Shown solutions to physics problems in lucid dream

How many times did I give you the quote "For sufficiently small regions, the special theory of relativity is correct!!"? 5 times now probably. Look it up for once! You don't even disagree with it, you just use the dishonest tactic of insisting that more proof is required. Any good text on the principle of equivalence agrees with that quote. What you provided, Wald, was shown to be off-topic. It doesn't matter what you provide when it's irrelevant.
Its a dishonest tactic to ask someone to justify their claim because they are supposedly using a well known result to obtain a previously unknown result?

You seem to have similar issues as Jack. It's not that I disagree with the well known result you quote, I disagree with your application of it. You assume things you do not justify.

Like I said, if you're so sure submit your work to a journal. You obviously have no wish to or intention of listening to anything anyone said, irrespective of what they say, what they know and how many people agree with each other and disagree with you. When a hack comes to a forum to tell others of their work and get 'input' and then ignores all input then its a sign they know they are a hack. Everyone, EVERYONE, in the research community submits to peer review because no one is perfect. And yet cranks never do, they ignore EVERYTHING people say. The sign of a good scientist is being able to say "I was wrong", be it a little or a lot. You claim I'm one of 'those people' who only accept things I want to hear. I've had to throw out or ammend work in order to get it published. Then look at you, you'll not accept anything anyone says. So why are you on a forum? To try and swindle people who don't know.

If I'm wrong about this explain what you're here for. You don't want the input of people who know any physics, you don't want review or help. Seems to me (and others) you['re here to sucker in those people who don't know physics.
Its a dishonest tactic to ask someone to justify their claim because they are supposedly using a well known result to obtain a previously unknown result?
I didn't do that. I used existing equations, correctly applied, to obtain a previously unknown result.

It's not that I disagree with the well known result you quote, I disagree with your application of it. You assume things you do not justify.
You lie. You disagree with that quote. You want it both ways; you want that quote both true and false. I have justified my result. I didn't assume anything.

You obviously have no wish to or intention of listening to anything anyone said, irrespective of what they say, what they know and how many people agree with each other and disagree with you.
You lie. I have read & responded to anything relevant here. Many many explanations by me, to help those requesting more info.

Everyone, EVERYONE, in the research community submits to peer review because no one is perfect.
It's a discussion forum dude. Look deep inside yourself to see what's preventing you from understanding that concept. I don't see anything on the door here telling me I can't discuss new physics findings.

Then look at you, you'll not accept anything anyone says.
Nope, only the refutable stuff.

If I'm wrong about this explain what you're here for.
You've been told already. Go back and finally read what I told you.
Can you please respond to my comments and questions about why you haven't submitted this to a journal. Its hard to have a discussion when you ignore direct questions.
BertBonsai, could you explain the equations you use in this post at bit more? You referred to a site with a relativistic rocket, but I don't see how you've derived your equations from this.
I think he's actually muddying the water by going to SR and then jumping to those equations. It's actually quite straightforward to consider this setup in GR.

The Lagrangian associated to the SC metric has a number of conserved quantities and when you do the usual E-L equation methods and consider only radial motion you obtain an expression for $$\dot{r} = \frac{\partial r}{\partial \tau}$$ in terms of a constant $$E = (1-\frac{2M}{r})\dot{t}$$, namely $$\frac{1}{2}\dot{r}^{2} + \frac{\kappa}{2}(1-\frac{2M}{r}) = \frac{1}{2}E^{2}$$. For time-like geodesics you have $$\kappa=1$$ and thus $$\frac{1}{2}\dot{r}^{2} - \frac{M}{r} = \frac{1}{2}(E^{2}-1) $$. This is the associated Hamiltonian, $$\frac{1}{2}\dot{r}^{2}$$ is the kinetic energy, $$ \frac{M}{r} \equiv V(r)$$ the potential and $$\frac{1}{2}(E^{2}-1)$$ the energy. V(r) is monotonic and thus either only accelerates a projectile or only decelerates a projectile for all r, rather than having deceleration for some values of r and acceleration at others.

