Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should smoking be banned?

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I was just wondering whether or not people hate smokers?

What is your main problem with smoking and smokers.....

should there be certain clubs/pubs/bars where smokers can gather?

Should there be a total ban on smoking? in certain places? or everywhere?

what are people's thoughts?
I think smoking should be totally banned but not straight away. I think the next step should be a ban in all public places; even outside. It should be done in the privacy of your own home/garden/etc.

I hate people who smoke near me and think that it's alright. I really don't care much for inhaling smoke and I want to have healthy lungs. Why should the people around me choose what I breathe? It's not fair.
Anywhere there's a public gathering that people will be very close to each other, like restaruants, libraries, beaches, pools, movies, malls ect.ect.. Cigarette butts are not that great to walk on at the beach and cause litter problems anywhere they aren't discarded correctly.
I think non smokers overestimate the threat of passive smoking, alright if you work in a bar or a club then i can understand it if your breathing other people smoke day in day out for 20 years, but out in the open you have more chance of contracting cancer from the exhaust on your cars!

I am a smoker, but i do believe that smoking should be banned in bars and resturants, however i believe that in private clubs smoking policy should be at the disgression of the managment.
I'm just giving up smoking (which might explain some of my dogmatic responses in here). Every last one of my smoking friends want to give up. Not being able to smoke in pubs would make it easier and help break the connection between cigarettes and alcohol (how good they sound together).
I think the best way for me to stop eating junk food is to ban it as well.
It won't happen. In the city near where I live, smoking has been banned in all restaurants, bars and public places. Bars have said that they have lost buisness because people go to the bar just to have a cigarette and a drink. I think that if smoking were to be banned, a whole new underground industry would start. I never understood smokers because all that cigarettes do is give you cancer and blacken you lungs. Weed makes you high, crack and heroine make you high and fucked up, drinking makes you drunk and buzzed and smoking does..... nothink. Zero! Zilch! Nada! Useless! Even though I might not agree with the use of certain substances, substance has a purpose. As for sex... that has multiple purposes. A mix of alcohol, drugs and sex... That has a purpose too. Cigarettes don't.

End Of Rant
"smoking does..... nothink. Zero! Zilch! Nada! Useless!"

Not true, nicotine is a stimulant. It can even be useful to fight fatigue, like if you have to drive while tired. Nicotina Rustica, a more ancient form of tobacco, was almost hallucinogenic in its effects. Of course, after you are addicted, you don't notice these effects, just the pleasure of lack of withdrawl symptoms.

I'm more libertarian with respect to the banning, people should be allowed to smoke almost everywhere, except hospitals and schools. I mean, with petroleum burning everywhere, it seems kind of rediculous to ban tobacco.
Thor said:
I think smoking should be totally banned but not straight away.

I'm in complete agreement. I think the first step should be the placement of severe contraints on the manufacturers, including, most importantly, the cessation of all their advertisements.

Whether or not they realize it, all smokers choose to endanger my health. I'm not comfortable with that, and I'm all for harsh government control where my health is concerned.
and restaurants!!!

I don't want bloody nicotine and smoke and tar and whatnot in my food/blood.

Okay, so car exhaust gives us sickle cell... corrupt lungs doesn't tickle my fancy... and having both is even less appealing.
Main Entry: nic·o·tine
Pronunciation: 'ni-k&-"tEn
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from New Latin nicotiana

: a poisonous alkaloid C10H14N2 that is the chief active principle of tobacco and is used as an insecticide.

What are the Effects of NicotinThis chart shows why several pharmaceutical companies (notably Abbott Labs, SIBIA, and Astra Arcus) are concentrating on nicotine research. You see, there are effects that people would like to replicate. So, the companies are working to design drugs which will mimic the good effects and avoid the bad ones.

One effect that is not listed on this chart is that nicotine can stimulate the division of SCLCs (small cell lung carcinomas), a cancer cell line, by several hundred percent. This fact is interesting because it may explain why certain types of lung cancer grow so rapidly in smoking patients.

