Should we ban the Kosher/Halal method of killing unstunned animals?

Should we ban the Kosher/Halal method of killing unstunned animals?

  • YES! animals must be uncounscious (before being slaughtered).

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • NO! Slaughtering conscious animals is religious tradition (and therefor forever legal).

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • I'm a vegan - Ban all forms of animal slaughter!

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
A change in calcium concentrations in the muscle can probably cause jerky and uncontrolled motion- it doesn't mean its painful.

I wasn't aware exsanguination caused a change in calcium concentrations in the muscle detectable over such a short scale. One would have thought pain a more reasonable explanation.

There's a reason USDA establishes rules for slaughter.

Btw the OP is major bull, why? Even horses are shot and killed when they get too old to work and the slaughter in the OP is religious and for feeding purposes, horses are often whipped so this is hypocrisy.
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In any case, I don't think Kosher/Halal slaughter of mammals involves decapitation. They simply slit the throat. Usually the animal makes pained noises and thrashes around for some time before dying.

the cut has to be made just deep enough not too deep according to religious instructions.
Where do people think their burgers and chops come from? Modern farms use a "stun" gun (that is: a shot-gun like device that smashes skull fragments into the brain). It's quick and painless. The cows merrily go up to their feeding pen, stick their heads through the slot to get some grub, and BAM. The deed is done.


The real question is how much more humane could this stunning method of killing really be compared to the kosher or halal method? Westerners are too squeamish about this kind of thing which is why they don't understand.
The real question is how much more humane could this stunning method of killing really be compared to the kosher or halal method? Westerners are too squeamish about this kind of thing which is why they don't understand.

Not Westerners. City Folk. Many ranchers, farmers, and hunters understand
I'm not the expert here but what I reported is correct.
Well thanks, that certainly answers my question about references. No need to provide any when you're correct, right?:rolleyes:
The jugular is seen in the life and death inherent knowledge in wild life - watch some wild life docs and see how a lion stops a zebra.
Like most big cats, lions kill by strangling their prey with their jaws. They don't kill via jugular puncture or blood loss. But what you report is correct, right?
Good point. And the answer is. . .

I don't care.

Stun gun. Long knife. Shot gun. Baseball bat. Dirty Language.

Whatever works.

I'll still eat my burgers.

It's not that I want them to suffer, it's just that I'm unwilling to obsess about it to the point of going vegetarian.


That's nice... but you'll still be fat and have heart disease. :cool:

Btw the OP is major bull, why? Even horses are shot and killed when they get too old to work and the slaughter in the OP is religious and for feeding purposes, horses are often whipped so this is hypocrisy.

Actually, whipping horses is a criminal offense. Let's not veer off the well-trodden path of reality in the quest of justification.
I worked in slaughter houses for around 10 years all the way through college. I still have my union withdrawal card.

In my experience, the rabbis are morons who don't know what the fuck they are doing, the knocker stuns the cow, which means drives a metal bolt through its head, in some cases injecting compressed air through the metal bolt, anyway and tells the rabbi, who's usually called Ali Baba by the butchers or some other 'this guy ain't from around here' kind of title, that the cow is still totally alive, see? she's still kicking even. Which the terrified rabbi believes because he just wants to wiggle his knife around and pray. Usually his knife is too dull to actually stick the cow, which means the sticker has to slice the skin so the rabbi can get his knife inside. The rabbi also doesn't know how to find the jugular so the sticker sticks it anyway to make sure it bleeds out.

I've seen it in a few places which isn't a broad sample, but it's extraordinarily dangerous, dirty and difficult work. My guess is that that's totally typical.
As far as I know there is no objection to animals being stunned before slaughter for halal meat. However, how many of you have been stunned by a prod? Is it painless? I tried out the "mild" electric shock at the Science Museum, just for kicks. It was awful

All cattle and sheep slaughtered in Australian abattoirs are slaughtered in accordance with halal. No Australia only has a very small muslim population less then 1% but Autralia is a major exporter of meat to islamic countries, so it is easier for the local meat industry to slaughter all animals in accordance with halal so they do not have to track seperate meat streams to local or the varied international markets. So they just do all cattle by halal. At my relative's place of work (abattoir) they employ a muslim to work for 2 hours every start of shift to bless all the cattle being slaughtered. So all meat bought at shops in Australia is halal.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Also, if you're interested, there have been some pretty gruesome investigations indicating that even when completely decapitated, people can remain conscious for a surprisingly long time...

Apocryphal. Good stuff though.