But we've not considered anything from the point of view of an observer somewhere 'below' the projectile, whose radial motion is such that $$\dot{r}=0$$ (ie no motion). How does the observer measure the position and velocity of the projectile so that he can determine if the projectile is accelerating away or accelerating towards him? This can be done by having the projectile fire photons to the observer.

So the setup would be having both observer and projectile at the same point in space-time, they agree on the frequency of the photons the projectile will be emitting and then the projectile is thrown upwards at some speed v, ie $$\dot{r}(\tau=0) = v$$. What should the observer expect to see? The relative motion away from one another means that there's some red shifting but since the projectile is moving out of the gravitational well the incoming photons are blue shifted by gravity. But in each case by how much?

Given the above Hamiltonian expression for $$\frac{1}{2}\dot{r}^{2}$$ having a monotonic V(r) it follows that at the relative velocity is maximal at the moment of projection. Furthermore there's no distance over which the photons can be blue shifted and thus the initial red shifting measurement is the largest. As the projectile moves up through V(r) it decreases in $$\dot{r}$$ so the velocity red shifting in decreases. Conversely the ever increasing distance means more gravitational blue shifting. With both frequency altering effects behaving in the same manner the observer will only see the frequency of the photons increase at time goes on.

To address BertBonsai's methods further we can make use of a perturbative method. Suppose that we're only interested in changes in r which are small compared to the distance from the mass producing the gravity (ie we're looking to take gravitational acceleration to be close to constant), so we set $$r = R+h$$ where R is the distance from the object making the gravitational field and h is some small change, ie h/R << 1. Thus $$V(r) = V(R+h) = \frac{M}{R+h} = \frac{M}{R}\left( 1 + \frac{h}{R} \right)^{-1}$$. Expanding in h/R we have $$V(h) = \frac{M}{R}\left( 1 - \frac{h}{R} + \ldots \right) $$. Thus the Hamiltonian becomes $$\frac{1}{2}\dot{h}^{2} - \frac{M}{R^{2}}h = \frac{1}{2}(E^{2}-1) - \frac{M}{R} \equiv E_{0}$$. The coefficient of h in V(h) is $$\frac{M}{R^{2}} \equiv g$$, the 'constant' gravitational acceleration, we've dropped all terms which alter this by doing the expansion of V. Now we have the Hamiltonian $$\frac{1}{2}\dot{h}^{2} + gh = E_{0}$$. This is the standard expression in Newtonian mechanics which should be familiar to anyone who did high school mechanics, except that the parameter is not Euclidean time but relativistic proper time, as well as $$(h,\tau)$$ transforming under Lorentz transformations rather than Galilean ones, but care must be taken with that, better to stick to the full GR method in that case.

Overall though this demonstrates how to recover the SR equivalence principle limit of slowly varying gravitational fields in GR. Working on the level of Hamiltonians makes it clear that if the projectile moves against the gravitational field then it'll expend kinetic energy in order to preserve total energy. I haven't had to solve any of the equations, while BertBonsai jumped straight to a set of equations for the space-time motion of the projectile and IMO simply made life harder for himself. That's the beauty of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, the use of conservation laws strips away so much of the clutter and makes things clearer. By not having to solve the equations you save a great deal of work.

BertBonsai, if you disagree with anything here say precisely which bit and explain clearly why. If you require further explanation or book references I can provide them.
Can you please respond to my comments and questions about why you haven't submitted this to a journal. Its hard to have a discussion when you ignore direct questions.
I didn't ignore that. I've answered it already. I said "I don't care about journals. Irrelevant. Can you show that journals are necessary to do good physics?" You're ignoring my questions. A discussion is a two-way street.

BertBonsai, if you disagree with anything here say precisely which bit and explain clearly why.
I'm not going down that road. There's no need to talk about a fuller GR treatment here. If it showed something different than acceleration away, then GR would be invalid, because SR is correct in a sufficiently small region according to GR. If GR is invalid that's a separate issue. I'm not going to make the analysis more complicated than it need be. As will be shown, my equations can match the results found on the rocket site I linked to.
He said that an object launched upward from a planet at close to the speed of light will measurably accelerate away and not decelerate like you'd think. He said that's predicted by special relativity (I'm still working out some calcs he showed me), and the idea can be extrapolated to distant receding objects. Space is not expanding at all, as thought today, so there's no expansion of space to be accelerating; he gave me an example for that one that blew me away it was so simple.

