Should the Bible get a 3rd Testament?

invert_nexus said:
Maybe a Zeroeth Testament would be better. It could say "Sorry about all the confusion and misunderstandings. Everything you are about to read in the following two testaments are just hot air from some bloated windbags with penis envy. Some is good, some is not so good. Use your own judgement." :D

I have always been partial to the last message of god as related in the Hitchhiker's Guide. "Sorry for the inconvenience." That would somehow make it better. If only a little.
M*W: I beg to differ with you, oh wise ass one. I agree that zeroeth testament is the best, but I must correct you in that those bloated windbags have vagina envy.
M*W: Oh, come on now, how outdated is your Encyclopedia Brittanica? You need reality to slap your silly face!
invert_nexus said:
Rather convenient. "What we say is true and everyone else is full of crap, don't listen to them lest ye be damned..."

Your quote on the canonization and delimititation and whatnot just furthers the unfairness that these men should be able to say that only they possess the truth. All other truths are irrelevant. Injustice and inhumanity...
M*W: Amen, bro.
Are you then saying the canon is incomplete?
No, it's complete for the purpose it serves within the Church.

Classical Protestant view:
The Canon is an fallible collection of infallible books.
This does not make all that much sense to me. If the collection is falliable then the books are falliable?

Also, there will be prophets such as the two in revelation that will presumably do as God commands them, giving revelation and prophesy with respect to the age.
§outh§tar said:
Are you then saying the canon is incomplete?

An excerpt from Sproul's 'Essential Truths of the Christian Faith'

Roman Catholic view:
The Canon is an infallible collection of infallible books.

Classical Protestant view:
The Canon is an fallible collection of infallible books.

Liberal Critical view:
The Canon is an fallible collection of fallible books.

“We may be moved and induced by the testimony of the Church to an high and reverent esteem of the holy Scripture; and the heavenliness of the matter, the efficacy of the doctrine, the majesty of the style, the consent of all the parts, the scope of the whole (which is to give all glory to God), the full discovery it makes of the only way of man's salvation, the many other incomparable excellencies, and the entire perfection thereof, are arguments whereby it doth abundantly evidence itself to be the Word of God; yet, notwithstanding, our full persuasion and assurance of the infallible truth, and divine authority thereof, is from the inward work of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness by and with the Word in our hearts.”

— Westminster Confession, 1647.

Deuteronomy 12:32 32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

Deuteronomy 4:2 2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
M*W: Hey, idiot! Do not argue with my fine young man on the merits of infallible truths. You won't win, sucker!
The Qu'ran rejects the notion that Jesus was a God; the Book of Mormon does not.
just a thought, and not a very well informed one either.

From what I understand an awful lot of emphasis is placed on prophecy of endtimes or should I say the coming of God, judgement day, armagedon, dooms day etc etc.....
I think some one mentioned earlier (Southstar I think) that after Christ the Christians basically sat around waiting for the prophecy of end times to come and I guess they were dissapointed and well they are still waiting.

I wonder how much of their beliefs are tied into this Doomsday psychology.

The prophecy of devine salvation that will purge the world of all evil and bring heaven to those who believe.

maybe this is why there can be no thrid testament or book because the only way this could happen is that endtimes have to come. But then if they came why would we need a book.
The only thing that can counter the threat of plague and hex is God himself.

so we have millions of people of varius beliefs awaiting for the big day or night.

The main proposition of the extremist cult is that they are preparing for some date that the cult leader deems as the day of the big event. And when it doesn't heppen they commit "hurry curry" :) just so they dont miss the boat.

So the bible is mostly about prophecy, an incredible desire to "meet thy maker"

So maybe another book has become impossible unless written by God himself, in person.

In some ways this limitation on the bible has a benefit, for it binds the believer into not exasperating his postion but into a waiting game.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Hey, idiot! Do not argue with my fine young man on the merits of infallible truths. You won't win, sucker!

