Shouldn't We be Thanking the Devil?

LeeDa said:
I just so love serving good and seeking truth. Loose translation = I love Jesus and am a believer for the christians. There I confess. Surely condemning the good man is a bad thing?

Isn't Satan serving God also?
Well, although i say its just a story, for the sake of the argument...

I see where your logic comes from, but the way I personally think of it is this... if you dont know what is good and what is evil you are innocent... like a small child or a baby... you dont know what is wrong... and it is usually the innocent ones who dont do bad... for the most part... and if you did do something bad, you didnt know it was bad, so how can you be punished for that?? (ticket to heaven)

But hey, thats a 3-second thought process because I think its just a story...
you are less culpable because you don't know. so you are not punished as badly, but some tpye of recompence is needed; but the redemption is usually in the wake of the sin anyway, so it will probably be taken care of in this life, so it wouldn't have to be worked off in purgatory
Can too much good be a bad thing? After 6 days God saw that it was good and relaxed. Why was He even worried about it? Did He suspect something was amiss? You'd think He's know. How could something so good all of a sudden be not so good?

Is it us or the devil? Either way both are not ultimately responsible. How is gaining the knowledge of good and evil an evil act? I guess in a world where everything is good the only commandment would be ....'Thou shalt not know good or evil'. In other words God wanted us to live in a world where good and evil existed but we weren't supposed to know about it. It also means God knowingly created evil things, He had to have, He knew they were there. It also means God created evil, some time during those first 6 days, and He then declared it good. Huh?
Id explain the entire contextualist answer to the Creation and Adam and Eve story (two separate and contradicting stories) , BUT, this discussion is on a literalist playing field
That would mean the Bible is a product of our gaining knowledge. What would it mean to us if we quote God saying that 'He saw everything was good' if we didn't know the meaning of the word. Essentially the Bible is here because we know good and evil.
knowldge is not evil gaining knowldge is not evil, but ways of going about gaining knowldge when directly agaist the wishes of someone who knows what is going to happen aka god is evil do you need to stick your hand in fire to know that it burns if you don't are you not just depriving yourself of knowledge
Little_Birdie said:
knowldge is not evil gaining knowldge is not evil, but ways of going about gaining knowldge when directly agaist the wishes of someone who knows what is going to happen aka god is evil do you need to stick your hand in fire to know that it burns if you don't are you not just depriving yourself of knowledge

I hear you but it still doesn't detract from the fact that God created evil and declared it good. He knew about it and tried to keep it away from us, I accept that. If we did not have knowledge of good or evil and God's going around declaring everything He did was good then it would not make any sense to anyone lacking that knowledge. it would be like explaining nuclear physics to an orangutan.
god didn't create evil for us free willed beings choose to turn away from the good the devil being one of them and the struggle happened before time mythologicly speaking so there was evil before man and god was trying to protect us from it
Little_Birdie said:
god didn't create evil for us free willed beings choose to turn away from the good the devil being one of them and the struggle happened before time mythologicly speaking so there was evil before man and god was trying to protect us from it

We could never have turned away from good because we didn't know what it was. God put us in an impossible situation...saying we committed evil before we even knew what good or evil was.
just because you don't know something is there doesn't mean it isn't there. you don't know my living room is here but one day you might stumble into not knowing where you were or why you were there but that would not change the fact that you were in my living room. and the angels had already made their decision picked their side if you will so the bad ones (demons) had their infulence even in edan
Then you definitely have to thank Satan and his fallen angels because without them you would never know that God is good. Imagine God trying to explain good to someone who doesn't grasp the concept. Why can't they?...because in order to know good you need to know evil. Every person that believes in the goodness of God should thank Satan or whomever for making the whole thing understandable. The world needed Satan's evil so God could look good, there is no other way.
In the garden of Eden sin was so beautiful until it attracted Eve from righteousness to sin.
And in the same garden where there was a Tree of Life, there was also a tree of death.
We would know it today as the law of contrast. That where there is good, there is evil; where there is right, there is wrong.
We will never, no matter what our environment may be, ever be able to shake ourselves from the presence of either.
Because, Paul said, "When I would do good, then evil is present."
The sinner will never be able to shake away from the Christian, the Christian from the sinner.
There'll be a witness there of right, and a testimony of wrong always. And you make your choice.
You have to take one side or the other.
Satan is the "Sith" to God's "Jedi".
Thus, Satan > God, because the jedi suck.
Analogies are cool. :D
Satan is made up. And if you want to play those cards, God made satan so you should be thanking God for making satan. He made all good and bad. He intended for satan to work this way, which is why he let's him reign on the earth.
usp8riot said:
Satan is made up. And if you want to play those cards, God made satan so you should be thanking God for making satan. He made all good and bad. He intended for satan to work this way, which is why he let's him reign on the earth.

That's cool. Always just when we think omnipotent beings might have screwed up, they intended it to happen. There's no other way out of that one if you want to protect God's infallibility. Then by all means let's thank God for the devil. That would mean the whole Satan-God tiff was a set up.

So in essence, everything is as it should be. There is nothing wrong. Sinning is to be expected as a natural event because God intended it that way.....or is this a grey area? I mean if we are thanking God for the devil then I think it only fair to thank God for sin. Actually this makes the devil and any other demon a non-player, just props in a gigantic imaginary play.
why would you want to experence bad to know good? do you need to be raped to know it is bad? do you even need to know about rape to fully enjoy sex? why dirty your mind with negetive thoughts, when you never have to know they exist? the only reason you need to know about them is to protect yourself from them. there is no good that comes from knowing evil, except protection from it; but in the garden there was no evil but the snake and the tree, had they but listened they would have lived in paradise, and when uphoricly happy who cares if you know it or not