Shown solutions to physics problems in lucid dream

You need to have a positive g if you're trying to use SR and the equivalence principle here from a ground observer's POV.
If g is positive in those equations (for either Newton or SR) then the ground observer can never come to rest with respect to the projectile, as needs to happen at the apex of the projectile's ascent in the ground observer's frame. Look at the equation for v; it'll always increase when g is positive. Here's what the graphs look like when g is positive:


These predictions are expected when the projectile is launched at speed u down a shaft. In the SR graph the distance to the projectile is asymptoting to (c^2)/g, as described at the rocket site under "Below the rocket, something strange is happening..."

Nothing about this contradicts that gravity is not a force in GR. Just as when using Newton's equations, whether g is positive or negative in SR depends on what you're tracking. For example the rocket site says "If you want to arrive at your destination and stop then you will have to turn your rocket around half way and decelerate at 1g. ... (We can still use the above equations to work this out, since although the acceleration is now negative, we can "run the film backwards" to reason that they still must apply.)"
[size=+1]The solution to the flatness problem[/size]

The flatness, horizon, and dark energy problems are major unsolved problems of physics, of cosmology in particular. I’m not going to describe them here, since they’re easily searched for on the web. The physicist in my dream told me solutions to these problems, and more. I’ve already given one, on page 2 for the flatness problem, which is a prerequisite to the others and so I repeat it here:

He told me that space itself is not expanding, as cosmologists think. (Think of the rising raisin loaf example.) That was a false assumption based on Hubble's result, he said. He gave me a thought experiment to show that space need not expand to explain Hubble's result:

In an infinitely large universe whose space neither expands nor contracts, sprinkle an infinity of galaxies. Within some section of this universe let all of the galaxies approach one another. This is possible in principle. The size of the section is arbitrary; make it the size of the universe. Now all of the galaxies in the universe approach one another, yet there is no cosmic center or edge. Now play the film backwards, so to speak, to find that all of the galaxies in the universe can recede from one another, with no cosmic center or edge.

If you look at the history of cosmology, you’ll see that shortly after Hubble’s result, cosmologists assumed that space itself is expanding to explain that result. They felt that if space itself doesn’t expand, then the universe must have a center and an edge. Such center or edge doesn’t satisfy the cosmological principle they had also generally accepted (for good reason). When it is thought that space itself is expanding, an explanation is needed as to why the galaxies and smaller objects don’t expand as well. The explanation cosmologists give today is that each galaxy’s gravity keeps it bound together, maintaining the size it has despite the expanding space. Also, when space itself is expanding SR works to only a limited extent, even in deep space between the galaxies, as the rocket site notes with “For distances bigger than about a thousand million light years, the formulas given here are inadequate because the universe is expanding.”

The thought experiment the physicist gave me shows that the notion of expanding space wasn’t necessary to explain Hubble’s result. It was a bad assumption that has led cosmologists astray ever since.

Removing the notion of expanding space solves the flatness problem, he said, for then space can be flat by default. An infinitely large universe can become sparser or denser without need for space itself to expand or contract. Galaxies and other matter need only move relative to each other. He said there are other implications of this too, for example the observable universe becomes the entire universe.

Another implication of space being flat by default is that SR works to any distance in intergalactic regions, which in turn has many interesting implications.

[size=+1]The solution to the dark energy problem[/size]

Dark energy is an ad hoc solution to the observations that high-redshift (i.e. fast receding) supernovae are accelerating away from us. I’ve shown that SR predicts that a projectile launched directly upward from Earth at a speed close to the speed of light accelerates away initially, as measured by an observer on the ground. The physicist in my dream showed me that the similarity of these findings is no coincidence. The supernovae finding follows from the SR result, after applying an additional bit of logic and without using SR beyond its scope of applicability.