Fill the space around the planet with clocks which are synchronized to the planet's clocks. I'm not sure how, because of the planet's gravity.

Now send up the object, and see if it exceeds c as measured by those synchronized clocks. I would think, probably not.

But of course, no one on the planet would use those distant clocks! They would use their own local clocks. So, perhaps Bert's predictions are correct. Or maybe he is the one using those distant clocks?
I beefed up the equations so a full plot for the projectile can be seen. A projectile is launched directly upward from the ground (or from an accelerating rocket) at speed u, and its distance per unit time plotted, as measured by a ground observer or by the rocket’s crew. There are 3 frames involved, as described. I’m using the rocket equations at this site. According to GR’s principle of equivalence, “Locally being at rest on the Earth's surface is equivalent to being in a uniformly accelerated spaceship” (google for it).

I set c = 1 to simplify the equations (which I can do when using units of light years and years, as the site notes). I renamed symbol a to g. I’m assuming a sufficiently small region, in which case (google for it) "For sufficiently small regions, the special theory of relativity is correct!!" (Correct to a certain precision, that is. In principle, a planet could exist such that SR is accurate to, say, a thousand significant digits, no matter the height the projectile reaches.) Due to a precision limit in Excel, the planet used here is not the Earth, although the value for g = -1 Earth gravity. Later I’ll show a finding for the Earth using a more precise language; that finding will likewise show that objects launched from the Earth at speed close to c accelerate away as a ground observer measures. (The plot for the Earth is a matter of zooming in on the first two data points of the fourth chart below.)

First, a control prediction at relatively low launch speed (0.007c), showing that SR matches Newton:


Next, the projectile's launch speed is set to 0.952c. Now SR predicts acceleration away, made clear by the trend line:


Why 0.952c? Look at the rocket site, under the text “Here are some of the times you will age when journeying to a few well known space marks, arriving at low speed”. The 0.952c is the maximum speed reached when traveling from Earth to “nearest star” at 1 Earth gravity. This speed is reached at the midpoint, tanh(1.03 ly/yr^2 * 1.8 yr). Let the rocket launch a projectile directly upward at 0.952c at the midpoint; it will stay essentially halfway between our Sun and the other star. When the crew reaches the other star at low speed, 1.8 years later on its clock, the projectile will be 2.2 light years away, as seen here:


What about the asymptoting tail at the right? See the rocket site under the text “Below the rocket, something strange is happening...”, which tells us the maximum distance to anything falling below the rocket, as measured by the crew, is (c^2)/g. That means that if you had a really tall cliff in a uniform gravitation field, the distance you measure to an object you drop off the cliff would asymptote to (c^2)/g.

Note that the rocket’s crew or ground observer is accelerating relative to frame S (the frame in which d is measured at the rocket site), but decelerating relative to frame P (the projectile’s frame) until the apex is reached. While decelerating relative to P, that frame expands in length (length uncontraction). That relative spatial expansion is what causes acceleration away to be measured in frame R. Also, see that an object that falls at a speed close to c decelerates toward the rocket (or ground) in frame R. We're used to thinking that falling objects always accelerate toward the ground.

Applying some extra logic that the physicist in my dream told me, it can be seen that, in a universe in which space itself neither expands nor contracts (unlike what is currently generally accepted), the finding of “acceleration away” above explains the observation of supernovae accelerating away from us, such that no dark energy is needed to explain that observation.

That “extra logic”, in combination with the thought experiment the physicist gave me (related in my post 21 that shows that the notion of expanding space isn’t need to explain Hubble’s result), solves 3 major problems of physics: the flatness problem, the horizon problem, and the dark energy problem. This combination of logic solves these problems by removing current ad hoc assumptions and without adding new ones. I’ll have to give the extra logic later, as I’m out of time for that now.
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Let’s try another example, this time for the star Vega. The rocket site says it’s 27 light years away from the Earth as we on Earth measure, and would take a rocket 6.6 years on its clock to travel between Earth and Vega, arriving at low speed. Maximum speed at the midpoint is tanh(1.03 ly/yr^2 * 3.3 yr) = 0.99777c.

