Should the Bible get a 3rd Testament?

§outh§tar said:
I don't recall insisting that God is/should be male. Besides, I have just assured you otherwise, He's not a man or a woman.

SouthStar, you ignorant slut. (Sorry, just felt like it fit. :) )

Before, someone used the pronoun "she" for God and you replied, "Since when was God a she?" Obviously, this means you think of God in masculine terms (which should come as no surprise). But if you truly feel God is genderless, then shouldn't the use of "he" bother you just as much as "she"? After all, both are trying to inappropriately sexualize God.

My point is, if you think God has no gender, the use of "she" should be no more incorrect than using "he."

How can God be male? None of us have seen Him before.. You haven't been checking under His toga have you?

Let me ask you a question, SouthStar.

If the Bible referred to God as "She" and "Mother," depicted God as having a high-pitched feminine voice, showed God creating woman first and then taking a spare rib to make man, told of God's only daughter coming to Earth and being followed around by twelve female disciples, would that change anything for you?

This reminds me of the stupid Pledge debate. Christians claim the phrase "under God" does <i>not</i> force any person who recites it to also proclaim belief in God. Well, if it's not that big of a deal, just change "under God" to "under Allah" and see if anyone makes a fuss, huh?

Case in point: Of course the Bible depicts God as male. Of course depicting God as female would change the entire dynamic of the Bible. And of course "under God" is a religious proclamation. It doesn't take a theologian to sort these things out.

Next time you see some sagging wrinkly ones, remember your words..

I'll take a wrinkly old boob over a healthy young scrotal sack any day.
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JustARide said:
SouthStar, you ignorant slut. (Sorry, just felt like it fit. :) )

Before, someone used the pronoun "she" for God and you replied, "Since when was God a she?" Obviously, this means you think of God in masculine terms (which should come as no surprise). But if you truly feel God is genderless, then shouldn't the use of "he" bother you just as much as "she"? After all, both are trying to inappropriately sexualize God.

My point is, if you think God has no gender, the use of "she" should be no more incorrect than using "he."

Well is that really the purpose of the pronouns, to "sexualize" God? It doesn't bother me at all, all I wanted to know is his reason for going against the familiar pronoun. I just hadn't heard anyone using "she" for God before, especially when it should be "She" if that was the case..

Let me ask you a question, SouthStar.

If the Bible referred to God as "She" and "Mother," depicted God as having a high-pitched feminine voice, showed God creating woman first and then taking a spare rib to make man, told of God's only daughter coming to Earth and being followed around by twelve female disciples, would that change anything for you?

This reminds me of the stupid Pledge debate. Christians claim the phrase "under God" does <i>not</i> force any person who recites it to also proclaim belief in God. Well, if it's not that big of a deal, just change "under God" to "under Allah" and see if anyone makes a fuss, huh?

I will never know for sure unless it really happened. But by the doctrine of grace, it shouldn't matter. Of course, we can all take note of the woman who ran for governor of California.. I believe she is the one who may be referred to as slut. Arnold was innocent until proven guilty however and his manliness and physicalness and all around masculinity...

And as for the Pledge debate, there are many other reasons why you Gentiles shouldn't have equal rights to Jews in your own country.. :p

Point short: A lesbian is just another woman trying to do a man's job!

Case in point: Of course the Bible depicts God as male. Of course depicting God as female would change the entire dynamic of the Bible. And of course "under God" is a religious proclamation. It doesn't take a theologian to sort these things out.

In what way? The basic doctrines of Christianity would not be affected (grace, repentance...) by the sex of the Messiah. But then you must admit this is all speculatory until Hillary Clinton runs for president and actually wins.. yeah right ;)

I'll take a wrinkly old boob over a healthy young scrotal sack any day.

Which one do you think would hold water best, the wrinkly, or the healthy and young? All about efficiency these days..
Knife said:
i was under the impression "the book" was written/compiled many years later (afte the death of jesus), by paul, luke, john, etc. whose quotes are these? if they are attributed to Jesus, then what book is reffered to in the quotes? if they are attributed to paul, luke....then what gives them the right to make such a statement on behalf of god?

and how does this explain differences between the different authors/editions? would this not be considered additions/deletions?


Well, you must ask yourself, do the messages contradict? If not, they are not to be considered additions/deletions.
It has been two thousand years.

The two existing Testaments are mostly silent on The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, who has made hundreds of Appearances in the last few Millenia.

Also, the New Testament gives only vague and contradictory hints as to the Way of the Kingdom of Heaven -- Christ is mostly ignored, and most of the Teachings and Doctrines are from Paul, and they obviously do not work as advertised.

A Third Testament would give the Way of the Realized Saints. Their must be at least 20 First Magnitude Christ-Like Saints who's lives of miracles demonstrate that they had found the True Way. There Stories and Teachings would be of interest to those of us who would enjoy valid and truthful Teachings, instead of Paul's Money Machine Evangelizing (The New Testament) and doctored up revisionist Jewish History (the Old Testament).
§outh§tar said:
And as for the Pledge debate, there are many other reasons why you Gentiles shouldn't have equal rights to Jews in your own country..

Point short: A lesbian is just another woman trying to do a man's job!

What the hell are you talking about?

Which one do you think would hold water best, the wrinkly, or the healthy and young? All about efficiency these days..

You're one weird cookie.