First, we accept that space in our universe neither expands nor contracts, as per the solution above to the flatness problem. Next we consider GR. Let there be an observer who remains at rest with respect to the Earth, at the location of one of the high-redshift supernovae as it passes close by at a speed close to c. For simplicity replace the supernova with a small object whose gravitational attraction is negligible; let’s call it a rock. Remove other matter from the universe, keeping just the Earth, the rock, an observer on the ground on Earth (the “Earth observer”) and the observer past whom the rock moves (the “distant observer”). The distant observer is in a rocket, burning some fuel to remain at rest with respect to the Earth (i.e. hover) instead of falling toward it. These simplifications are fine in a thought experiment.

The distant observer’s clock runs faster than the Earth observer’s clock does, according to GR; that’s gravitational time dilation. In GR it is valid for the distant observer to measure something, and to let an Earth observer convert that measurement using the gamma factor, the difference in the rate of their clocks; the converted values match what the Earth observer would measure. For example, if the distant observer’s clock runs x% faster than the Earth observer’s clock runs, then an event that is local to the distant observer that takes 1 second to occur on that observer’s clock (an explosion, say) will take 1/(1+x) seconds to occur as the Earth observer measures while looking through a telescope. (For every second that elapses on the distant observer’s clock, the Earth observer’s clock elapses less than 1 second.)

In GR as in SR, a single positive gamma factor adjusts measurements of both space and time, which are always two sides of the same coin in relativity (hence spacetime, one word). A gamma factor that adjusts for gravitational time dilation also adjusts for gravitational length contraction. The distant observer will measure the rock that passes by to accelerate away initially, my equations above show. Let the Earth observer convert this measurement using the gamma factor between these two observers. The Earth observer would also measure acceleration away for the rock, because the same gamma factor adjusts both distance and time measurements. (Try multiplying D and T on the charts above by the same positive factor, or its reciprocal in any combination, to see if you can change the finding of acceleration away. It can’t be done!) This is the solution to the dark energy problem. High-redshift supernovae accelerate away from us due to gravity alone. No new energy is required to explain those observations.

[size=+1]The solution to the horizon problem[/size]

In principle, the SR equations above show, an average recession rate can increase exponentially for any given value for g. The solution to the dark energy problem shows (again in principle) that such an exponentially increasing average recession rate applies as well to objects at any distance, regardless of the curvature of spacetime between the ground observer and the receding object. In other words, cosmic expansion can be arbitrarily fast as measured by an accelerating observer, where “cosmic expansion” is simply objects moving away from one another, rather than space itself expanding. Extremely rapid (exponential) cosmic expansion is what the inflation theory proposes as the solution to the horizon and flatness problems, albeit that theory employs ad hoc energy to fuel such expansion (which is why these problems, along with the dark energy problem, are considered to be unsolved by reasonable cosmologists). I’ve shown—thanks to the physicist in my dream—that gravity alone solves the horizon problem, with no new energy required. Furthermore, in a universe in which space itself neither expands nor contracts, all of the galaxies and other objects in the universe can always be in causal contact with one another, even when that universe is infinitely large.
Why? I see no reason.
For real? You seriously see no reason to publish what you think is "one of the greatest findings of physics in the last 50 years" beyond a derided sub-forum for cranks on a marginal discussion forum?

That reminds me of a small clip where a professional "aura reader" was presented with the Randi challenge. She denies the offer, of course: "But I don't want a million dollars!"

You're obviously not taking your own "work" seriously enough to submit it to anything beyond casual scrutiny. Why should anyone here then give you the time of day?
For real? You seriously see no reason to publish what you think is "one of the greatest findings of physics in the last 50 years" beyond a derided sub-forum for cranks on a marginal discussion forum?

That reminds me of a small clip where a professional "aura reader" was presented with the Randi challenge. She denies the offer, of course: "But I don't want a million dollars!"

