Should we legalize drugs?

Should we legalize drugs?

  • Legalize only soft drugs - w/ government regulation

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Legalize only soft drugs - do not regulate them (leave it to free market)

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Legalize all drugs - w/ government regulation

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • Legalize all drugs - do not regulate them (leave it to free market)

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters
guess we will need a portugese person to come in here and lives with poor people from the country to verify this. a salon article will not cut it for me though. if that is good enough for you then so be it.
While I think the abuse of drugs is terrible, if you want to poison yourself for whatever reason, far be it from me to tell you, you can't. It's your life not mine. However I think they should be regulated by the government to perhaps insure safe dosages or something. I'm trying to adhere to my ideals, but I as of late I find it difficult to trust people left up to their own devices. If there was someway that you could only mess yourself up and keep others out of it, then I'd be super supportive of illicit drug legalization.
another thing that you may not be aware of is if a country cannot pay law enforcement a decent wage and afford them with a certain living standard then enforcement may become counter productive. if you get my drift.
While I think the abuse of drugs is terrible, if you want to poison yourself for whatever reason, far be it from me to tell you, you can't. It's your life not mine. However I think they should be regulated by the government to perhaps insure safe dosages or something. I'm trying to adhere to my ideals, but I as of late I find it difficult to trust people left up to their own devices. If there was someway that you could only mess yourself up and keep others out of it, then I'd be super supportive of illicit drug legalization.

regulation of certain drugs is not possible. how do you regulate a 4am coke or crack run?

anoher thing is that people in the midst of a crack binge are insane. people will say that is a strong word but you really have to see it first hand. regulation is not exactly part of the equation, it is in fact non existent.

i remember being with my best friend when he took a hit off a crack pipe, long term user he was, and his back hunched up like a wolf and he pranced around on his toes as if he was...i dont know it is just hard to explain. his eyes got wide and he looked around and started looking under his bed and behind his drwer case (whatever those are called) and to be honest i picked up a knife and held it behind my back just in case i had to put him down because he was acting so erratically that it was frightening. this was from one hit, but it takes a few years to get to that point.

He is dead now anyway, died at 28.
but...i dont know. do we sacrifice some people? do we help them? do we look the other way? do we wait for them to become addicted and point our fingers at them and say 'look at you, what a disgrace you are. do we say here have some more crack, you'll be dead in a few years anyway. i dont know, i just dont know. what are the answers? what are the answers we seek? can i find some magic bullet? do we stop trying?
i dont know how i would answer that. I dont belive in encoraging more people into using drugs like ICE which have VERY harmful effects (like rage against the health proffessionals trying to help them, not a nice thing to be on the reciving end off). However i also know how many people die of Herion OD's when a new player gets into the market and relaces a more than usually pure form. Then there are conciderations of what its cut with, its not powdered sugar thats used in placibos thats for sure (battery acid being quite common). There for i would LIKE to see these drugs surplied through pharmacies and controled by the TGA where the purity can be controled and so can the fillers.

Our focus should DEFINITLY be on harm minimisation and using should be compleatly in the domain of the health sector, NOT the criminal justice sector

ice was the first thing that popped into my mind, thats why i picked w gov regulation. each person is allotted a certain amount of drugs each month, to make sure they aren't becoming addicted or whatever. whenever they buy a drug, they say when they will use it, and are tested the next day to make sure that amount is in their system, so we know they aren't selling it. i dunno if we have the technology for that though. if you're tested and didn't use it, fines/penalties whatever.
regulation of certain drugs is not possible. how do you regulate a 4am coke or crack run?

anoher thing is that people in the midst of a crack binge are insane. people will say that is a strong word but you really have to see it first hand. regulation is not exactly part of the equation, it is in fact non existent.

i remember being with my best friend when he took a hit off a crack pipe, long term user he was, and his back hunched up like a wolf and he pranced around on his toes as if he was...i dont know it is just hard to explain. his eyes got wide and he looked around and started looking under his bed and behind his drwer case (whatever those are called) and to be honest i picked up a knife and held it behind my back just in case i had to put him down because he was acting so erratically that it was frightening. this was from one hit, but it takes a few years to get to that point.

He is dead now anyway, died at 28.

I meant regulated like how it's sold an distributed. But it's obvious I don't know what I want. I kind of feel the same way about gun control (or least the way I used to feel about gun control up until a few weeks ago). In an ideal world... but I obviously have no real solution.
CutsieMarie it isn't the government's right to regulate anything, including drugs.

It is the individual's own responsibility and choice. And further, the free market will weed out unreliable from reliable, without taking away choice.
CutsieMarie it isn't the government's right to regulate anything, including drugs.

I disagree.

