Why do you care about the afterlife? We're going to be dead anyways! We're going to be dead a hell of a lot longer than we are going to be alive, so why not just give up church and live life the way you believe it should be lived, and answer for it at the end, rather than spend half your life repentint sins? For some great and glorious afterlife?
And, usp8riot, children starving due to sin? If that's the true face of god, I'll damn well take hell over that sick, depraved shit. That's just wrong, no savior who preached loving and forgiveness would allow children to starve to death in the sudan, no matter how much free will we were "given" by "god." All this arguement does is prove that religion breeds intolerance through "morality" IE, sins. If there is an all loving god, in your opinion, would he let children starve to death? Obviously not. If there is a god and devil, I say, thanks lucifer, I'll take my free will, if there is a god and a lucifer, and be done with it. If you've lived a good life, then why even bother with a church? If you live your life by some moral standing that you have, and you're a good person, then you probably don't have to worry about going to hell.