for all creation, alteration, and end. This force has free will and know what it'd doing....It's no invisible green elephant or man though. Please elevate from kindergarden already so you may understand theism better.

Lol you really need to take a chill pill. No need to resort to petty little insults. It is just a figure of speech. Exactly the same as everyone referring to god as 'he'. Do you tell them to elevate from kindergarten because they use masculine terminology for a being that might not be? I use the term guy in the sky, get over it.

We don't know what god looks like.


It's no invisible green elephant or man though

How would you know? You just said above 'we' don't know what god looks like.

But we know that this force is responsible for all creation, alteration, and end.

No 'we' dont. That's a baseless assumption. However, you can believe as you like without worry. I wont tell you to 'elevate from kindergarten'.

My personal stance on the issue is if there is a creator/s then it/they were alien beings. As you cannot disprove this claim i have total right to call them the 'guy/s from the sky'. I can in fact call god whatever i want to. I do not believe in the same things you do so why should i have to subscribe to your beliefs over what/who god is?

I will consider you've probably had a stressful day so i will ignore the angry tone in your post to me and the pointless nature of the post.
Great then we agree. You have your own religion with alien guys in the skies that abduct you for sex every night and I have my god with the limited description that I gave....Just don't come questioning my post so arrogantly though and not except me to ruffle your feathers a bit......That's why I give you back your advice to chill and don't view every post that threatens your short and narrow train of thought as an insult.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I might be inclined to believe in the possibility of a god if we were to agree it would just be a force of some kind.
But I will never believe anyone in history knew anymore than we do which is nothing. Therefore I don't believe in the bible the Quaran(sp?) or whatever.

I don't believe this god would give a damn about what we are doing in our insignificant lives.

"Better to live your life as if there were a God and find out that there isn't, than to live as if there weren't a God....then find out that there is";)
Great then we agree.

No we dont.

You have your own religion with alien guys in the skies that abduct you for sex every night and I have my god with the limited description that I gave...

Oooh such vicious insult. Kindly stop being a prick, it doesnt suit you. The fact is i can refer to god any way i please. You were the one who got all pissy about it. As you obviously cannot read i will restate that IF there was a god i would hold the impression that it/them was/is in fact an alien/s. religious scriptures give me this notion. I hardly think my post gave rise to any inclination that i get abducted by any aliens at night and have sex with them. Is it possible you were just being childish? It certainly looks that way.

Just don't come questioning my post so arrogantly though and not except me to ruffle your feathers a bit....

Ummmm i didnt even refer to any of your posts... I simply said that many people have predicted the end of the world. The bible does so just like countless others have done throughout history. Even if something disastrous did happen it wouldn't neccesarily mean or be an act of god, (the guy in the sky). Learn how to fucking read then 'ruffle my feathers'.

That's why I give you back your advice to chill and don't view every post that threatens your short and narrow train of thought as an insult.

Eh? I said 'the invisible guy in the sky' and you went all mentally deranged on me. You stated im not allowed to refer to him as the guy in the sky cause the facts are yada yada yada. Who has the narrow train of thought? It's amazing how quickly people will accuse others of their very own attitudes. Now go learn to read then come back when your pmt has subsided and we'll talk.
Out of curiosity, why does it say we will wear clothes of silk, and animal fur, are these like prophecies that come true one by one, or do they all hav to be true at once?
another signs of doomsday is the purge of god from our lives. when religion was finally "thrown out" of public society, it was a victory for satan. even in teaching morals has turned people away from god because now it is taught with out the authority of god. and without the authority of god, our morals are based on our opinion, and we have different opinions. so chaos is ensuing now, and lo and behold, our society is decaying. kids just throw stuff out the window like it was nothing. they vandalize and destroy things. 100 years ago this stuff wasnt happening.
To edgar:

You Go Bro!!!

( I had to post something so I will get the e-mail notice. I want to watch this thread. Tis Good!)
forget the signs given above. there are some very true signs THAT HAVE ALL COME TRUE THIS CENTURY (hundreds of them that are clear no way is it possible that these could of been prophisced 1400 years ago. if you said these to a peron 1400 years ago they would of laughed at you but noe they re true). ill make a thread soon but for know just watch the FREE VIDEOS (or buy video) about the signs at

the VIDEOS ARE GREAT with detailed explanations and graphs, facts etc and shows some great stuff on the video. CHECK IT OUT.

and also heflores who said signs arent true dont know nuffin of Islam. Allah revealed hundreds of sign to the days are coming. "suddeny" means people will not be ready ofr it as their are still evil.
Jesus is not God nor the son of God. if you think anyone who needs to go to the toilet and have a shit is God then your messed up in the head. do you think Jesus felt "God Like" on the bog? :m: :eek: he was a great Prophet nothing more.
So God is not able to come down as man ??
God is to good to do that ??