In 1836 the murderer Lacenaire agreed to wink after execution. He didn't. Attempts to elicit a reaction from the head of the murderer Prunier in 1879 were also fruitless. The following year a doctor pumped blood from a living dog into the head of the murderer and rapist Menesclou three hours after execution. The lips trembled, the eyelids twitched, and the head seemed about to speak, although no words emerged. In 1905 another doctor claimed that when he called the name of the murderer Languille just after decapitation, the head opened its eyes and focused on him.

As a serial decapitatress, perhaps Sam can tell us.
Do the eyes of the mice look surprised when you top them?
I worked in slaughter houses for around 10 years all the way through college. I still have my union withdrawal card.

In my experience, the rabbis are morons who don't know what the fuck they are doing, the knocker stuns the cow, which means drives a metal bolt through its head, in some cases injecting compressed air through the metal bolt, anyway and tells the rabbi, who's usually called Ali Baba by the butchers or some other 'this guy ain't from around here' kind of title, that the cow is still totally alive, see? she's still kicking even. Which the terrified rabbi believes because he just wants to wiggle his knife around and pray. Usually his knife is too dull to actually stick the cow, which means the sticker has to slice the skin so the rabbi can get his knife inside. The rabbi also doesn't know how to find the jugular so the sticker sticks it anyway to make sure it bleeds out.

I've seen it in a few places which isn't a broad sample, but it's extraordinarily dangerous, dirty and difficult work. My guess is that that's totally typical.

The knife is never too dull, or should not ever be; a Kosher slaughterer must have bona fide licensed witnesses else it is not kosher. I still say the Kosher mode socks the d lights of the stuns. Hint: which group of humanity commited the most savagery and mass murders? Hint: the 'we don't care' people.

A close perusal of the Hebrew laws, all vested in humane laws, says that if a scripture has no animal rights laws - it is a localized self centred, politically oriented bogus scripture. The laws of kosher are firmly intended as a humane mode of slaughter - 1000's of years before stun guns appeared. Bite the bullet or display impundent ignorance.
Apocryphal. Good stuff though.

In 1836 the murderer Lacenaire agreed to wink after execution. He didn't. Attempts to elicit a reaction from the head of the murderer Prunier in 1879 were also fruitless. The following year a doctor pumped blood from a living dog into the head of the murderer and rapist Menesclou three hours after execution. The lips trembled, the eyelids twitched, and the head seemed about to speak, although no words emerged. In 1905 another doctor claimed that when he called the name of the murderer Languille just after decapitation, the head opened its eyes and focused on him.

As a serial decapitatress, perhaps Sam can tell us.
Do the eyes of the mice look surprised when you top them?

You should post the rest...
Then I received a note from a U.S. Army veteran who had been stationed in Korea. In June 1989 the taxi he and a friend were riding in collided with a truck. My correspondent was pinned in the wreckage. The friend was decapitated. Here's what happened:

My friend's head came to rest face up, and (from my angle) upside-down. As I watched, his mouth opened and closed no less than two times. The facial expressions he displayed were first of shock or confusion, followed by terror or grief. I cannot exaggerate and say that he was looking all around, but he did display ocular movement in that his eyes moved from me, to his body, and back to me. He had direct eye contact with me when his eyes took on a hazy, absent expression … and he was dead.

I've spoken with the author and am satisfied the event occurred as described. One can of course never be certain that anyone in this predicament is aware of his surroundings and realizes (briefly) what has happened to him. But I concede the possibility that he might.
The knife is never too dull, or should not ever be; a Kosher slaughterer must have bona fide licensed witnesses else it is not kosher. I still say the Kosher mode socks the d lights of the stuns. Hint: which group of humanity commited the most savagery and mass murders? Hint: the 'we don't care' people.

A close perusal of the Hebrew laws, all vested in humane laws, says that if a scripture has no animal rights laws - it is a localized self centred, politically oriented bogus scripture. The laws of kosher are firmly intended as a humane mode of slaughter - 1000's of years before stun guns appeared. Bite the bullet or display impundent ignorance.

This coming from the one who rationalizes shamelessly...

Well, it's perfectly possible that the humans at the time decided that it seemed more humane to make a quick death than a slow and painful one.
And lacking todays equipment, they used what they had. And they wrote down the method.

But if Genesis was so perfect... Why did God not tell them how to make the stun gun to do it better as we do today?

Predicting, of course, that the Kosher method would become obsolete, it should have been writ that thou must stunneth your prey rather then sliceth its throat slowly.