Should the Bible be edited?


Valued Senior Member
It appears to me the bible contains material that is wrong, contains material that is inconsistent with the modern era and material that is irrelevant.
Further it contains prophecies that are non specific and meaningless.
Should the bible be edited and or rewritten to make it correct and relevant.
Since the progressives (most of them IMO) want to re-write the US Constitution . . . . . and have a 'mulligan' (do over) re: the recent national election . . . . . why NOT (key word here) the Bible also!! (TIC - tongue-in-cheek)
Since the progressives (most of them IMO) want to re-write the US Constitution . . . . . and have a 'mulligan' (do over) re: the recent national election . . . . . why NOT (key word here) the Bible also!! (TIC - tongue-in-cheek)
Thomas Jefferson already did it. And the constitution is just fine from the perspective of this progressive. Don't get me started on conservative constitutional hypocrisy.
Should the bible be edited and or rewritten to make it correct and relevant.
The bible is in perpetual rewright... an the most update way its done is to call you'rself spiritual (not a religionist) which gives you license to inturpit the bible in a way that suits you'r current needs.!!!
I have been thinking about this for some time and one could probably make a quid.
There would be a market and no doubt it would be controversial so you would benefit from a lot a free advertising, we have recently seen how that works.
But last night there was some guy on TV, can't tell you his name, visiting Australia from USA.
He was in his eighties and a minister.
He told of his upbringing and how the bible was used to justify racism, sexist views and generally a lot of nasty stuff.
If nothing else a reasonable edit should would stop bigots using the bible to justify their deplorable approach to folk they consider outside their God chosen group.
He was for marriage equality back in the eighties which probably means he was seen as very controversial.
Maybe someone knows who this man is...but he seemed decent and to be able to grow up in such a world and realise he had been taught by bigots certainly earns my respect.
He told of his upbringing and how the bible was used to justify racism, sexist views and generally a lot of nasty stuff.
If nothing else a reasonable edit should would stop bigots using the bible to justify their deplorable approach to folk they consider outside their God chosen group.
Did he talk about anythang he liked about the bible.???

I thank a more reasonable edit of the bible woud only require a lit match.!!!
I don't see how you could do a re-write. It would be easier to just start over. Or leave out the Old Testament entirely and the new "New Testament" would just be the children's Bible that currently exists.

Yes, it's simplistic but that's all the the Bible has to offer. It's probably better to just write a new book and forget the nonsense about it coming from God.
Did he talk about anythang he liked about the bible.???
Now that you mention it I don't think he did, but I was only half listening and could have missed stuff.
I thank a more reasonable edit of the bible woud only require a lit match.!!!
For a candle I hope.
I have become resigned to the fact many folk need religion so I can see a genuine need.
So give them up-to-date rules etc write in that it is wrong to be racist etc etc and trim it down to the same size as a novel...and add some good photos of galaxies and funny cats...maybe carry some advertising.
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You haven't been to the re-education camps yet I see (note to staff...check into that) but we have now replaced the word "worshiping" with "appreciated" so yes, there is no God but we do "appreciate" the Sun. :)
It appears to me the bible contains material that is wrong, contains material that is inconsistent with the modern era and material that is irrelevant.
Further it contains prophecies that are non specific and meaningless.
Should the bible be edited and or rewritten to make it correct and relevant.

Only way to edit bible (and why stop at bible, any religious text) is to cut out any words below 500 letters, any numerical references, an eraser to any punctuation.

Then you might have something which makes sense.

Alternatively leave as is and like one bookshop did place them on the fictional book shelves.

I understand the shop got into trouble for doing so.

Don't know how serious and what the final outcome was.

Almost forgot the electronic versions.

Anyone know Hillary well enough to ask her which bleach she used?

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Did he talk about anythang he liked about the bible.???

I thank a more reasonable edit of the bible woud only require a lit match.!!!

Please not a match.

See my other reply please.