God would do as he pleases and
who are you to say what God did or cant do.

Remeber God can do as he wants and has done so.

The profits perdicted that he would come in old testament and
He did in fact come. Not only that he will come again.

it is written that a False Religion would come and try to discredit what God did on earth. It is writtin in Revalations New testament it also fortold the End as well.
This combining force or power which we may call god have never talked to individuals with the exception of Moses, and even to Moses, information were revealed to his Mind and god didn't speak to him in a typical sense like I would speak for instance.
While God does not seem to be the talkative type or perhaps we just don't listen to him too often, he does speak both audibly or internally.
K guys, there was this fella on the side of the street and he yelled at me that all the naturally forming, finite resources of this earth are running out, especially oil, because it is the work of satan and he doesn't want us driving our cars to work. Man, no one saw this coming, this guy is like some sort of prophet. And apparently watch out for animal skin thongs and a high likelihood of getting burn't if you sit out in the midday sun with no sun screen on. It's all pushing us away from god. The devil says boo and the whole world jumps and the resulting force knocks us off our rotation around the sun and we go hang with venus, then mars, then venus, you get our drift...?

Seriously, that list was silly (I'm being a bit silly myself but it was one of those days). An example, earthquakes don't occur because of the constant shifting of the earth's tectonic plates. This is obviously the work of satan. I mean, convection currents can't possibly be real. This is hard to take seriously. I'm sorry (but not really).

"Better to live your life as if there were a God and find out that there isn't, than to live as if there weren't a God....then find out that there is"
I had to respond to this, even though you had the winky smiley face finishing the sentence. I don't agree because if we only get one life, then for example become a preist for some retarded reason, we then miss out on the beauty of the whole female- mind and body (and vice versa for females of course). Heaven to me sounds like eternal boredom so why stop yourself from doing the fun stuff in life while you can? (granted I am taking the most pruish example of religious people and then stereotyping all religious people, to all those gullible enough to reply, don't :D)

I'm out, this is all too ridiculous.
Joe said:
So God is not able to come down as man ??
God is to good to do that ??

God would do as he pleases and
who are you to say what God did or cant do.

Remeber God can do as he wants and has done so.

The profits perdicted that he would come in old testament and
He did in fact come. Not only that he will come again.

it is written that a False Religion would come and try to discredit what God did on earth. It is writtin in Revalations New testament it also fortold the End as well.
Jesus is not God nor the son of God. if you think anyone who needs to go to the toilet and have a shit is God then your messed up in the head. do you think Jesus felt "God Like" on the bog? he was a great Prophet nothing more.
LOL its to bad that you have an image of what you believe God to be limits you in your though.

God is all things and can take any form he is not limited as you or I.
Weather he choose to come down and show us the way to evelasting life is up to him.
he also warned us of false profits that would come.

believe what you wish I will pray for you in any case as you truley are seeking God and that in itself is worthly peace be with you seeker of God.
Conclusion: Jesus of Nazareth is a figure of history

Clearly there are events recorded in connection with Jesus’ life that many non-Christians will not accept, such as the miracles, the virgin birth, and the resurrection. However what is beyond dispute is that Yeshua (‘Jesus’) of Nazareth was a figure of history, who lived, attracted a following in his life time amongst his fellow Jews and was executed by crucifixion by the Roman authorities, after which his followers spread rapidly. Both secular and Christian sources of the period agree on this.

The primary sources for the history of Jesus’ public life are the gospels. These were written down relatively soon after his death — within living memory — and we have every indication that these sources were accepted as reliable in the early Christian community, during a period when first and second hand witnesses to Jesus’ life were still available.

We conclude that any statements about ‘Isa (Jesus) in the Qur’an, made six centuries after Jesus’ death, must be judged against the historical evidence from these first century sources, and not vice versa.
edgar said:
another signs of doomsday is the purge of god from our lives. when religion was finally "thrown out" of public society, it was a victory for satan. even in teaching morals has turned people away from god because now it is taught with out the authority of god. and without the authority of god, our morals are based on our opinion, and we have different opinions. so chaos is ensuing now, and lo and behold, our society is decaying. kids just throw stuff out the window like it was nothing. they vandalize and destroy things. 100 years ago this stuff wasnt happening.
what a crock when God/Xianity ruled it was called the dark ages! :eek:

how can we be moral without gods?