You're obviously not taking your own "work" seriously enough to submit it to anything beyond casual scrutiny. Why should anyone here then give you the time of day?
I've said precisely the same to Jack. Cranks come here claiming amazing things and declare themselves undeniably right and yet when pushed to show their work to physicists, who they can't brush off like they brush off posters here (even those of us with research experience) they suddenly don't want fame or don't want to push their work. So why are they here? They want to con people but they know they can't con everyone so they try to avoid those of us who don't blindly accept wordy explanations.

Bert, your last post doesn't provide a solution to anything and you've failed to retort my posts. If you don't think I'm right then I request you submit your work to a journal so that you and I can pass on the judgement to someone with more experience and knowledge. If you believe what you say you'll have no problem submitting to a journal. If you don't and yet you continue to spend time here then you're admitting to trolling and knowiing you're a hack.
That reminds me of a small clip where a professional "aura reader" was presented with the Randi challenge. She denies the offer, of course: "But I don't want a million dollars!"
Big difference, I proved my case. Not everyone seeks money or whatever.

You're obviously not taking your own "work" seriously enough to submit it to anything beyond casual scrutiny. Why should anyone here then give you the time of day?
Valid information is valid regardless where it's shown. Why should anyone give me the time of day anywhere? Nowhere is that required for science.
Bert, your last post doesn't provide a solution to anything and you've failed to retort my posts.
You've been proven wrong on lots of stuff. Gee, at exactly what mass does the black hole always form regardless of volume? Frankly some of your beliefs are ridiculous considering your CV.

If you don't think I'm right then I request you submit your work to a journal so that you and I can pass on the judgement to someone with more experience and knowledge.
That's just an excuse for you not being able to show a problem that sticks. Thinking Physics, that's my advice to you. And stay scientific.
This thread started as a lucid dream you had of new physics and a month later has sunk to a tit-for-tat nothingfest.

How about writing out everything you had in your lucid dream at once and let us absorb it all- why bother with posters- make a presentation for us all at once- like a thesis.
How about writing out everything you had in your lucid dream at once and let us absorb it all- why bother with posters- make a presentation for us all at once- like a thesis.
Likely you'd be the only reader, if anyone. These posts are summaries, with no tit-for-tat:

Yeah but write the whole thing out for people to absorb- don't point towards posts.

Forget all this and remember the lucid dream. Then write it out as you remember it.

THEN we can pick it apart but present it as a whole, not in're mired down in mud.
If g is positive in those equations (for either Newton or SR) then the ground observer can never come to rest with respect to the projectile, as needs to happen at the apex of the projectile's ascent in the ground observer's frame. Look at the equation for v; it'll always increase when g is positive.

In the equivalence principle way of looking at things, only the ground observer is accelerating. The projectile, being in free-fall, is inertial, i.e. "at rest". From the ground observer's POV, he accelerates towards the projectile, ultimately catching it (the projectile must eventually fall back to Earth because we're assuming a fictional uniform gravitational field throughout the universe).
You've been proven wrong on lots of stuff.
Yes, its part of being intellectually honest and doing science that one should be able to accept when incorrect. I have yet to see you demonstrate your claim I'm incorrect in this matter yet.

Gee, at exactly what mass does the black hole always form regardless of volume?
Where did I say that? There is a cut off mass above which a mass cannot prevent its collapse into a black hole due to its self gravity producing forces beyond the ability of the Pauli Exclusion Principle to 'hold up' the star.

Frankly some of your beliefs are ridiculous considering your CV.
I love the hypocrisy and inconsistency of cranks! If I were blindly repeating nothing but the mainstream line then I'd be accused of being a mainstream monkey who can't think for himself. How you're complaining I'm not towing the mainstream line you're complaining! Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Of course the issue you clearly aren't understanding what I'm saying is an important factor too.

Besides, I think its very stupid for the man claiming his ideas came to him in his dreams to be telling others they have 'ridiculous' beliefs.

That's just an excuse for you not being able to show a problem that sticks. .
And you're making an excuse for not being able to retort or even understand what I said.