Sure enough, the SR equations show that a projectile the crew launches directly upward at 0.99777c at the midpoint (so that the projectile would stay essentially between our Sun and Vega) is 13.6 light years away as the crew measures after 3.3 years on their clock.
There's an important thing to consider which is handled differently by the two approaches (ie use gravity to accelerate something or a rocket to accelerate something). The link to that rocket page talks about fuel, as a rocket must be powered by something and it expands this to accelerate. To ignore the issue of fuel would be to be ignoring a physically relevant thing. But what's the gravity version? A constant gravitational field is obtained in the limit of an infinitely massive object infinitely far away and in doing this you actually throw out energy conservation. For an object a finite distance away there would be a back reaction and it would accelerate towards the rocket too. The energy lost from gravitational potential is gained in kinetic. So immediately it can be seen that if you're to consider a physically consistent system you have to be careful, as the equivalence principle applies point by point, each time readjusting if you're to be exactly correct. I used energy conservation in my last post to demonstrate that the GR parent of the SR approximation conserves energy. Bert, you've jumped to a set of equations which don't conserve energy. If the full GR model conserves energy then if your SR approximation does not then you should not put too much trust in your work because its evident you've already failed to exactly describe the actual predictions of relativity, you've made a simplification which wasn't justified or which you're applying outside of where it is justified.

This can be seen further without too much hassle. Let's get rid of the unphysical "infinite mass infinitely far away" and consider an object of mass M at a point in space which we'll take to be our coordinate origin. As a result rather than the unphysical "The gravitational acceleration is constant" we'll let it decrease by a factor $$\lambda^{2}$$from $$r=R$$ to $$r = R' = R + D$$. In the weak field limit (which we're interested in) we'll take the gravitational acceleration to be $$g(r) = -\frac{M}{r^{2}}\hat{r}$$, ie Newtonian expression in a radial direction. Thus we have $$\frac{g(R)}{g(R')} = \frac{(R+D)^{2}}{R^{2}} = \lambda^{2}$$. Reshuffling you get $$(\lambda^{2}-1)R^{2} - 2DR - D^{2}=0$$ and so (doing some cleaning up) you get $$R = \frac{D(1 \pm \lambda)}{\lambda^{2}-1} = \frac{D}{\lambda \mp 1}$$. Since $$\lambda^{2}>1$$ and R>0 we take the positive root, $$R = \frac{D}{\lambda - 1}$$. If g(r) is to vary slowly we take $$\lambda = 1+\epsilon$$ for some very small $$\epsilon$$ and so $$R = \frac{D}{\epsilon}$$.

Therefore if we choose how slowly we wish a field to vary over an interval we also choose then for weak fields slowly varying we determine R, it is not an independent variable. We can use this to rewrite the expression for g at r=R (ie the bit of the interval which is closes to the mass), $$g(R) = -\frac{M \epsilon^{2}}{D^{2}}\hat{r}$$. This allows us to then determine either g by picking M or M by picking g, $$M = \frac{|g|D^{2}}{\epsilon^{2}}$$. Its clear that, as previously said by Bert, you can find an M which allows you to have a region of required length in a gravitational field of stipulated strength which varies at as low a rate as required.

But this is not the end of the considerations. Unlike Newtonian gravity, where in you can say all you need to say in terms of the gravitational force or potential there's more to it in GR. The case relevant is that of 'surface gravity' at the event horizon. Given a Schwarzchild black hole with event horizon area A and mass M the surface gravity on the horizon at $$r = 2M = R_{EH}$$ is $$\kappa = \frac{1}{4M} \propto \frac{r}{A}$$. With $$\frac{r}{A}$$ having units of $$m^{-1}$$ the SI expression is obtained by multiplying by $$c^{2}$$ and the usual $$M \to \frac{GM}{c^{2}}$$ so $$\kappa = \frac{c^{4}}{GM}$$ at $$r = \frac{2GM}{c^{2}} = R_{EH}$$. $$\kappa$$ is monotonic decreasing in r and so $$\kappa(r)<\kappa(R_{EH})$$ for all $$r>R_{EH}$$.