Remember paper comes from wood.

Wood stores up CO2.

Burning releases CO2.

Naughty adding to GW

Now that you mention it I don't think he did, but I was only half listening and could have missed stuff.

For a candle I hope.
I have become resigned to the fact many folk need religion so I can see a genuine need.
So give them up-to-date rules etc write in that it is wrong to be racist etc etc and trim it down to the same size as a novel...and add some good photos of galaxies and funny cats...maybe carry some advertising.


Wish I had thought of your version.

Hope your version relieves some from dependency on religion.

Although I would not like to brainwash anyone out of any belief (even a religious one) unless it was causing harm to themselves or others.

Spent enough time in the physic ward (working - calm down) to see damage beliefs (any) can do to people.

Taking away the belief can cause just as much.

The line to follow is to retain the belief but trim it to manageable.

You haven't been to the re-education camps yet I see (note to staff...check into that) but we have now replaced the word "worshiping" with "appreciated" so yes, there is no God but we do "appreciate" the Sun. :)
I beg to differ... not that we don't appreciate the sun, but there are definitely people in the UK who sun-worship: they are usually from the working class, and their churches are the beaches of Benidorm! Each summer the cult congregates in their vastness to bask in the eternal glory of His magnificence, with the more devout being turned a tanned colour, the more eager but unworthy a lovely shade of pink, all hoping to avoid the mark of the Dark Lord Melanoma!
I beg to differ... not that we don't appreciate the sun, but there are definitely people in the UK who sun-worship: they are usually from the working class, and their churches are the beaches of Benidorm! Each summer the cult congregates in their vastness to bask in the eternal glory of His magnificence, with the more devout being turned a tanned colour, the more eager but unworthy a lovely shade of pink, all hoping to avoid the mark of the Dark Lord Melanoma!
We don't have the working class here in Seattle :) but "appreciation" does sometimes reach cult-like status in the summer months. It's not to the level of Brighton Beach only because we don't have Brighton Beach. :)
My impression was many religions started with seeing the Sun as God like, any visable star or constellation probably each had their own God but it seems some clever folk would claim a direct link and so become God like and worthy of marking out the society rules.
And really where would we be without the Sun.
Ever coal and oil are really solar power... Our food, well I could go on.
But you then to work out how the Sun formed and trace it all back way back and all the energy came from one spot so we should give reverence to that spot.
We don't have the working class here in Seattle :) but "appreciation" does sometimes reach cult-like status in the summer months. It's not to the level of Brighton Beach only because we don't have Brighton Beach. :)

Arhh I remember Brighton Beach.

The relaxing beach with grains of sand golf ball sized pebbles.
My impression was many religions started with seeing the Sun as God like, any visable star or constellation probably each had their own God but it seems some clever folk would claim a direct link and so become God like and worthy of marking out the society rules.
And really where would we be without the Sun.
Ever coal and oil are really solar power... Our food, well I could go on.
But you then to work out how the Sun formed and trace it all back way back and all the energy came from one spot so we should give reverence to that spot.
Ultimately it didn't all come from one spot. It came from all over and gravity gradually condensed it into one "spot". Where would we be without the Sun...not in this solar system. :)
Ultimately it didn't all come from one spot. It came from all over and gravity gradually condensed it into one "spot". Where would we be without the Sun...not in this solar system. :)
I said way way back but I meant back to the start of the Universe, fair bit to cover but we get back to a spot. Be it a big or small spot is up to the individual but the spot can be visualised in the inner mind which can only be reached by hours of meditation and no sleep or food. You will see the spot we come from the spot. Pad it out a bit... I do think sadly that you could probably form a cult around such, its a big world I but you could build it up... imagine just one million follows, there would be the book, a introductory video, donation boxes, donation envelopes, gift card donations, diet book, robes, sunglasses, star charts, wall hangings of positive thoughts, and some Sun type music sort of orange and yellow sounding.
Peaceful yet powerful.