Like I said, if you think I'm wrong and you're right submit to a journal, go over my head and ask people who have CVs which make mine look laughable. You obviously have the time needed to type up your claims on these forums so you can't make the excuse you're too busy. Come on, put up or shut up.

Thinking Physics, that's my advice to you. And stay scientific.
Yesterday was the first day of my first job having gotten my PhD. My job is research into physics and mathematics problems which have commercial applications. Not only have I convinced academics I can 'think physics' I am now paid to do it professionally! So you'll forgive me if I think you have absolutely no ability to evaluate my ability. Of course if you want to discuss the kind of stuff I did during my PhD I'm happy to oblige.
In the equivalence principle way of looking at things, only the ground observer is accelerating. The projectile, being in free-fall, is inertial, i.e. "at rest". From the ground observer's POV, he accelerates towards the projectile, ultimately catching it (the projectile must eventually fall back to Earth because we're assuming a fictional uniform gravitational field throughout the universe).
The ground observer is decelerating relative to the projectile, initially. The ground observer is accelerating relative to some things and decelerating relative to other things. If you want to track distances (or other measurements) between the ground observer and things relative to which that observer is accelerating, use +g. If you want to track distances between the ground observer and things relative to which that observer is decelerating (if only initially), use -g. Just like the rocket site's author suggests in that quote I gave you.

If I want to use a positive speed for the projectile, I'll need to use a negative acceleration; otherwise the sum of their speeds will never be zero. That is, unless I alter the equations from the rocket site (to negate some variables), but that's undesirable. I also want to use the same inputs as for the Newton equation.

Nothing about the equivalence principle forces the deriver of an equation to use +g or -g. Which sign is used depends on the application. That the ground observer is accelerating toward the projectile, which is at rest in its own inertial frame, doesn't mean that one must use +g. In any case, I've shown a 4-point match to the predictions on the rocket site, so I'm confident that my equations are correct and not just coincidentally so.
Going for a 5-point match with the rocket site... The site says it'll take a rocket accelerating at 1 Earth gravity 20 years on the rocket's clock to get from the Earth to the center of our galaxy, 30000 light years away, arriving at low speed. (Hopefully there's not really a black hole there!) The author rounded; you can tell from the site's equation for distance that it'll take 10.04 years on the rocket's clock to travel to the midpoint, 15000 light years as we on Earth measure. At the midpoint the rocket's speed will be tanh(10.04 yr * 1.03 ly/yr^2) = 0.999999997916575c. Plugging that in,


The equations show that a projectile the crew launches directly upward at their speed relative to the Earth at the midpoint, immediately after flipping the rocket over to begin decelerating (so that the projectile stays essentially halfway between the Earth and the center of our galaxy), will be 15000 light years away as the crew measures, after 10.04 years on their clock, which is when they arrive at the center of our galaxy at low speed. The equations again work as expected, and again show that the projectile initially accelerates away from the rocket as the crew measures.
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Yesterday was the first day of my first job having gotten my PhD. My job is research into physics and mathematics problems which have commercial applications.
That’s great, seriously. For your sake let's hope it's still within academia. You'd not survive in the corporate world using the illogic you’ve shown here.
There is a cut off mass above which a mass cannot prevent its collapse into a black hole due to its self gravity producing forces beyond the ability of the Pauli Exclusion Principle to 'hold up' the star.
Wow, for once you didn't ignore a question of mine. OK, what mass is that exactly? You said:

For the GR->SR approximation dialling up the mass eventually causes problems because the event horizon structure of black holes is non-trivial.
So what's the dialed-up mass at which a problem occurs, if you're so smart?
That’s great, seriously. For your sake let's hope it's still within academia. You'd not survive in the corporate world using the illogic you’ve shown here.
You honestly believe you're able to throw claims of being illogical when you're saying you solve physics in your dreams? Wow, you're getting desperate for insults. Clearly the fact people whose job it is to evaluate the pjhysics and maths ability and knowledge of others think I'm good enough to be worth employing mutes your claims about my ability. Not that you've got any clue what I'm capable of. Cranks always seem to think that they get a good understanding of my abilities from threads where I have to hold their hand on simple stuff. The reason I post simple stuff is because otherwise I go over your head.

