should she go to jail?

should she go to jail?

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Prosecutors detailed how Meiers taped Mr Braunack's mouth and used rope, tape and a dog chain to tie him to a concrete post on their patio.

She then left him while she took a shower. When she returned, Mr Braunack was not breathing.

This is the part that is most disturbing to me. It would seem to me that if you are going to put into an awkward position like he was his wife should have stayed with him in case he had any problems getting free. When she left him,no matter for how long (how long was her shower anyway), that is when I find her culpable.
She said Branauck had been hassling her to be tied up since the early afternoon.

She eventually agreed so he would stop annoying her.

Enough said.

He wanted her to do that. He was an adult and knew what he was risking. Sending her to jail makes a mockery of people who really have been the victim of a crime.
there are lots of way "risky" sexual practices could kill you, its possable to lean down to hard on someones neck and break it just as an example. just because you dont concider the risks doesnt mean its not a tragic acident. in the end it comes down to how much automomie we have over our own body. Its quite likly the plan was for him to free himself and come in an have sex with her in the shower.

It worries me that the jury wasnt ruling on wether she was killing him through malicious actions and was really just passing judgment over there sexual practices.

After all manslaughter is the same crime as you comit if you get angry and throw your partner against the wall and they hit there head and die
....After all manslaughter is the same crime as you comit if you get angry and throw your partner against the wall and they hit there head and die

I think that's second degree murder here.

It was an accidental reasonably preventable death. The preventable part makes it manslaughter.
Its not like she slipped in the shower, hit her head, knocked herself out, so she couldn't get to him.
there are no degrees of murder and manslaughter here.

Murder is the premeditate act of killing someone and manslaughter is the unpremeditated act of killing someone
If it is obvious he volunteered thEn NO. Absolutely not.

Where is it obvious he volunteered? It is her word against.....oh wait not his because his mouth was duct taped and he died a highly embarrassing death in my opinion.

Like Cosmic said, she could be making the story up or swaying off from the real truth. Maybe she did practice these absurd rituals with him before. Maybe this time she planned on making sure she wouldn't have to see his ugly face again.
Maybe she was fed up with him? Maybe she found a new play toy who liked dressing in womens underwear instead of being chained up....who really knows.
He certainly won't be telling his side of the story.
...I mean she has lost her husband and she will have to live with this for the rest of her life, it wasnt delibrate, she wasnt trying to kill or even injure him and it was HIS choice in the first place....

If it was a man who said she wanted to be tied up to a cinder block and she died there, what do you think the ruling would have been? I think it would have been worse.
You say men can be raped, well, couldn't she have forced him into this position?
PB loves to be tied up and even chocked during sex, why would i judge other peoples sexual habits?

as i said im happy to accept that the judge belived her that it was an acident, based on that i think she shouldnt have been given jail time.
She should go to jail and for a long time too .
As adults we know what is right and what is wrong .
What she did was wrong and she should pay for that .
If someone asks you to kill him or her , the law does not permit it at all and will punish you for it . The law is to protect people and their property .
PB loves to be tied up and even chocked during sex, why would i judge other peoples sexual habits?.....

because you believe it happened because he asked for it.
You could strangle PB in a rage and then say "she asked me to, its what she likes sexually"
I'm not buying it.
I have to agree she is responsible for causing his death even if it was negligence on her part by the mere fact she was restricting his airflow and then leaving him unsupervised where he died, she is ultimately responsible for his death.
Mitigating circumstances would be argued it was his wises, although he is not around to say if this was in fact true.

Evidence of past activities, if there are photos of previous activities depicting the deceased in such positions or attire related to the circumstances of his death then this could be her defense.

Had she actually been responsible in her sexual activities as she claimed were S&M she would have at least checked on him or kept him in sight to ensure his wellbeing?
Who knows she didn’t just get tired of her husband or the games they were into and use this perfect opportunity to end a relationship?

I would say no to jail for her as jail space should be reserved for people who are convicted of real violent crimes and are a true danger to our society.
I believe that she shouldn't go to prison because he chose to have himself tied up (It's some sort of BDSM thing). She said that there was no apparent difference in the way she tied him up that last time, so she had no way of knowing it would end up that way.
asguard, if you're going to tie someone up and engage in BDSM activities, you need to act responsibly. Sure, there are accepted risks of such activities, but the dominant also needs to ensure the safety of their submissive at all times. Walking out on someone who is tied up and at risk of suffocating is negligent, plain and simple.
i dont disagree that it was negligent but she wasnt charged with reckless endagnerment she was charged with manslaughter. The same with the sentance, do negligent actions really deserve a custodial sentance or should the whole sentance have been suspended?