Show that there is *religiously* motivated violence

Not just for a strong atheist.
Any theist who does not hold that they have direct contact with their God would also not be able to say what was religious or not.
They would be relying on someone telling them... and relying on belief that that person does have direct contact, and is telling them the truth.

But given that you seem to think even the Pope is of dubious quality such that Catholics should not necessarily follow his word, or that the Pope cannonising someone is not sufficient evidence for that person to be considered saintly or having been religious...

Ultimately your definition does not allow for anyone to be religious, not even theists, unless they have a direct line to their God to confirm that actions are pleasing to God.
And even for those people that claim to have a direct line (for such confirmation purposes) you are relying on them to tell you the objective reality rather than their subjective one... e.g. the voices in their head may just be a symptom of neurological deterioration - and you are still left with issues of how you choose between one such person and another.

My definition indeed doesn't leave room for anyone to brag with their supposed religiousness, or to use it against anyone.

My definition welcomes everyone to aspire to be religious.

I think that in general, many people who are members of theistic religious organizations would agree with my definition.
Nope, and nor should I, weasel-words. You haven't the faintest clue about #2, and it serves to reduce the argument to an unknowable. You're confusing the metaphysical with the physical.

I don't give a shit.

Why are you interested only in a secular understanding of religion?
My definition indeed doesn't leave room for anyone to brag with their supposed religiousness, or to use it against anyone.
Or to even know if they are religious or not. :shrug:
My definition welcomes everyone to aspire to be religious.
Unless you are a strong agnostic (theist or atheist), and then per your definition it is impossible to be religious.
I think that in general, many people who are members of theistic religious organizations would agree with my definition.
I would think differently - that most members of theistic religious organisations would hold religion to be a social gathering with (defined) practices in line with the tenets of their faith, and that to be religiouos one merely needs to act in accordance with those practices. They would take on faith that such actions would be pleasing to God, much as they would take on faith alone that God exists.
I didn't say that it was biblically motivated violence.
It's just a case of James R's horns showing.
Why don't you think it is biblically motivated violence?

A person quotes the scripture as the reason before stoning someone to death because he thought that individual was a homosexual. He states that the Bible states that homosexuals must be put to death. So he complies.

And you do not see that as violence motivated by one's religious teachings and readings?

I'd like you to explain in what way they are, rather than just saying they are.
What what is?

The quotes in the bible?

Or do you need someone to explain to you why stoning someone to death as per the scripture and stating that the reason he stoned him to death was because the bible said so is religiously motivated violence?

What about the priest who crucified the nun, with the help of other nuns in the convent, during an exorcism? When that priest then makes this statement:

Father Daniel who is accused of orchestrating the crime is said to be unrepentant.

"God has performed a miracle for her, finally Irina is delivered from evil," AFP quoted the priest as saying.

You need me to explain why and how crucifying someone in an exorcism is religiously motivated violence?

Now you try and insult me?
Explain the ''religion'' in casting the first stone? Please.
You were the one going on about the different levels of religion.

Not me.

And perhaps you should refer to your biblical text and scripture about casting the first stone and how homosexuals should be treated a la Bible.

Religion is a discipline. You may not like to think so. But it is.
All discipline require conviction, sacrifice, and understanding.
Your idea of religion just being whatever one feels, is not supported by any

So religion is supported by scripture? So why do you claim and how can you actually believe that a man who stones someone to death, with the full support of his bible and scripture is not acting religiously, when even he states clearly that he killed the man because the bible says to stone homosexuals?

So the scripture is only the go to place for happy fun times? That all the deespicable violence quoted in scripture is not worthy of consideration? It just doesn't count?

At what level are you an atheist?
I wasn't aware there were levels of atheism. Do explain..

If your child was in a life threatening situation, and all ''rational'' options were
exhausted. Would you ask God to help?
About as likely that I would seek help from the fairies at the bottom of my garden.

We're asking you to show and explain how this act of God's is ''religiously motivated''. Please do, it's been long overdue.
Well God not being the religious being that he is and all.. Perhaps you should ask him why he committed genocide?

Was it to save the souls from evil of false Gods of the Egyptians? Was it an act of revenge? Was it to protect the Jews from the fiendish and evil other God loving Egyptians? Was it because God supposedly owns human life and he just felt like it?

I don't know Jan. Why is any act of God's in the religious context it is placed in the bible not religious?

You see religion as a motivator, and as such you decide there are better motivations than religion, so you are atheist. That seems to be the standard for modern-atheists (mod-aths). But not everybody sees religion as a motivating factor to do good/bad, or to explain to workings of the world.
You are effectively tarring all religious people with the same brush, which is understandable, because you are an atheist, and that's how you see it.

I think the problem is your thinking you are correct in your analasys, and anything that doesn't comply is wrong. A trait that is all to common in institutional religion.
So as a religious individual, you do not believe in the scripture? Or do you pick and choose?

So you don't see different levels of religiosity in people?

Because you are judging people by how much they believe.. What level of religiosity are they? How much do they believe. It is exclusive as it is competitive.

Come on Bells, you're better than this.
I am serious.

You are saying that you operate at a much higher religious level, apparently along with LG and Wynn.. this was your argument before.

In other words, you hold yourself and your belief to be above that of everyone else and you judge who and what is religious or not. That has been your stance in this whole discussion.

It says, in the Bible, Thou shalt not kill, Love thy neighbour, follow the commandments, vengence is mine sayeth the Lord, and load of other things along those lines. So why did he focus on that one thing, knowing he would go to jail for a long time (if he wasn't proved insane, then his sentence would be severly diminished ).
Why is stoning homosexuals even in the Bible Jan?

Why is killing one's children in the Bible?

