Sick of it all

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the sea
Registered Senior Member
I am sick of all this.

I wish I could sit down to my books to study, and do all my work in my day -- all with the dear knowledge that God is there, watching over me, actually listening to me. And answering.

I don't care anymore if people here are appalled by my discrepancies or inconsistencies. I don't care anymore if I am not understanding and patient and a good conversationalist. I am sick of it.
Professionalism only gets one so far, but when it hits the wall, that's it. There is a point past which you can not get with empiric thoroughness, patience and understanding.

I know God IS, but I have no idea what God is like. I used to be fond of my ex negativo approach, and it worked fine, it worked away many preconceptions and stupidities. But then it hit the wall.

And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time -- and I am sick of the futility of this all. It is disgusting, the insanity with which the *same* people go over the *same* topics OVER AND OVER again.

There is something awful and wrong here.
There is no god. Think rationally and you will be free of your problem.
Hapsburg: There is no god. Think rationally and you will be free of your problem.
M*W: I like your forthrightness and style... and also your logic.
Actually water, you are pretty wonderful. I wish I could understand better why you have such a desperate NEED for god. Why don’t you watch over yourself, and listen to your inner voice. That’s where you can find the answers. Just be. Let all the shit go. Happiness and serenity is not found in a book. Take a sabbatical, the answers come in their own time.
You would have to ask why do people come to this forum? Is it to learn about religion or the spiritual? Is it to teach about religion? Is it to teach against religion? Do people come to test their theories amongst peers and opposing view points?

Probably all of these, but I think the tendency is to come with the belief that they 'know' - they have the answers, they have everything sorted and they come here to convince all the other poor people of their errors. Therefore I think the problem you are coming up against here is that of the 'fixed mind'. (and I dont pretend that I dont suffer from this from time to time, although I do try to avoid it)

Maybe you have maintained a relatively open mind mind for a long time, happy to accept you still have unknowns and inconsistencies, but working through a process of resolving these. The trouble is that those of a fixed mind will try to ridicule this process, if you dont have a complete answer with no loose ends they will not accept any of the answer.

Consider that the spiritual or philosophical journey to truth is one that takes a lifetime, indeed may take many lifetimes. It is only natural that for most of that journey we will walk with unknowns, with inconsistencies and even doubts. A person who perceives absolute truth could be said to be an enlightened being - I am sure none on this forum would claim enlightenment (philosphical or religious).

The futility of this forum, is in fact the futility of the world in macrocosm. Until people can say we dont have all the answers, that we are all evolving and are all at different stages of that journey, therefore different concepts, perceptions and levels of truth are fine. We will always be trapped in this futility of 'egos' fixed on no other purpose than proving 'they' are right and all others are wrong; the real reason for most wars in this world.
stretched said:
Actually water, you are pretty wonderful.

Just that?

I wish I could understand better why you have such a desperate NEED for god.

What I need is that kind of love. I have been promised it, but there is nothing to see, nothing to feel.

Why don’t you watch over yourself, and listen to your inner voice. That’s where you can find the answers. Just be. Let all the shit go. Happiness and serenity is not found in a book. Take a sabbatical, the answers come in their own time.

Blah blah fucking blah. I'm going to end up in a mental institution or splashed out on rocks, if I take your advice.
If I could, I would give you my love. No words that I can give can help you. CREATE your own advice. And don`t do anything silly.
You, as a man, can afford a "serene mind". A woman cannot.
You disgust me, as a man.
stretched said:
If I could, I would give you my love. No words that I can give can help you. CREATE your own advice. And don`t do anything silly.

Jeeeeebus man..

I thought you people were a fucking myth.

And water, If life does not intrigue you without 'god'.
Then join your buddies in the '9mm meet forehead' club.

Actually... be true to the internet and slice.
water said:
I don't care anymore if people here are appalled by my discrepancies or inconsistencies.
Well, good! My God, I'd die if I thought people took half of what I said entirely seriously. I do try to justify rationally everything I say, but at the end of the day, you don't know me, I don't know you, so we can say what we like (within the bounds of decency) and really none of it matters. On the other hand, I apologise right now if anything I've said to you indicated an absence of respect. I actually do respect your views even if I don't hold with them entirely.

I come here to battle thoughtless, mindless Fundamentalism. But I have learned a great deal from all sides during my time here, and know that I might continue to learn, but only by staying and reading.
Perfect said:
And water, If life does not intrigue you without 'god'.
Then join your buddies in the '9mm meet forehead' club.


come on now. You know better. Most of us here love you. If God exists, I know He loves you. If He doesn't exist, We love you. Either way, woman, you are loved. Try to open up to it. You will be hurt, over and over, in this life, but I think Yorda is right in the sense that you need the hurt in order to feel the love. You've felt the pain, right? Well, hopefully the love is on its way. Like stretched said, answers (and I think love) will come in their own time.

I know, blah-de-blah fucking blah, right?

Don't give up hope. :)
If I knew more about your life water, I could understand better.