Norsefire said:
It is the individual's own responsibility and choice. And further, the free market will weed out unreliable from reliable, without taking away choice.

We talking about the same "free market" that is responsible for the economic meltdown? Many things -do- need to be not just regulated, but regulated firmly.
I meant regulated like how it's sold an distributed. But it's obvious I don't know what I want. I kind of feel the same way about gun control (or least the way I used to feel about gun control up until a few weeks ago). In an ideal world... but I obviously have no real solution.

I believe that it should indeed be regulated, just as alchohol or other legal drugs are regulated. I recommend you read "Ending the War on Drugs", written by someone who advised Ronald Reagan in his bid for the Governorship of California.
I obviously have no real solution.

To start wit... whether drugs are leagalized or not... a much beter job of educatin the public about how drugs will mor than likely change you'r life for the worst if you get mixed up wit it... an yes... this applies to POT.!!!

1 time on tv i saw a 13 year old girl bein interviewed about her pot use.... she said her grades was gettin worser but she jus cant stop smokin pot an then tears started rollin down her cheeks.!!!

Pot is also a serous prollem... an not jus for kids... thers no such thang as a responsible drug user... it jus screws up som peoples lifes less than others.!!!
I disagree.
There is no justification for government power.

We talking about the same "free market" that is responsible for the economic meltdown? Many things -do- need to be not just regulated, but regulated firmly.

No, we aren't. Good thing we got that cleared up. I'm talking about a real free market.

And maybe you should educate yourself: it is because of government spending and regulation that we are in this mess.
dude seriously. either grow up or move into a cave and stop using inferstucture OUR taxes have paid for to spew your bullshit
dude seriously. either grow up or move into a cave and stop using inferstucture OUR taxes have paid for to spew your bullshit

Neither I nor you chose to pay, though. We're being sold something we never agreed to buy. And it isn't "bullshit" at all; it's called freedom. Laissez-faire. Statists and fascists like you wouldn't understand.
scott3x said:
I disagree.

There is no justification for government power.

Again, I disagree.

Norsefire said:
scott3x said:
We talking about the same "free market" that is responsible for the economic meltdown? Many things -do- need to be not just regulated, but regulated firmly.

No, we aren't. Good thing we got that cleared up. I'm talking about a real free market.

Many people (including myself) are upset that the government didn't have stricter rules concerning bank regulations and you.. want to go the other way, to get rid of them.. entirely. Law of the jungle, might is right type of thing?

Norsefire said:
And maybe you should educate yourself: it is because of government spending and regulation that we are in this mess.

I essentially go with these articles on the causes of the meltdown:
Root causes of the economic meltdown

Root Cause Of The Economic Meltdown: Our Inside-The-Beltway Political Class, Particularly The GOP & Blue Dogs In Thrall To Corporate Bribes
CutsieMarie it isn't the government's right to regulate anything, including drugs.

It is the individual's own responsibility and choice. And further, the free market will weed out unreliable from reliable, without taking away choice.

By weed out you mean kill people? The abusers will die and cease to abuse drugs. I don't really think you can be too responsible with hard drugs, like you might be able to do with marijuana or alcohol. To be honest though I don't really see what the big deal is by regulating it, the way alcohol is regulated. Government controls dosage of drug dispensed, where it can be dispensed, and who it can be dispensed too (i.e. not small children).
Our focus should DEFINITLY be on harm minimisation and using should be compleatly in the domain of the health sector, NOT the criminal justice sector
Hey, I pretty much agree with Asguard! I think all drugs should be decriminalized (no prosecution of possession). Some drugs (like pot) should be handled like alcohol. Others (like heroin), should be given by prescription to addicts.
I think all drugs should be decriminalized (no prosecution of possession). Some drugs (like pot) should be handled like alcohol. Others (like heroin), should be given by prescription to addicts.

Id like to see truthful informaton made avalable about all drugs... such as... the percentage of people who tryed pot or alcohol or heron... ect.. an it made the quality of ther life worse... an the percentage who tryed those drugs an it improved ther quality of life.!!!

An not only literature made readily avalable... but also regular documentaries presented on tv about drug users lifes.!!!
well i wa not aware of that but if the only way you have to go is up then to say it is a success may be wishful thinking.

You seem to have trouble reading, try again:

"Evaluating the policy strictly from an empirical perspective, decriminalization has been an unquestionable success, leading to improvements in virtually every relevant category and enabling Portugal to manage drug-related problems (and drug usage rates) far better than most Western nations that continue to treat adult drug consumption as a criminal offense."
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Of course we should:

Less crime.


People who would do drugs will get them anyways (though I could see how more could get exposed to them if its legal).

Less crowded jails.

Legalize it all.