This puts a bound on the values the parameters can take. Throughout we assume a weak field, as in Newtonian physics that's enough. But in relativity you can have a weak field and yet be inside an event horizon, as can be seen by $$\kappa = \frac{1}{4M}$$, the larger the black hole the weaker its surface gravity at the event horizon. Given any g there's an $$M_{0}$$ such that all $$M>M_{0}$$ there is a region inside the event horizon with that weak a gravitational acceleration. This is the difference between curvature (which defines the EH) and the varying of curvature, which defines $$\kappa$$ (I can provide links to more detailed derivations of this). We require R to be above the event horizon, as its clear you cannot have your $$r \in [R,R+D]$$ interval straddling the horizon as the projectile starts inside the event horizon and cannot be projected up. More formally there are no stationary frames inside the horizon, even when considering point by point changes, ie SR is not a good approximation.

$$R = \frac{D}{\epsilon}$$ must be above the event horizon $$R_{EH} = 2M = \frac{2|g|D^{2}}{\epsilon^{2}}$$ and so $$\frac{D}{\epsilon} > \frac{2|g|D^{2}}{\epsilon^{2}}$$ and so $$|g| < \frac{\epsilon}{2D}$$. The same result is obtained if you instead use the bound $$g(R) < \kappa(2M)$$. Putting in the factor of $$c^{2}$$ gives the dimensionally correct expression, $$|g| < \frac{2\epsilon c^{2}}{D}$$. Using your units of Earth gravity being 1.03 ly/y^2 and c=1ly/y this becomes, approximately, $$1 < \frac{2\epsilon}{D}$$, ie $$D < 2\epsilon$$. This recovers the trivial $$\epsilon \to 0$$ (ie $$\lambda \to 1$$ which implies $$g(R) = g(R+D))$$ of g=0, ie a gravitational field created by a point mass is only constant when that mass is massless!

This is a bound, in that if it is violated, ie D is too large, then the gravitational field has varied more than your stipulated level of accuracy. It is only approximate, its valid in a weak field limit (ie I could use the Newtonian expression directly), more complicated things happen if R gets too close to $$R_{EH}$$ so the schematic behaviour I've outlined won't happen in such a case but this is not a problem because if the gravitational field isn't behaving as I just outlined then it only reinforced my point about how you can't use SR simplifications too near particular masses. This explains the graphs you have.

In your Newtonian ones a projectile moving at c is not treated any differently to that moving at 0.0001c or 9999c as Newtonian physics allows for any speed and only have the Galilean group symmetries. Hence they don't change when you increase projectile velocity other than a bit of axis scaling. This isn't the case for relativity. If the projectile moves at v<<c then it won't get very far before slowing down so D remains small. But project it at v~c then D will reach large values over enough time. Your SR picture for a fast projectile in this involves time scales of order $$10^{0}$$ year, while your slow SR projectile is of order $$10^{-3}$$ days.

You have been working on the assumption you can dial M up as much as you like in order to make SR approximations valid. For a rocket you just accelerate slowly, there's nothing else to it. For the GR->SR approximation dialling up the mass eventually causes problems because the event horizon structure of black holes is non-trivial. For instance, if you double the radius of the Earth (keeping density $$\rho_{0}$$ the same) you get 8 times the amount of mass, ie $$M \propto Vol \propto \rho_{0}r^{3}$$. But for a black hole the mass-radius relationship is linear, $$R \propto M$$.

You've been assuming that all you need to do to get a valid SR description is to simply make the gravitational field vary slowly enough, the value of the acceleration isn't an issue. That's incorrect, as you can only drop the full GR description to SR if in a region g varies slowly and that region is not near, on or in the event horizon. You're free to decide how slowly you wish g to vary and over what length interval it does that but you cannot then select an arbitrary g, it must be less (probably significantly so) than the surface gravity on the event horizon. By doubling g you double M and thus double the event horizon radius yet the location of your interval is unchanged, $$[\frac{D}{\epsilon},\frac{D}{\epsilon}+D]$$. A rocket doesn't suffer from this because you're not doing the accelerating via gravity, so no event horizon (though you would get s cosmic horizon).