Are you mad? There was no argument there, I asked him a question and added some excerpts (being the key word) I had found on the subject.

Your only purpose is to call me names.
okinrus said:
No, it's complete for the purpose it serves within the Church.

Which is?

This does not make all that much sense to me. If the collection is falliable then the books are falliable?

Also, there will be prophets such as the two in revelation that will presumably do as God commands them, giving revelation and prophesy with respect to the age.

Not it means some books may be missing from the current canon, I think.
Which is?
For proof, teaching and instruction.

Not it means some books may be missing from the current canon, I think.
No, the canon was not created for the purpose of containing every known truth about God. John's gospel even says that not all the books in the entire world could detail every action of Jesus'. The Bible is written to convey the teachings, history, and instruction of the church.
okinrus said:
For proof, teaching and instruction.

I thought you were talking about somethin else..

No, the canon was not created for the purpose of containing every known truth about God. John's gospel even says that not all the books in the entire world could detail every action of Jesus'. The Bible is written to convey the teachings, history, and instruction of the church.

The Canon contains the revealed Word of God, NOT, definitely NOT "every known truth about God."

That would imply that the Canon contains man's "inspired" words concerning God. Which in turn implies that the content is fallible, a reflection of man's fallibility.
§outh§tar said:
Are you mad? There was no argument there, I asked him a question and added some excerpts (being the key word) I had found on the subject.

Your only purpose is to call me names.
M*W: Whazza matter? You can't take a joke? Had you known my history with okinrus, you would have understood my comment. Even though okinrus is Catholic, the same faith I gave up many years ago, you and he are still on the same side of that Christian fence. It's just that my yard doesn't have a fence, because I see the whole world as my yard.
M*W: Hey, idiot! Do not argue with my fine young man on the merits of infallible truths. You won't win, sucker!

M*W: Oh, come on now, how outdated is your Encyclopedia Brittanica? You need reality to slap your silly face!

Both statements were ad hominem comments without any justification or relation to the thread.

P.S. My encyclopaedia IS updated. To the very minute.

P.P.S. With no fence, you have no protection. ;)
§outh§tar said:
Both statements were ad hominem comments without any justification or relation to the thread.

Wow, "ad hominem"? Getting fancy, are we SouthStar?
§outh§tar said:
P.P.S. With no fence, you have no protection. ;)
M*W: If your God created the human race, why would you need protection? Are you trying to say that your God put you here on Earth to endanger you? My God wouldn't do that. My God says fences are unhealthy. My God says fences prevent you from being your brother's keeper. My God says stay away from people who build fences -- then she whispered in my ear and said, "you know, like the fences Christians build."
JustARide said:
Wow, "ad hominem"? Getting fancy, are we SouthStar?

I do believe, I heard somewhere the other day that Latin was the language of God.

Wouldn't want to be speaking to Him in the wrong language now, would we? ;)
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: If your God created the human race, why would you need protection? Are you trying to say that your God put you here on Earth to endanger you? My God wouldn't do that. My God says fences are unhealthy. My God says fences prevent you from being your brother's keeper. My God says stay away from people who build fences -- then she whispered in my ear and said, "you know, like the fences Christians build."

Christians prey on people without fences. Keep your guard up all you want but in the end, everyone wants to be loved. :)

P.S. Since when was God a she? ;)
§outh§tar said:
I do believe, I heard somewhere the other day that Latin was the language of God.

Wouldn't want to be speaking to Him in the wrong language now, would we? ;)

God would speak in a dead language. ;)
§outh§tar said:
P.S. Since when was God a she?

Since when was this knowable?

Face it, the only reason you think God is a man is because an ancient book written by patriarchal pigs uses "he" instead of "she." That, and part of you really needs God to have a booming dude's voice -- because if it turned out God sounded like Sarah Vowel on Helium, a little bit of the cinematic magic would be taken away. :D