If you look back in this thread, you'll find that it is your side which has not been listening. The notion that the Bible IS ''religion'', therefore if one uses texts as ideas, or even passions, to carry out violent acts, one is ''religious'', needs to be explained and expanded upon.

You need to explain what it means to be religious, and what is religious motivation (to the exclusion of all other motivations). This idea of one size fit all, is bunk.

That you don't attach any importance to ''religion'', is not my problem. You are here, making a case, so explain yourself.
As an atheist, I can assure you, I attach absolutely no importance to religion or your brand of religious beliefs.

You are trying to have it both ways. You are religious and you follow the scripture. You have read your bible and you follow Jesus' teachings in said bible. Yet, you seem to be claiming that the Bible is not that important when discussing its ugly side.

If I were to use your argument to describe you, I would say you are a non-believer since you discount your own religious text to such an extent to make excuses for what is in it.
Why are you interested only in a secular understanding of religion?

Because people live in the physical world. If you want to point to God's hand in violence, you'll be looking forever. It's an untenable argument.

There is all that talk about how religion motivates people to be violent and abusive.

Show that the violence is indeed religiously motivated - and not perhaps politically, economically, a mistake etc.

Hmm well for starters the crusades
Because people live in the physical world. If you want to point to God's hand in violence, you'll be looking forever. It's an untenable argument.

What's your point?

It's not like the "physical" - or anything, really - can exist separately from God.
What's your point?

It's not like the "physical" - or anything, really - can exist separately from God.

What's your point? You have no evidence for this god of yours.

Why would I believe that I should excuse religiously-motivated violence simply because you think you can point to an absentee landlord, who may not even exist?
:eek: How dare you propose such a thing. God will smite you down for undefinably unreligious reasons.
And this:

And [the god] Kemosh said to me, "Go, take Nebo from Israel." And I went in the night and fought against it from the daybreak until midday, and I took it and I killed the whole population: seven thousand male subjects and aliens, and female subjects, aliens, and servant girls. For I had put it to the ban for Ashtar Kemosh. And from there I took the vessels of Yahweh, and I presented them before the face of Kemosh.

- 9C BC basaltic Stele, attributed to Mesha, King of Moab​

But of course we can't know for sure if he was truly religiously motivated, since

  1. he's not of any of the religions represented here
  2. it was all about money
  3. so he says, but what idiot would believe a murderer?
  4. he was just one really mean guy, y'know, so deal with it
  5. anti-semitism was already covered - it's economic, political, it's anything but religious!
  6. prove the stele wasn't forged

I'm trying to cover all the bases. What did I miss?

I'm making a list for a new thread called: show there is *religiously* motivated historical revisionism.
The system of punishments and rewards is only one possibility of organization.
true, but it's one adopted by religion.

To be sure, punishment exists in secular society as well.
also true, but to a less degree than in a religious one.
The question is, rather, whether we consider that punishment just, and on the whole, whether we consider the instance that issued the punishment to be authoritative or not.
it's about who are "we".

i find it just that a homosexual gets burned alive, because god said so. you(we) may say it's a punishment/using force for not stopping the blasphemous and deserving acts of homosexuality.
an atheist would see it as pure simple and unfounded violence.

besides, in the reward/punishment system of organizing societies, can you please tell me how can a punishment not be violent?
how can a religious punishment not be violent?

The law can mandate use of force, but violence is not permissible. This is why a police officer who is violent is prosecuted for it.
SWAT teams shooting bank robbers and drug smugglers is not violent?

Makes me wonder: is turning frisky people into pillars of salt proof of religiously motivated violence? :scratchin:

Was it done under "the discernment of a saintly person immediately in the position of instructing the person who commits an action", smartass? Of course not. Pfft. You denialists drive me mad.
Was it done under "the discernment of a saintly person immediately in the position of instructing the person who commits an action", smartass? Of course not. Pfft. You denialists drive me mad.

That's the whole problem here: no sense of humor! You think the denialists would just try to get a grip and face the music. They are justifying some really heinous stuff just to try balance the equation. It simply can't be done.

On the other hand.. what if God the Father was instructing God the Son to go ahead and let salt-demons out of their cages...

These technicalities are a nightmare.
i find it just that a homosexual gets burned alive


Do all of the phobias get piled into the bucket with violence?

If: to lust after a woman with your eyes is to commit adultery,
then: shouldn't we infer that any fantasy of violence is tantamount to violence?

If so, all thoughts of inflicting punishment for religious grounds would seem to qualify as religiously motivated violence.

Similarly, all phobic based ruminations on violence would seem to also qualify.

So: any religious ideation that involves hate or retribution would qualify.

Of course, in Christianity, they are commanded to love their enemy. Yet they may find religious justification for hating any person deemed wicked. It's religiously motivated despite the clear infraction.

There has got to be a lot of this kind of religiously motivated violence going around in world at this very moment.

It seems so obvious. Other than feeling proprietary, why would anyone deny iit?
What's your point? You have no evidence for this god of yours.

Why would I believe that I should excuse religiously-motivated violence simply because you think you can point to an absentee landlord, who may not even exist?

So it seems this is the underlying contention of your camp:
That those who argued that there can be no religiously motivated violence are trying to excuse some violent acts as irrelevant or non-existent, and that those acts should not be prosecuted in the same manner as other acts who have caused comparable damage are prosecuted.

The fact is that none of those who argued that there can be no religiously motivated violence have suggested anything of that kind in this thread.

I suppose there are people who claim to be religious who go around shooting people and who expect that the law would let them walk free and even commend them.

But neither myself, nor LG, nor Jan, nor Big Chiller have suggested anything like that.

In Gustav's example with the Schaibles, I clearly made the point that the Schaibles were citizens and as such subject to the law, and I agreed with the verdict that US court made in their case.