"You, as a man, can afford a "serene mind". A woman cannot."

* ?
water said:
I wish I could sit down to my books to study, and do all my work in my day -- all with the dear knowledge that God is there, watching over me, actually listening to me. And answering.
That feeling of not being able to work won't go away by itself. If you've grown used to it, even knowledge of God won't dispel it. God IS near when you ask for Him; correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your isolation from human interaction speaks louder at the moment.

I don't care anymore if people here are appalled by my discrepancies or inconsistencies. I don't care anymore if I am not understanding and patient and a good conversationalist. I am sick of it.
Professionalism only gets one so far, but when it hits the wall, that's it. There is a point past which you can not get with empiric thoroughness, patience and understanding.
Professionalism and empiric thoroughness is only a form of meaningful communication, but not a substitute for it. It us usually sufficient because it promises results. But it is all the more disillusioning when it doesn't.

I know God IS, but I have no idea what God is like. I used to be fond of my ex negativo approach, and it worked fine, it worked away many preconceptions and stupidities. But then it hit the wall.
Then it's served its purpose and you've progressed beyond its current usefulness. Maybe it's time for a different approach, or to act upon your findings.

And now I look at this forum, which has been a spiritual beacon for me for a long time -- and I am sick of the futility of this all. It is disgusting, the insanity with which the *same* people go over the *same* topics OVER AND OVER again.
Don't shoot the donkey that's brought you here.

There is something awful and wrong here.
It's artificiality?
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water said:
It is disgusting, the insanity with which the *same* people go over the *same* topics OVER AND OVER again.

You've been here too long.

I think it's disgusting too. It's evolution. I will leave this forum when I can, when I'm done. I never wanted to argue all these stupid things. But I have to, because I still need to. People argue until they understand that it's pointless to argue.

My ways are not your ways.

And water, If life does not intrigue you without 'god'.
Then join your buddies in the '9mm meet forehead' club.

Actually... be true to the internet and slice.

You are a Finnish cock in a cheap frock on a slippery rock.
Thank you.

* * *


On the other hand, I apologise right now if anything I've said to you indicated an absence of respect. I actually do respect your views even if I don't hold with them entirely.

If you wonder that you might have lacked respect towards me, then this is your thing. Not mine.
I don't hold anything against you.

* * *


Well, hopefully the love is on its way. Like stretched said, answers (and I think love) will come in their own time.

When I am dead, yes.

* * *


If I knew more about your life water, I could understand better.

Spare me of your "serenity".

* * *


That feeling of not being able to work won't go away by itself. If you've grown used to it, even knowledge of God won't dispel it.

That's not the problem. The problem is in the why.

God IS near when you ask for Him;

An illusion surely is, but it is an illusion and nothing more.
From what I can perceive, God has about the same effect on me as a stuffed puppet.

Then it's served its purpose and you've progressed beyond it's current usefulness. Time for a different approach, but you'll have to trust what you've found so far, or risk undoing it.

My, aren't you lucky to be so well-off, huh?

Don't shoot the donkey that's brought you here.

Then what should I do with it, this donkey?

There is something awful and wrong here.

It's artificiality?

Yes. But there is more to it.
water said:
That's not the problem. The problem is in the why.
Why what? Why work?

An illusion surely is, but it is an illusion and nothing more.
From what I can perceive, God has about the same effect on me as a stuffed puppet.
Do you trust Him more than a stuffed puppet?

My, aren't you lucky to be so well-off, huh?
You'll notice that my subject was you; don't turn this around on me. You've placed all your faith in this "ex-negativo" approach, and all your hope in a "logic-philosophic" approach to religion, and they will both disappoint - they can provide no Why. You can't describe any living being this way, and it has limited usefulness in relationships.

Then what should I do with it, this donkey?
Possibly, see it as a donkey and move on.
What the hell is with the capitlization of improper noun?
IIRC, "him" is not a proper noun. Ergo, it is not to be capitalized unless it is in the beginning of a sentence. Did you sleep though a grammar course or did you just whack your head on a brick?
Hapsburg said:
What the hell is with the capitlization of improper noun?
IIRC, "him" is not a proper noun. Ergo, it is not to be capitalized unless it is in the beginning of a sentence. Did you sleep though a grammar course or did you just whack your head on a brick?

I do it out of respect for the possibility that there is a Christian God. Even if there's not, why be insulting everytime I talk about god? Just some of the time.

(You do know "he" is capitalized in the Bible everytime that it refers to God, right?)
Hapsburg said:
What the hell is with the capitlization of improper noun?
IIRC, "him" is not a proper noun. Ergo, it is not to be capitalized unless it is in the beginning of a sentence. Did you sleep though a grammar course or did you just whack your head on a brick?
I haven't the slightest belief in any god whatsoever, but it is a long standing English tradition to refer to Him in this way, whether the writer believes in Him or not. And I also do it to not needlessly offend the sensibilities of believers.
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