I originally said to you that you'd blindly applied equations without considering the origin and the requirements of them. I never argued with your citation of the equivalence principle and I've demonstrated now that indeed this approximation is valid if you're careful. But I've also demonstrated what happens if you're not careful and how obtained the implicit requirements for the approximation to be valid over any non-zero length interval (the equivalence principle is exact at a point and an approximation over intervals) and these have squared up exactly with your results. As a result of providing this alternative explanation I have rendered your repeated "I can ignore GR with impunity and only stick with SR and it'll always be fine over any interval, speed and acceleration" excuse mute. As such if all you can do is repeat it again you'll fail to justify your case. Mind you I'd not be surprised if you make some excuse about having stopped reading after 4 lines, you seem to have a problem with your concentration (might explain how you never read a book on relativity, too busy dreaming up your magical land of make believe).
Now another example, to show that I have the right equations before moving on. The rocket site says it would take 28 years on the crews’ clock for a rocket accelerating at 1 Earth gravity to travel from Earth to the Andromeda galaxy (2 million light years away as measured from Earth), arriving at low speed. For the exact other figures given, the rocket equations show that the trip would actually take 28.24 years, which matters in this case. The maximum speed, at the midpoint, would be tanh(1.03 * 14.12) = 0.999999999999534c.

Immediately after flipping the rocket over at the midpoint and starting to brake (by accelerating toward the Earth), let the crew launch a projectile directly upward at their exact speed relative to the Earth. The projectile will stay essentially halfway between the two galaxies. When the rocket arrives at Andromeda at low speed, 14.12 years later on the rocket’s clock, the projectile should be 1 million light years away as the crew measures. Here’s what my equations show:


We see that after 14.12 years, the projectile is predicted to be 1 million light years away, as expected. (I included descriptions again, to fix a mistake there.) Note that the projectile is accelerating away when it seems on the graph to be not rising at all. Its rate of rise there is just small compared to its subsequent rate of rise.

I’m using existing equations of SR for acceleration, derived in the authoritative book Gravitation. All I’ve done here is apply them to a type of story problem, and I’ve applied them correctly it seems, since I now have a 4-point match to the predictions on the rocket site.

According to GR’s principle of equivalence, "Locally being at rest on the Earth's surface is equivalent to being in a uniformly accelerated spaceship" And "For sufficiently small regions, the special theory of relativity is correct!!" (Google for those quotes.) Then my equations show the distance an observer on the ground of a planet would measure for a projectile launched directly upward at speed u, after some time elapsed on the observer’s clock, limited to a sufficiently small region. Any valid measure-distance-from-afar method could be used (e.g. parallax, laser range finder, etc.).

My equations show two interesting things: When the projectile’s launch speed is close to the speed of light (even as “low” as 0.95c), it accelerates away (i.e. its change in distance per unit time increases) as a ground observer measures. The equations also show that the average change in distance per unit time can be anything, for a given value for g. In principle, for the right planet, even when g is -1 Earth gravity a projectile can move 1 million light years away per 14 years as a ground observer measures. Or 1 trillion light years away per second—in principle there’s no limit.

[size=+1]Calculations for the Earth[/size]

So far I’ve assumed a quite large “sufficiently small region”, which is fine for a thought experiment. Anything that’s possible in principle is fine for a thought experiment. Excel doesn’t have sufficient precision to do calculations for a small-enough region for the Earth, so I found the excellent (and free!) SpeedCrunch calculator to do that. Here are the results for the example I gave above, for a projectile launched at 0.007c, where g = -1.03 ly/yr^2 (= -1 Earth gravity), within 1 decimeter of height:

T (yr) Change in D (ly)
-----  --------------------------
1E-19  6.99999999999999845515E-21
2E-19  6.99999999999999742525E-21
3E-19  6.99999999999999639535E-21
4E-19  6.99999999999999536545E-21

In 1E-19 years, light moves about 1 mm when measured with respect to a locally inertial frame. The results show that the projectile accelerates toward the Earth (decreasing change in distance per unit time), as expected. Acceleration toward the Earth is what we're used to observing.

