signs of Doomsday.


These were revealed over 1,400 years ago..

People will leave prayer.

3. Lying will become an art.

4. There will be murders on the slightest of disagreements.

5. Interest will become common.

6. There will be very tall buildings.

7. People will sell religion for the world.

8. People will treat relatives badly.

9. Justice will become a rarity.

10. Lies will be considered truth.

11. Clothes will be of silk.

12. Persecution will become common.

13. Divorces will become common.

14. Sudden deaths will increase.

15. The usurper of Ama’naat will be considered honest and honorable.

16. The keeper of Ama’naat will be called an usurper of things given to him for safekeeping.

17. Liars will be thought of as honest.

18. Honest people will be thought of as liars.

19. False accusations will become the norm.

20. It will be hot in spite of rain.

21. Instead of wishing for children, people will pray that they not have children.

22. People from bad backgrounds and with bad upbringing will live a life of luxury (material, not peaceful).

23. Good people, when they try to practice, will be cut off from the world.

24. Previously good people will also usurp Ama'naat.

25. Leaders will become persecutors.

26. Ulema and Qaris will commit adultery.

27. People will wear clothes of animal skin.

28. But their hearts will smell and will be dead.

29. And will be bitter.

30. Gold will become common.

31. Demand for silver will increase.

32. Sin will increase.

33. Peace will become rare.

34. Ayaats from the Quran will be decorated and calligraphy will become.

35. Mosques will be decorated.

36. And will have tall Minars.

37. But hearts will be empty.

38. Alcoholic drinks will be consumed.

39. Punishments ordered by the Shariah will be revoked and will not longer be implemented.

40. Women will order their mother around.

41. People who are with naked feet, naked bodies and against religion will become kings.

42. Women will trade along with men.

43. Women will imitate men.

44. Men will imitate women.

45. People will swear by things other than Allah and the Quran.

46. Even Muslims will be prepared to give false testimony, without being incited to it.

47. Only people one knows will be greeted with the salaam.

48. The knowledge of the Shariah will be used to earn worldly things.

49. Acts, which earn the Akhirah, will be used to earn the world.

50. Assets belonging to the nation will be considered and treated as personal treasures by the rulers.

51. Ama'naat will be considered ones personal asset.

52. Zakaat will be considered as a penalty.

53. The lowest and the worst man in the nation will become its leader.

54. People will not obey their fathers.

55. And will mistreat their mothers.

56. And will not hold back from harming their friends.

57. And will obey their wives.

58. And the voices of the men who commit adultery will be raised in mosques.

59. Women who sing will be treated with great deference.

60. Instruments of music will be kept with great care.

61. Alcohol will be drunk on the highways.

62. People will be proud of their acts of persecution.

63. Justice will be sold in the courts.

64. The number of men in the police force will increase.

65. Instead of music, the Quran will be used to gain pleasure for its tune and style (qirat), not for what it preaches, its meaning or for rewards in the Akhirah.

66. Animal fur will be used.

67. The last of the Ummat will curse those before them (clearly seen today in people who call the Prophet’s companion’s names).

68. Either Allah will send a Red Storm upon you.

69. Or Earthquakes.

70. Or your faces will be changed.

71. Or a rain of rocks from the skies. Asteroids? Meteors.

72. Lies will become a habit of the rulers and the rich.
By the way, this guy who is to frigging lazy to sign up wants me to post this response for him:rolleyes:
"Well DAM... looks like we're all f&cked. Giant going away drinking party and orgi at my house.
Ejo Thims
There are no signs about the dooms day. The hour of this day is kept secret with god. Prophet Muhammed would have never dwelled in talking about signs of the hour, because when he asked god about this very same question, he was told NO....

Here's the Quranic verses to that effect:
The Elevated Places
[7.187] They ask you about the hour, when will be its taking place? Say: The knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none but He shall manifest it at its time; it will be momentous in the heavens and the earth; it will not come on you but of a sudden. They ask you as if you were solicitous about it. Say: Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most people do not know.
bhudmaash :::

dude, im sorry... those are things that have existed for ALL TIME. I can go through one by one and show you these things throughout history. People have been expecting the end of the world since almost the beginning of the world. Jesus' disciples were even expecting Jesus to return before their lives had ended. Dont be a jerk.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:
the title got me a bit excited, but i am afraid that there is bad news. mankind is virtually unstoppable.

i always laugh at these sort of stories, but there do not seem to come to grips with the fact that what actually can stop mankind now. we are advanced enough to stop virtually all doomsday events. and people are often talking about aliens coming and wiping us out. why would they do such a thing. the universe could not exist if civilisations went around destoying each other.

just what mankind are going to become is really up to them, like i don't mean that man is going to become somehow better. i happen to believe that there is more evil in the world than there ever has been
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Unfortunetly, you are wrong in us being unstoppable.

