Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence

If you mean what I think you mean, I don't agree. I think only things which can be supported by observations of the material universe are within the purview of science.

I don't know about that . Extend it to future finds and I might go along with it . You have to have a leading edge . Go were no man has gone before and all that . Dreamers are a necessity when it comes to advancement . They don't always pan out . Even stuff that was held to be true only to be proven wrong in the future by obtaining more data .

Motivated violence by religion. I got it . Not really that .
Consider this :
How do you feel about the misery you experience ?
Do you feel others could never understand unless they experience it for them selves ?
I am learning this could be the road that is traveled . It may be at a lesser degree than the original pain to satisfy the wanting lust to be understood by others.
My wife's secret triggers follow this pattern . I must test it on other subjects . Or to say pay more attention to other subjects and confirm this true or not . Is it all humans or are some immune to the condition ? Right now my gut tells Me it is a human condition .

She defiantly gets a rise out of others understanding her pain in my story lines or to say she might even laugh a little when a character experiences similar things she has had to endure. It is like " Good Now they will know what it is like to be like me.

I think about my self before I changed to this new state I am in . I was like that . No doubt . You can tell by my expressions in my stories I have posted on S.F. They are loaded with my past pains . Hell I still am by this posting really.
This all grew out of my Wife saying I would never jump your bones . That would never Happen . That is what She said to our Daughter ( She is 27 so get off your high horse ) She was hypnotized so she didn't know I was sitting next to her when she said it. Or to say in the hidden language I had told her to spill her guts like I was not there . She fucking did . Days later we had a confrontation. She denied she said it . Bull shit fuck you. I made her say it by the same methods to the point she no longer had deny-ability. Like she had to face it but she would not retract that she never said the first time I made roll out of her mouth . Well Mikey got a face lift . Strength training , Clean sharp closes , hair cut fresh , smelling sauces of many different flavors . Woman sent too. So I can spray em on my collar. Like I been playing around with other girls . Might have to get me some lipstick . Course I been sexually assaulting ( Verbally and mentally only and out of ear shot ) the other single ladies in town ) In the hidden language that gets around fast . The thing is the other girls are very responsive to the titillation. They seriously like it . I think it is there hidden pent up sexual aggression or oppression . It is something to see and it is a time bomb waiting to go off. They giggle and twitch. Make cooing sound like a bird. The smiles on there faces really tell the story . At first it was hard to do and I felt like a dirty old man and they avert there eyes in shame when I felt that way . Now as I do it like there is no sin in it and it is there right to be a sexual being the response is very different . Eager is the best way to describe it . Happiness at being thought of as a sexual being . They want to be massaged and manipulated. I mean like kneaded like a lump of dough to make bread . Mentally of course . Or to say they want there attention whoring taken care of . That is connected to the sexuality I believe . Connected to sexual stimulation
So I got to tell you about Haiti experience . I learned all that before I left for Haiti . It was while I was banned. I guess all time I was posting I was learning and exploring and when I was forced out of the nest of S.F. it all became to obvious what my denials were and the denials of others .
So I was staying at a Catholic compound run by Father Thomas . I tested it on the Nuns across from us . There are about twelve of them . I sent out sexual innuendos from the roof top of the building I was staying in and to my surprise these nuns are running around acting strange in there underwear and even taking ther close completely off . At first I didn't know what they were doing jumping all in front of the windows with the lights on . Then I realized I went out loud O.M.G. and ran down off the roof .Saying fucking unbelievable . Then we went to Mass a couple days later and they were in front of me . So I did the whisper and they started squirming there butts on there heels of there bare feet . I would stop they would stop . I would start up they would start up . Then we sang a song that started with the "Star of the ocean" Which to me is a reference to leviathan and also a reference to the sexual organs of a female human . Clit and vaginal flow of a sexually stimulated woman . You see the connotation . Well I start up right after the song referring the star of the ocean to the nuns sexual desire of there marriage to the Christ . I think they had organisms. I am positive they did . This wiggle wiggle wiggle and then more wiggle then after they were done they had this look of relief come over them. This relaxing . I am positive . They self polished there stars at the suggestion .
They actually allowed you on an airplane?

Me-Ki might be the control, for the random testing of security effectiveness.

This somehow got me to thinking about the potential issue of organisms on an airplane. Talk about a national interest at stake. Perish the thought.

Wow what an incredible last 2 pages this has been in the oft-aligned religiously motivated violence arena.

I wonder if the nuns feel violated.
Who said ''atheism'' IS the 'demon'?

There is a sense of people confronting their demons here. I was wondering what it is about atheism that draws out that kind of energy.

I guess ''western'' isn't mean in a directional sense, but in a worldview sense (atheistic).

