Should we take Ray Comfort Serious? If no, what not?

Jan Ardena

I know a lot of you are totally put off by Ray Comfort (aka Banana Man).
If you can, please watch this video, then let’s discuss what your grievances are. Please try and watch it all the way through.

warning: Not for the atheist faint of heart.

Open air preaching video by Ray Comfort? Then, Ray throws a bunch of pamphlets into the crowd? Should have been arrested for littering.

Then, Ray gets destroyed by a passerby on evolution so he blurts out, "Cows do not have horses" demonstrating Ray's incredible knowledge of evolution, or lack thereof.

From there, the video actually keeps getting stupider and we hear the same old tired, refuted arguments from people who have no clue about how evolution works, and how no one has ever discovered a Crokoduck, but go on to create one in a swamp in some incredibly stupid way to satirize science.

Seriously Jan, this is what you watch to get educated?
Open air preaching video by Ray Comfort? Then, Ray throws a bunch of pamphlets into the crowd? Should have been arrested for littering.

Then, Ray gets destroyed by a passerby on evolution so he blurts out, "Cows do not have horses" demonstrating Ray's incredible knowledge of evolution, or lack thereof.

From there, the video actually keeps getting stupider and we hear the same old tired, refuted arguments from people who have no clue about how evolution works, and how no one has ever discovered a Crokoduck, but go on to create one in a swamp in some incredibly stupid way to satirize science.

Seriously Jan, this is what you watch to get educated?
So you’re like this all the time. Huh?
Where’s that nice Q I was talking to a few days ago. :D

What did you think about his talk on God, JC, and the bible?
So you’re like this all the time. Huh?
Where’s that nice Q I was talking to a few days ago. :D

Nice? What does that have to do with the sheer idiocy of Ray Comfort and your willingness to promote him? Ray is one of most insulting people on the planet to ones intelligence and deserves all the ridicule due to him.

What did you think about his talk on God, JC, and the bible?

The same garbage we always hear from idiots like Comfort. This guy is seriously screwed up.
The same garbage we always hear from idiots like Comfort. This guy is seriously screwed up.
Firstly, I’m not promoting him.
I understand that you don’t agree with him, but what is “garbage” about what he says?
Firstly, I’m not promoting him.
I understand that you don’t agree with him, but what is “garbage” about what he says?

It's simple, he promotes vicarious redemption, one of the most immoral teachings of the Bible.
I understand that you don’t agree with him, but what is “garbage” about what he says?
Let's take his trademark claim about the banana.

He claims that since a banana is easy to eat, it is proof that God designed it for us.

In reality we designed the banana. Natural "bananas" are shaped like a hand grenade, with a tough, dry husk and a dry interior. What we think of as "banana fruit" is almost nonexistent; the interior is packed with hard, tooth-breaking seeds. They reproduce sexually, like most fruits.

To make them edible we bred them for thousands of years. We bred away the seeds, which is why banana trees cannot reproduce. We bred a soft covering so we can open it easily. We bred it to be sweet. We bred it to ripen when we want it to.

So right off the bat, what he says is garbage.
I know a lot of you are totally put off by Ray Comfort (aka Banana Man).
The first time Ray came to my attention was his banana video. I thought he was taking the Micky out of theists...then I heard him on The Atheist Experience talking to Matt ..only then did I realise that he was most odd.
It is such a pity that folk like him are incapable of rational thought.
The first time Ray came to my attention was his banana video. I thought he was taking the Micky out of theists...then I heard him on The Atheist Experience talking to Matt ..only then did I realise that he was most odd.
It is such a pity that folk like him are incapable of rational thought.
Did you watch the video?
If you did, can you explain what was irrational about his thinking.
Personally I though he made sense.
If you didn’t watch the video, can you give a small example of his irrational thinking?
Let's take his trademark claim about the banana.

He claims that since a banana is easy to eat, it is proof that God designed it for us.

In reality we designed the banana. Natural "bananas" are shaped like a hand grenade, with a tough, dry husk and a dry interior. What we think of as "banana fruit" is almost nonexistent; the interior is packed with hard, tooth-breaking seeds. They reproduce sexually, like most fruits.

To make them edible we bred them for thousands of years. We bred away the seeds, which is why banana trees cannot reproduce. We bred a soft covering so we can open it easily. We bred it to be sweet. We bred it to ripen when we want it to.

So right off the bat, what he says is garbage.
Are reading this Alex? The banana was intelligently designed by people who didn’t know where the sun went to at night.

So whichever you look at it, the banana was intelligently designed.
When you think about, you can see it.
But why do you describe Comfort as talking garbage. Just as we can see intelligent design in the banana (and be correct), why is it wrong to see intelligent design in the whole of nature?