Have you ever studied hydrology, seismic, oceanology, Geology, ect. Man have no knowledge of the frequency and magnitutue of occurance of any of those events....Any of those event could easily cause a doom day.......when the type for the occurance is ripe of course.
what i meant was no matter what event like to do with nature came about, it may even kill 99% of the human race, but our species will still survive guaranteed.
the human race has and will have worst case scenarios studies for governments like the usa. so whatever happens governments like the usa will and are investigating it, because they know they have to be ready and they know they are not foolish enough to deny the dangers exist.

it is like the threat of meteors. the american government do research this, but they deny this to the public. they have plans on certain scenarios, but they are not going to tell the public because they see it as scare mungering. and why would the public even be needed to be told of such an event unless the government could not stop it and it was a global killer as sciencetists call them

so i say again man is virtually unstoppable

this does not mean there might not be massive disaters, but the government have plans in place if something does happen. remember like i say if something happened whenever and killed 99% of the human race there still are 1% left to carry on the species.
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And do we also study the age of our very earth. For example, when will the earth completely cool down to the core to the point that it would shatter and become a meteor shower just like other planets???

Please don't imply that our knowledge is above nature and universal law. We are just here because our envinronment allows it, the minute our envionment change, we're white house bunker will save humanity.
Persol, socialistprophet....guys chill out!!!! was late one night....I thought I'd throw this in the Arena...jeez! Take it easy.
Jerk?!! steady on old chap...
Originally posted by bhudmaash
Persol, socialistprophet....guys chill out!!!! was late one night....I thought I'd throw this in the Arena...jeez! Take it easy. Jerk?!! steady on old chap...
Lol, all I said was Most of these things were true 1500 years ago too.... Chill out guy!!! I thought I'd throw this is the Arena... jeez!
Originally posted by heflores
And do we also study the age of our very earth. For example, when will the earth completely cool down to the core to the point that it would shatter and become a meteor shower just like other planets???

Please don't imply that our knowledge is above nature and universal law. We are just here because our envinronment allows it, the minute our envionment change, we're white house bunker will save humanity.

what is our rate of accelarartion of knowledge. can i ask you this. we are only, let's make a conservative guess here - only one hundred years away from being able to put men living on mars(it will probably be shorter than that. what are the chances of what you describe happening without the human race not knowing about it within the next hundred years. there is no chance of that happening in a hundred years. so this time next century, there should be some sort of colonization of space whether it is on the moon or on mars.

can you at least accept that, the human race will last until we colonise somewhere else, and then we have greater chance of survival.
Originally posted by andy1033
can you at least accept that, the human race will last until we colonise somewhere else, and then we have greater chance of survival.

No, because I know for a fact that there is noway to colonize somewhere else. Man needs fresh water and oxgen lots and lots of it. Nowhere else but earth have that.

So we learn quickly and we are still big time idiots, let me give you an example. Everyone was so excited about building dams and hydropower, it took so much great engineering, combining civil, mechanical, electrical, ect.....Now we are in the business of removing dams because we discovered that they resulted in massive fish and salmon kills, the created lake weights caused earthquakes and downstream of the dam became eroded gullies.

Man creates what he needs at the moment for his survival, but man have absolutely no understanding of nature and how it works. Afterall, we have divided our fields of study into 1000 fields, biology, chemistry, physics, ect.....Nature doesn't know fields, It's one continous seemless web.
Originally posted by heflores
No, because I know for a fact that there is noway to colonize somewhere else. Man needs fresh water and oxgen lots and lots of it. Nowhere else but earth have that.
You know this as a fact? I wish I was all-knowing. And here I thought that other planets had plenty of oxygen and hydrogen, but it's tied up in molecules which we can break apart. I also though tat oxygen and hydrogen and carbon are reusable as long as we have energy to put into the system.
heflores-No, because I know for a fact that there is noway to colonize somewhere else. Man needs fresh water and oxgen lots and lots of it. Nowhere else but earth have that.

what is that all about, man does not need to terraform mars yet, people have visions of artificle towns and cities first. they know terraforming may take centuries. you do not see in my post that i said within 100 years mars is going to be like earth. mars as we all know would take centuries to terraform, and by the way we have all the gasses and water already there on mars, we just need to unlock it, and this is something we will do.

again i say man is virtually unstoppable

man will go on a manned trip to mars they say at around 2018. it all depends on how fast the corporations find a way of making space pay. but can you not see that man can if it was willing, we could colonise and by this we don't need to terraform yet. like i said man will first if and when it chooses, build artificle centers like towns on mars. is this not colonisation in your book. because when and not if one human being actually lives on mars we have colonised it. colonisation does not mean we need to have a million people there.
Originally posted by Persol
Lol, all I said was Most of these things were true 1500 years ago too.... Chill out guy!!! I thought I'd throw this is the Arena... jeez! mistake, I didn't mean to include your name.
Very droll.
Well....... for a moment let's say some time down the road there is a big meteor that blows us all to pieces or that some lake, dam, river problems causes another noahs ark. Unfortunately there are no modern day noahs so we all drown like rats.

My question here is: Who the fuck is to say it has anything whatsoever to do with god, allah, the tooth fairy or any other strange supernatural being?

Mankind has been predicting the end of the world since the day it began :D I guess it is a worthy fear if you look up into the sky at night. What's to say there's no huge rock on its way to squash us all? Nostradamus, bob the psychic, and a million billion other people have made claims to the end of the earth. The bible is the only work that was smart enough to remain 'true' if anything happens simply because it wasn't presumptuous enough to give a specific date: The world will end, only god knows when. Shit man, even i know the world will end- but saying some big invisible guy knows the exact date has no credibility, no value, and is really quite inconsequential to the argument of earthly destruction. Earth will cease to be someday- still doesn't mean it's because of anyone.