Should we be allowed to eat Humans?

Should we eat humans and other animls?

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A defunct species is one which is all but extinct and possibly one which we are actively trying to "preserve." In other words the dodos of the world.

We actively killed the dodos, one by one, until all were gone.
We actively killed the dodos, one by one, until all were gone.

And the world just kept on turning and people kept on living as if nothing had happened. And the same nothing would happen if all the polar bears die off or the whales all die or the snail darter dies off.

Baron Max
And the world was a poorer place for it.

Why? Just because you say so? Is that all it takes for you, James? You don't have to have any logical reasoning behind your ideals just believe much in the same way as others believe in god?

If the world became a poorer place because of some animals going extinct, then that's simply more evidence to support my theory that the world and truly sucks. Animals have been going extinct for millions of years ...that's a lot of "poorer place for it", ain't it, James?

Baron Max
The number of species in decline now is almost unprecedented. And it's due to human action.
You aren't arguing equality as you make it look, you are arguing superiority.

I'm neither arguing equality nor superiority.

I'm saying we are absolutely the same as any other species in terms of evolution with neither special rights nor special exceptions. When we kill off another species that is no different than when any other species kills off another species and we are just as subject to extinction as any one else.

The extinction of species is part and parcel with how life works. "Saving" a species from extinction is just hubris on our part. No species which fails to suvive is "needed" including us. Other species will happily replace the fallen, and always have.
The number of species in decline now is almost unprecedented. And it's due to human action.

And your point is...........what? That if the Dodo bird had lived, then there's be peace on Earth and good will toward all men?

Baron Max
And the world just kept on turning and people kept on living as if nothing had happened. And the same nothing would happen if all the polar bears die off or the whales all die or the snail darter dies off.

Baron Max

Yea, just wait till some cornerstone species give way. If enough of the ecosystems get damaged there will be hell to pay.
Yea, just wait till some cornerstone species give way. If enough of the ecosystems get damaged there will be hell to pay.

The only "cornerstone" species that I know is ....humans!

But if you know one or two others, please list them and show where there will be hell to pay.

Baron Max
The only "cornerstone" species that I know is ....humans!

But if you know one or two others, please list them and show where there will be hell to pay.

Baron Max

Ha.. obviously you don't even know what the term means. Look it up first, then get back to me :D
Can't list any "cornerstone" species, huh? So instead, you take the time to make personal insults? ...LOL!

Baron Max

First of all I can list them, but I won't bother until you show that you know what the concept means. From your reactions I gather that you don't.
And secondly, I made no personal insults at all. In fact, you have been the one making personal insults.
First of all I can list them, but I won't bother until you show that you know what the concept means.

Still can't list any of those "cornerstone" species, huh? Is that 'cause when you think of one, you can easily see that it's nothing but pure bullshit that anyone could see through? :D

C'mon, Enmos, just list two or three ...that would take less typing than what you did in the above post. C'mon, Enmos, please? ...with sugar on top?

Baron Max
Honestly, I thought more of you.

You raised the topic of "cornerstone" species, Enmos, not me. I've simply asked you for a short list of those animals that you consider as "cornerstone". I didn' think it was too much to ask ...especially since you were the one to raise the subject.

Looks like you're just a troll then..

Well, that wasn't very nice to say. But it's still more typing than a short list of "cornerstone" species would take.

Are trolls, perhaps, "cornerstone" species? :D

Baron Max
I said just wait until some cornerstone species give way. YOU were the one making a claim about it, saying that humans are the only cornerstone species. That statements just goes to show that either you don't know what you're talking about or that you are trolling.
In any case it does show your disinterest, as you could have looked it up by now.
I said just wait until some cornerstone species give way.

So, what ....right after the world comes to an end, you'll stand up and proudly say, "I told you so!!"? :D

Some joker defining some idiotic term like "cornerstone specie" is already high on my list of things not to bother looking up!

But again, you raised the subject, now you're backing off from it as if it's not nearly what you think it is ....or that you can't defend it.

And again, in the time it took you to type that message, you could have listed a couple of those "cornerstone" species. Yet you didn't. Why?

Baron Max
So, what ....right after the world comes to an end, you'll stand up and proudly say, "I told you so!!"? :D

Some joker defining some idiotic term like "cornerstone specie" is already high on my list of things not to bother looking up!

I see, so you dumb yourself down on purpose.. congrats.
Don't bother replying btw.