Ah. So the eastern atheists living in San Francisco are OK, it's the Sunday School dropouts that may not be.
Me-Ki might be the control, for the random testing of security effectiveness.

This somehow got me to thinking about the potential issue of organisms on an airplane. Talk about a national interest at stake. Perish the thought.

Wow what an incredible last 2 pages this has been in the oft-aligned religiously motivated violence arena.

I wonder if the nuns feel violated.

You can say what you like about atheists, I never mind-raped a nun.
You can say what you like about atheists, I never mind-raped a nun.

In that case, Mr. Spidergoat, I am sorry to inform you that I will have to strip you of your Full Demon status among fellow atheists and demote you to the class of Ethical Secularist. (Don't lose the horns, though, I'm sure you'll need their mojo down the line).

All joking aside, it's scary...borderline insane. And how weird that it breaks down under the analysis of the topic:

If nuns are specifically targeted on account of their religious vow of chastity, it would seem fully compliant with any definition of religiously motivated violence, and utterly indefensible by even the ardent opponents to the notion, since perpetrating against a religious person, on account of that person's religious ideals, even while the perpetrator himself holds no religious view, would still constitute a religiously-motivated act. In other words, if no such religion had ever existed, the idea would not have had the same morbid appeal, so the underlying hatred of their belief, or the desire to forcefully take what is most sacred to them, must necessarily be religiously motivated.

How bizarre that this story got woven into the thread at all. Yikes. :bugeye:
That's what I like about sciforums. Me-Ki-Gal, don't you go changin', jus' to please me.
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When I say business I mean objective.

As far as I know science's business is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the physical/material world and universe and how things work. It's not in the business of pursuing knowledge of the God Theory. It's ultimately a byproduct of the science itself. Meaning it is not science's primary objective or goal to address such things but it inadvertently does.

Well said. Science is not atheistic, but it is secular. And science explains, it doesn't primarily work on proofs, it makes things that work. So I would have to agree that when science manages to tear down the supernatural, it will be bi-product of, say, neurology or psychology or a new science of memetics/morality/etc.
I would like to reinsert this point in this conversation -

"Ok. Lets take the general atheist. What is his response to, say, burning the "God delusion [or any symbolic stuff - like spagetti monster puppets]" in sweden, the most atheistic country? Some outrage over religious censorship? Some criticism of encroaching on free speech?

Then we you take the general muslim from, say, Iraq. What is his reaction to burning the Quran? Beheading? Shooting? That's of course, if you are lucky. More likely public stoning or tortue.

Now why is there the difference between the reactions about desacrating something central to a person's beliefs if the difference is not religious?

Also, lets take suicide bombings. The actual love of death and martrydom in Islam is well known. Now, this is, has to be, rooted in their religious belief in the islamic afterlife. Without taking religion into account, politcal, social or economic conditions alone CANNOT explain why well to do, well educated, smart and understanding young people would carry out the 9/11 attacks. Even if they were brainwashed into just an interpretation of the Quran [they weren't - quran clearly tells its followers to kill the kafirs], it is still religion that is at the core of their motivation. Religion is prone to interpretation, and while you may make the case for saying that interpretations of religions not actual religions as they are not how the scripture is intended, that may be ontologically true, but it is not practically true - since the person considered it his religion and his religion is an interpretation of an actual religion. Hence the religion, however good it might be, must take the responsiblity [though not necessarily blame] for any interpretations which it might create. All christians must take responsiblity for evangelicals, because catholic or protestant, they are still all christains; just as jihadist or moderates, they are all muslims."
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Excuss my naivety, but is Mekigal really talking about hypnotically induced orgasms on a thread about religious violence?
Oh well, could be useful. Where may I learn this great art, the greatest of all arts and the most forgotten source of power?
He has been discussing something about whispers? What is going on?
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No, and that's why they're no business of science's. Science is for real things. Things which affect the observable universe.

Fairy tales and the like are none of science's business. It's a waste of science's time and resources.

Don't you think science can play a part in determining if these tales are real?
No, and that's why they're no business of science's. Science is for real things. Things which affect the observable universe.

Fairy tales and the like are none of science's business. It's a waste of science's time and resources.

That might be true for some areas of science, but I wouldn't lump all the fields into that category.

I could see anthropologists and archaeologists investigating fairy tales. Certainly a lot of science has come to play in digging at religious sites, dating artifacts, restoring and interpreting texts, etc. And yet the whole foundation for the culture may have been a fairy tale. Egyptologists would seem to require a study of the religions of the various dynasties. And so on.
Now deal

No, and that's why they're no business of science's. Science is for real things. Things which affect the observable universe.

Fairy tales and the like are none of science's business. It's a waste of science's time and resources.

Well, not to screw with the argument at this point, but unreal things are only unreal until they're real.

That's right, I said it.