Shouldn't We be Thanking the Devil?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Why did God not want us to have knowledge of good and evil? Why did Satan think it was wrong for God to withhold this from us? Was there more to Satan getting the boot from heaven then we've been told? Was Satan's fall from grace only a result of a difference of opinion on how to deal with us?

Now God can say all He wants in that Bible of his but it sounds like a guy trying to cover something up. Classic power struggle. God makes a point by interfering. He's either killing us or scaring us half to death but as far as I can tell Satan only wanted us to have wisdom. You can have fun with Satan or live in God's Zombie world. I say thanks to the lord of darkness, he saved us from an indescribable hell.
Satan basically translates as 'the prosecutor' or 'the accuser' from hebrew. He still supposedly works for god, testing and manipulating man.

Also, please note that the serpent is not conclusively proven to be synonymous with the Devil. In fact, the Devil as a unified entity was only concieved of rather late in the game.
Clockwood said:
Satan basically translates as 'the prosecutor' or 'the accuser' from hebrew. He still supposedly works for god, testing and manipulating man.

Also, please note that the serpent is not conclusively proven to be synonymous with the Devil. In fact, the Devil as a unified entity was only concieved of rather late in the game.

I'm willing to change Satan to serpent, and thank the snake just the same. Life under God would be knowing nothing, instinct over knowledge without any serpents or devils. Its almost an evolutionary bookmark, trading instinct for knowledge..... way to go any other name just as nice.
baumgarten said:
(it's mythology)
Agreed. But, for the sake of arguement, we should be willing to set aside our beliefs. Take this as you would take any other hypothetical arguement.
I've thought of some of the same questions myself PE. Free will also gave us the opportunity for accomplishment, and as such, gave us the opportunity for failure. And as God says, it is safe not to bet. And that's what man did. As he bit the fruit, metaphorically, it was a gamble. As with knowledge came knowledge of the good and bad things in life.

By default, we weren't prone to be able to fail, we were doing just as God wanted us to. But as we took a chance to gain more power/knowledge, so could it give the opportunity to think and run away from God, in a sense. And so, you can see why God warned of this. And whether or not anyone agrees, the devil is working for God. The bible just tells it metaphorically. Before free will, we were at peace, doing as we would do. But once knowledge comes and free will, there is choices. And in choices, comes emotions, and in emotions, there is no peace, it has to be worked for. An animal is in peace in doing what it is supposed to, it is bliss with ignorance. And as we are not as ignorant anymore, so are we not as bliss. God was just warning of the trade off that comes with knowledge.
If civilization and the ability to create for ourselves is what we got in exchange for an ounce of pain, I want more pain.
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PsychoticEpisode said:
Why did God not want us to have knowledge of good and evil? Why did Satan think it was wrong for God to withhold this from us? Was there more to Satan getting the boot from heaven then we've been told? Was Satan's fall from grace only a result of a difference of opinion on how to deal with us?

Now God can say all He wants in that Bible of his but it sounds like a guy trying to cover something up. Classic power struggle. God makes a point by interfering. He's either killing us or scaring us half to death but as far as I can tell Satan only wanted us to have wisdom. You can have fun with Satan or live in God's Zombie world. I say thanks to the lord of darkness, he saved us from an indescribable hell.

Sure Satan gave us free choice, but God just wanted us to come to heaven after earth. In a way Satan made everything a heck of a lot harder.
the tree is a symbol of the free will god gave to man if he had stuck them in a world were there was no temptation, no chance to do evil then what choice would they have but to do good. the snake is a symbol of that temptation whispering in the ear of the first "sinner" it is not just knowledge but the knowledge og good and evil that the tree contains it is not gaining of knowledge but a loss of inoccence that is symbolized in the eating of the apple. theologically humans also lost other gifts that will be regained on the second coming of christ according to the catholic church
Clockwood said:
Agreed. But, for the sake of arguement, we should be willing to set aside our beliefs. Take this as you would take any other hypothetical arguement.
You misunderstand me. I'm not dismissing the thread because I don't believe the story. I'm pointing out that it's mythology because the purpose of the story is to illustrate the way things are, not the way things could have been. In the context of the story, we sinned because we are human, not the other way around.
Its dangerous to believe in Jesus if he never existed. Im sure believers will eventually hurt themselves to keep supporting false beliefs and come back for more. Eradicate religion. Its a heavy burden that provides little or no profit. Believing in something mythological and practicing it as real and reality will surely create bad patterns of behaviour which are destructive to ones self, yet it's allowed to carry on en mass. Whats with that.

Im with god over anyone all the time. His will be done. He's infallible, what he says is always right. Obey.
LeeDa said:
Its dangerous to believe in Jesus if he never existed. Im sure believers will eventually hurt themselves to keep supporting false beliefs and come back for more. Eradicate religion. Its a heavy burden that provides little or no profit. Believing in something mythological and practicing it as real and reality will surely create bad patterns of behaviour which are destructive to ones self, yet it's allowed to carry on en mass. Whats with that.

Im with god over anyone all the time. His will be done. He's infallible, what he says is always right. Obey.

a God that is goodness in exsistance cannot cause evil when being obeyed it is when humans want to propigate their own aganda that the religious masses are pursaded to do something hurtfull
LeeDa said:
Its dangerous to believe in Jesus if he never existed.

Well, it would be even more dangerous not to believe in Jesus if he did exist, don't you think? Imagine the terror at Judgement Day: "confutatis maledictis flamis acribus addictis", and your cries of "voca me cum benedictis" falling on deaf ears :)
Not at all.

I read a scripture in the holy bible saying "In the end of days I will justify the heathen".

Imagine the terror at judgement day, when someone says "I was a believer in you jesus he wasnt he was a heathen send him to hell".

They shall say lord lord did we not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out demons, and I shall say begone from me you evil doers I never knew you.
Thall shall not judge for whatever measure you use will be measured back to you.
What you said is so facist. Damn facist. Believe or else is that what your saying?
I imagine this huge alien craft waltzing around the universe. The ship contains, along with numerous species of animals gathered from other planets, living adult size humanoids immersed in a giant solution of breathable liquid. They are suspended in life size glass enclosures and fed intravenously by tubes. The aliens' mission is to seed the universe with these creatures who started life in a petri dish. Before release the new inhabitants are scheduled to have their brains programmed with enough data to enable them to survive.

The leader of the mission is determined not to have this bunch wise to the ways of the universe, where it's every man for himself, kill or be killed. He is determined to start his own utopia, sort of like Khan. His subordinates argue against this because it is against everything their mission stands for. They are threatened with death when they try to argue against it. They mutiny and eventually escape to the new planet. They take with them a machine capable of administering a normal universal intelligence to the mentally infantile humans just released on the planet. In a clandestine effort worthy of James Bond they manage to lure the humans in to the machine, right under the watchful gaze of the mission leader. What a coup! The leader is still pissed to this day. Still looking for the perps too. He also tried exterminating nearly every human afterwards to again breed his utopian society but failed miserably.

Just having fun with A&E. That's my sci-fi take on the whole thing. Think I could make a religion out of it? When you think of it, the A&E story was great sci-fi for that time period. I wonder if some Bible writers were actual descendants of Asimov or Roddenberry. Anyway, its just another angle. Who's to say God's story isn't bullshit and the guy we need to thank was the leader of a mutinous band of individuals who only wanted to do what was right. Heheheh
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if you are seeking truth and serving good than you are seeking god and serving him for he is the truth and the good. that is what it is ment by "I will justify the heathen"
I just so love serving good and seeking truth. Loose translation = I love Jesus and am a believer for the christians. There I confess. Surely condemning the good man is a bad thing?