Here are the results for the same conditions except the projectile is launched at 0.95c:

T (yr) Change in D (ly)
-----  --------------------------
1E-19  9.50000000000000001245E-19
2E-19  9.5000000000000000207E-19
3E-19  9.5000000000000000291E-19
4E-19  9.50000000000000003732E-19

These results show acceleration away from the Earth (increasing change in distance per unit time). See that the projectile’s height increases almost 1 cm in each 1E-19 yr increment, even though light moves only about 1 mm in that time, when measured with respect to a locally inertial frame. That’s not a flaw—the measurements above are taken in an accelerating frame!

What you’ve seen in this post is one of the greatest findings of physics in the last 50 years at least (thanks dream physicist!).
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AlphaNumeric, thanks, that was very useful. I flatter myself that I actually understood the gist of it.
What you’ve seen in this post is one of the greatest findings of physics in the last 50 years at least (thanks dream physicist!).
You don't think that's just a wee bit over the top? Slightly delusional, even?

But, hey, don't take my word for it: Take AN up on his offer and use his help to submit your findings to a journal. Physical Review D or Letters are obvious choices.
So immediately it can be seen that if you're to consider a physically consistent system you have to be careful, as the equivalence principle applies point by point, each time readjusting if you're to be exactly correct.
This is where you went astray in your thinking. Lots of people have this misconception about the equivalence principle. It requires no such adjustment; SR is correct to a certain number of significant digits in a sufficiently small region. When experimenters test SR, once they limit an experiment to a region that is sufficiently small for the given precision they need only use SR by itself and not anything else from GR. If you had looked up the quote I gave you, you’d see this:

You can make gravity completely disappear in small regions by freely falling. This means that a free fall frame is a perfectly good inertial frame. The only way we can detect the difference is to look for tidal forces which arise if the gravitational field is not perfectly uniform. But for any real gravitational field we can always make the region we consider (our elevator in this case) small enough so we cannot detect the tidal forces. So:

"For sufficiently small regions, the special theory of relativity is correct!!"

You’re trying to argue that tidal forces cannot be ignored. That’s wrong; no readjustment at each point is needed. It doesn’t matter that the equivalence principle is strictly true only at a point. To focus on that is to not see the forest for the trees.

A constant gravitational field is obtained in the limit of an infinitely massive object infinitely far away and in doing this you actually throw out energy conservation. … Bert, you've jumped to a set of equations which don't conserve energy.
I’m not assuming that g is constant in my sufficiently small region. I’m assuming that it varies too little to change my result at the given precision. That’s what a “sufficiently small region” implies.

But this is not the end of the considerations. Unlike Newtonian gravity, where in you can say all you need to say in terms of the gravitational force or potential there's more to it in GR. The case relevant is that of 'surface gravity' at the event horizon. Given a Schwarzchild black hole with event horizon area A and mass M the surface gravity on the horizon …
There’s no need to mention a black hole, at least not until I’ve given the solution to the information paradox. In principle in GR, a planet can be arbitrarily large without being a black hole or even a star. Have you inspected all the planets in the universe to confirm that none look like buckyballs?

You have been working on the assumption you can dial M up as much as you like in order to make SR approximations valid. For a rocket you just accelerate slowly, there's nothing else to it. For the GR->SR approximation dialling up the mass eventually causes problems because the event horizon structure of black holes is non-trivial.
Wrap a galaxy in a buckyball. Even if the galaxy contains a black hole, our new planet won’t be one. Wrap a supercluster in a buckyball… It’s perfectly okay to do this in a thought experiment. A planet can be arbitrarily large. Dialing up the mass need not cause a problem if you also increase the volume. Black holes in GR are caused when a given mass is within a sufficiently small volume.

Mind you I'd not be surprised if you make some excuse about having stopped reading after 4 lines, you seem to have a problem with your concentration (might explain how you never read a book on relativity, too busy dreaming up your magical land of make believe).
Regardless what I’ve read or not, I’ve proven that I’ve mastered relativity enough to revolutionize physics.
AlphaNumeric, thanks, that was very useful. I flatter myself that I actually understood the gist of it.
Too bad that where it was correct it didn't matter here, and was otherwise wrong.