So what's the dialed-up mass at which a problem occurs, if you're so smart?
Did you read my post where I went through the algebra and talks about surface gravity? Its just you never retorted anything I said or even demonstrated you understood it. I provided a demonstration that you cannot pick a mass, a distance and a gravitational acceleration freely in GR without having to worry about such non-Newtonian things as a black hole event horizon coming into play. You can pick 2 of those 3 values freely but the event horizon then puts a bound on the third. Even though locally at a point you can still pick a set of SR coordinates at or in the event horizon the SR approximation is valid only for an instant, you can't even pick a tiny tiny region larger than a point. Perhaps you didn't understand my post, as if you did you'd have clearly seen that I wasn't giving a single catch all mass but a constraint on the parameter space of quantities you're considering. I can suggest a book or two on this stuff if you want to brush up on your relativity, assuming of course you're not still dreaming about Einstein's ghost giving you secrets from beyond the grave or some other delusional stupidity.
Cranks always seem to think that they get a good understanding of my abilities from threads where I have to hold their hand on simple stuff. The reason I post simple stuff is because otherwise I go over your head.
Let's be clear here: I'm the teacher, you're the student. No great scientist would dismiss information purely because of its source. The sewing machine was the result of a dream. Was its inventor a crank?

Did you read my post where I went through the algebra and talks about surface gravity? Its just you never retorted anything I said or even demonstrated you understood it. I provided a demonstration that you cannot pick a mass, a distance and a gravitational acceleration freely in GR without having to worry about such non-Newtonian things as a black hole event horizon coming into play. You can pick 2 of those 3 values freely but the event horizon then puts a bound on the third.
I read it; you'd know that if you had read my reply where I showed how it's wrong. Your stuff is drivel, but you talk a good game I'll give you that.

Of course you didn't answer my question. You couldn't answer the question because it has no answer. There is no single dialed-up mass that creates a black hole, and mass is all you mentioned. So you had to spout more drivel, changing what you said before. That's the game you play.

The correct response is that black holes are irrelevant here. Only if you keep increasing the mass for a given volume will a black hole eventually form. But nowhere did I fix the volume. So there's no issue with my stuff. There's a lot more mass in a galaxy or a supercluster than needed for a black hole, obviously, but those objects are not black holes because their mass is not in a small enough volume. That's a perfectly correct answer, but you'll still go on & on about black holes because you didn't read this.

For any gravitational acceleration and sufficiently small region I choose, a planet can satisfy those conditions in principle. The reduced circumference of the planet need only be sufficiently greater than 2M in geometric units, so that it's neither a black hole nor a star.

Even though locally at a point you can still pick a set of SR coordinates at or in the event horizon the SR approximation is valid only for an instant, you can't even pick a tiny tiny region larger than a point. Perhaps you didn't understand my post, as if you did you'd have clearly seen that I wasn't giving a single catch all mass but a constraint on the parameter space of quantities you're considering.
No, you were clearly talking about a single catch-all mass. You've changed your argument rather than reveal your problem by answering my question. (But nice try.) Nevertheless black holes remain irrelevant. You shouldn't have brought them up in the first place. You're first sentence is also wrong. An inertial frame at an event horizon can be a light year across or more in principle, for a sufficiently large black hole. That's true even below the horizon. If you knew what you were talking about you'd know that.

I can suggest a book or two on this stuff if you want to brush up on your relativity, assuming of course you're not still dreaming about Einstein's ghost giving you secrets from beyond the grave or some other delusional stupidity.
Funny. You haven't said one correct relevant thing in this whole thread. Every one of your "issues" is contradicted by those books. I'll suggest a book or two if you want.