Should we ban the Kosher/Halal method of killing unstunned animals?

Should we ban the Kosher/Halal method of killing unstunned animals?

  • YES! animals must be uncounscious (before being slaughtered).

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • NO! Slaughtering conscious animals is religious tradition (and therefor forever legal).

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • I'm a vegan - Ban all forms of animal slaughter!

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
Out of curiosity, is foie gras harvested from force fed geese banned in the countries where slaughter without stunning is banned?

I don't know of any countries where stun-free slaughter is banned (halal or otherwise). But I do know of plenty of places where foie gras is controversial. California has passed a law banning the production, import and sale of foie gras (doesn't take effect until 2012 though), for example.
I once tried foie gras and seriously, I have no clue why it still exists. A normal liver has this distinctive taste and I find it disgusting. Anyway after hearing left and right "Foie Gras, Foie Grasssss!" I gave it a shot to see why it's so 'in' .. ---> :puke: I don't know how eating an unhealthy liver has any positive sides about it, I mean, you are what you eat, no?

Secondly, it's really sad and disgusting how those geese and ducks are being force fed.

And anyway, before we can single out groups for their traditions on how to treat animals we should clean up our own mess and get rid of those atrocities we commit against animals each minute. Though, yes, I'm against the Kosher/Halal killing method of animals. If the animal, or blood is so dirty to them they should just stop eating meat altogether instead of killing God's creations in such a cruel fashion. I mean seriously, where's their respect for God's creation? God's creation is dirty so we have to slaughter it in a brutal way to eaaaat it!!! :eek:
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Secondly, it's really sad and disgusting how those geese and ducks are being force fed.

Meh, that all depends. Migratory birds (such as those that foie gras are made from) naturally engage in gorging behavior every year ahead of the migration, so that they won't starve to death during the weeks of flying all day (which leaves little time for finding food and resting). The disturbing cases are when the gavage is done on an industrial scale with little concern for the animals, which results in damage to their digestive tracts and other problems (and they are kept in nasty, cramped conditions like most industrial poultry operations in the first place).

I mean seriously, where's their respect for God's creation?

The same place as that of many of God's various carnivorous creations, presumably. Ever watch what happens to geese and ducks when their natural predators get ahold of them? It's significantly less humane than anything at issue in this thread. If God is okay with snakes devouring baby ducks while they're still alive, or predatory cats disemboweling live land mammals, it's difficult to see why he'd be concerned with how much pain humans inflict on their food.
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To be honest, I don't really care how they slaughter the animal.

I just want my burgers and steaks.

If it really bothers people how this is done, I recommend becoming a vegetarian. Though I doubt many will, just because of the killing process.
Lets just say that the decapitation was the most humane of the procedures I conducted. I wonder if people realise how many animals suffer for research - or how much.

I grew up on a farm.

We didn't slaughter our own hogs or moo-cows, but the chickens were dispatched at home, quickly and efficiently. My mother was known to blow the head off of a mean rooster or two. Not really good eating meat, but made good broth.

We also hunted deer. I never got past my squeamishness in cleaning the dead beasts, but I don't begrudge others for doing that job for me.

Where do people think their burgers and chops come from? Modern farms use a "stun" gun (that is: a shot-gun like device that smashes skull fragments into the brain). It's quick and painless. The cows merrily go up to their feeding pen, stick their heads through the slot to get some grub, and BAM. The deed is done.

I get cheeseburgers out of the deal. I don't see the down side.

a blow that renders it immediately unconscious. Care to explain yourself?

First, since there's an astonishing amount of non-scientific bullshit that gets thrown around in these discussions, I'm going to need you to provide a scientific reference to back up this assertion. Second, I don't know about cows, but a human brain remains conscious for up to ten seconds even if blood flow to the brain is completely cut off. Ten seconds of agony is NOT as humane as instant unconsciousness from a blow to the head.

I'm not the expert here but what I reported is correct. The jugular is seen in the life and death inherent knowledge in wild life - watch some wild life docs and see how a lion stops a zebra. These laws are not limited to one instance, but appear spread over the whole issue against cruelty to animals.

As I said, all animal rights laws come from the Hebrew bible exclusively, including those which animal rights advocates stand by. It says, let no one boast about animal welfare without following the Hebrew laws. The boiling of live shell fish becomes forbidden; so does holed up chickens; killing the same family together; consuming shark fins taken when the animal is alive, etc. Yes, this is worse than meat consuming - it renders us eating 'pain' and WE BECOME WHAT WE EAT applies. One for follows these laws make better animal rights protectors than vegetarians:

FEED THE ANIMAL BEFORE YOURSELF [If you own a domestic animal, its life is your responsibility].

NO HOLE IN THE GROUND IN AN ANIMAL'S VICINITY [Safe environment, including in transportation for slaughter].

NOT TO MUZZLE A WORKING ANIMALS MOUTH [Food means more to an animal than for humans].

MONITORED SLAUGHTER. [As in a doctor performing an operation]

HYGIENCE AND HEALTH EXAMINATION [including checking inner organs].




Etc, etc.
All the pigs my grandpa raised had their throats cut so that their heart pumped out the blood. It made for better meat. And that is what they were, meat. Not pets
All the pigs my grandpa raised had their throats cut so that their heart pumped out the blood. It made for better meat. And that is what they were, meat. Not pets

Geez, you have me really wanting some bacon now for a B.L.T.
The stuff I get from the butcher does. We buy 1/4 cow and 1/2 a hog. I don't know about a supermarket.
The stuff I get from the butcher does. We buy 1/4 cow and 1/2 a hog. I don't know about a supermarket.

Wow, that's a lot of meat.. I just buy for myself.

I'm going to check on that next time I go to the store though.. Sounds great.