You don't think that's just a wee bit over the top? Slightly delusional, even?
You think proof that SR predicts "acceleration away" is not a great discovery? Tough crowd... When I say it's great I'm speaking scientifically.

But, hey, don't take my word for it: Take AN up on his offer and use his help to submit your findings to a journal. Physical Review D or Letters are obvious choices.
Why? I see no reason.
According to GR’s principle of equivalence, "Locally being at rest on the Earth's surface is equivalent to being in a uniformly accelerated spaceship" And "For sufficiently small regions, the special theory of relativity is correct!!" (Google for those quotes.) Then my equations show the distance an observer on the ground of a planet would measure for a projectile launched directly upward at speed u, after some time elapsed on the observer’s clock, limited to a sufficiently small region.

By your own definition, the observer on the ground is not in an inertial frame. The equivalence principle states that the observer on the ground will feel like he is in an accelerating spaceship. So any equations you wish to apply from SR need to account for the fact the ground observer is not really at "rest", at least in the GR sense. People falling through holes towards the center of the Earth are the ones considered to be at rest.
By your own definition, the observer on the ground is not in an inertial frame. The equivalence principle states that the observer on the ground will feel like he is in an accelerating spaceship. So any equations you wish to apply from SR need to account for the fact the ground observer is not really at "rest", at least in the GR sense.
The equations account for that. As noted in the variable descriptions, the values for D and T (the axes on the graph) are measured in frame R, the rocket's (or ground's) accelerating frame. The equations at the rocket site show measurements from either that frame or the inertial frame (frame S) in which the rocket (or ground) started accelerating.
The equations account for that. As noted in the variable descriptions, the values for D and T (the axes on the graph) are measured in frame R, the rocket's (or ground's) accelerating frame. The equations at the rocket site show measurements from either that frame or the inertial frame (frame S) in which the rocket (or ground) started accelerating.

But according to the equivalence principle, a stationary observer standing on the surface of the Earth is accelerating away from the Earth's center, not towards it. From this POV, any object thrown up into space at any speed should decelerate over time even if it never stops and comes back down. To me it looks like you've got the Earthbound observer accelerating the wrong way.
But according to the equivalence principle, a stationary observer standing on the surface of the Earth is accelerating away from the Earth's center, not towards it. From this POV, any object thrown up into space at any speed should decelerate over time even if it never stops and comes back down. To me it looks like you've got the Earthbound observer accelerating the wrong way.
The acceleration input into the equations is negative because the ground observer is initially decelerating relative to the projectile (where acceleration/deceleration is measured as described at the rocket site). Even when using Newton's equations acceleration is negative for this story problem, as shown in post 89. Google for this from Wikipedia:

Given initial speed u, one can calculate how high the ball will travel before it begins to fall. The acceleration is local acceleration of gravity g. ... Choosing s to measure up from the ground, the acceleration a must be in fact −g, since the force of gravity acts downwards and therefore also the acceleration on the ball due to it.

When the acceleration input into the equations is positive the equations predict the distance a ground observer measures to a projectile launched directly downward, like down a shaft.
The acceleration input into the equations is negative because the ground observer is initially decelerating relative to the projectile (where acceleration/deceleration is measured as described at the rocket site). Even when using Newton's equations acceleration is negative for this story problem, as shown in post 89.

I think this is a misconception in reducing GR to SR while also trying to retain the Newtonian picture of gravity. In Newton's picture, the ground observer mainly experiences two forces: gravity and soil resistance, equal and opposite in magnitude. In the GR picture, gravity isn't a force, it's just the tendency to move inertially through a curved spacetime. The only force remaining in this POV is the ground pressure, which constantly accelerates you upward out of your inertial plunge to the center of the Earth. You need to have a positive g if you're trying to use SR and the equivalence principle here from a ground observer's POV.

When the acceleration input into the equations is positive the equations predict the distance a ground observer measures to a projectile launched directly downward, like down a shaft.

It can describe a projectile launched either upward or downward no matter what g is, all that matters in this regard is the initial velocity.