Looking at this chart, you can see that nicotine's effects are felt throughout the body. The receptors to which nicotine binds (see Action) are found in many areas, though primarily on muscles and neurons. The complex and interacting nature of these effects makes any precise determination of the actual cause of some reactions very difficult.


(ahn ahl gee shia), absence of pain while retaining the sense of touch, painlessness. One of the most promising uses of nicotinic drugs to date is as pain relievers.

(ahn tee si kah tihk), literally, against psychosis (a type of insanity where the subject loses almost complete touch with reality). Interestingly, the correlation between a diagnosis of untreated psychosis and smoking is very high--it appears that somehow the psychotic person "knows" to self-medicate themselves.

(ang zee oh lie sis), lowering of anxiety levels.

Cognitive Enhancement
(cahg nih tihv ehn hahns mehnt), increasing/enhancing of the processes involved in thinking/knowing (cognition).

(ceh ree broh vay soh dye lay shun), dilating (opening, widening) of the blood vessels (vaso) in the brain (cerebro).

(eh mee sihs), vomiting. An emetic is a substance which can induce vomiting, so nicotine is technically an emetic.

Gastrointestinal (gah stroh ihn teh stih nahl), relating to the stomach or intestines. GI distress could be anything from an upset stomach to cramping of the bowels to constipation, etc. .

(hi pur tehn shun), high blood pressure. Nicotine has an effect on the sympathetic nervous system (part of the nervous system involved in the classic "fight or flight" response), part of this effect is to cause the blood vessels within the body to constrict. Since, hopefully, the same amount of blood is still going through the body, this results in a net increase in the pressure within the system (think of what happens when you squeeze a garden hose). Why is it bad? The increase in pressure has to come from somewhere, and that's the heart which is trying to pump against this. Also, higher pressure can lead the "blowing up" of blood vessels, called aneurysms (think again of that garden hose and what happens if you hold it bent for too long).

(hi po thehr me ah), lowering (hypo-) of body temperature (thermia) to below normal levels.

(nyoo rho pro tek shun), as it sounds, protecting the cells of the nervous system from certain types of degenerative disease. No one knows for sure quite why, but a history smoking seems to be protective against some of the neuronal loss in Alzheimer's disease.

Respiratory Distress
(reh spih rah toh ree dih strehs), as it sounds, causing distress within the respiratory system (the respiratory system includes the lungs and all the parts of the body related to the exchange of oxygen/carbon dioxide). Distress can come from problems caused within the lungs (nodules, degeneration) or by vasoconstriction (not enough time for the exchange to take place).

(see zhyur), a sudden attack. Usually we associate seizures with conditions such as epilepsy. Seizures are caused by the loosening of the controls within the brain, allowing electrical activity to "run wild." Tremors and activities associated with seizures are the result of this uncontrolled electrical activity within the brain.
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i do not smoke but i have nothing against any body who does
it positive discrimination if you do
we are all against people who discriminate against sexual preferences,color, greed, so why is it different for people who smoke
and bullshit to health issues there are millions of ways to die
Thor said:
I think smoking should be totally banned but not straight away. I think the next step should be a ban in all public places; even outside. It should be done in the privacy of your own home/garden/etc.

I hate people who smoke near me and think that it's alright. I really don't care much for inhaling smoke and I want to have healthy lungs. Why should the people around me choose what I breathe? It's not fair.

do you break wind around people(family friends etc)
it's abit hipocritical then is'nt it and bullshit to health reasons there are millions of way to die
How many people do you think farting has killed, first and second hand?

Compare that to the number which cigarettes have killed, first and second hand.

mustafhakofi said:
we are all against people who discriminate against sexual preferences,color, greed, so why is it different for people who smoke

Smoking is a choice, whereas sexual orientation and color are not.

As for "greed"... people aren't really persecuted for that, and I don't know what prompted you to write it down.

I saw this excellent science program where they take the filters from about 10 cigs and put them in a beaker with some alcohol or something over night... and then they put it in a vapourizing flask and use it as insecticide!!