Should people who live/think differently from you die?

People who are not 'civilised' should be eliminated

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Some other opinion

    Votes: 9 37.5%

  • Total voters
Say Orleander , not to hijack this thread, but what the hell is it with your avatar anyway, is that animal sick or just what is with it?:shrug:

Sorry, please cointinue with the thread.
What if thinking differently includes things like infantacide, honor killings, punishment for rape victims, suicide bombers, torture for petty crimes or drinking alcohol? What if that culture constitutes a real threat to us? This is not an easy question to answer. The idea that all cultures, no matter how abhorent, have a right to survive is a strange one.

So its okay to want to wipe out a culture thats abhorrent to yourself? Even if it results in a holocaust?

invade/occupy/kill is a lot different than eliminated.

What many people support is related to my question of acceptability to eliminate a people that hold different beliefs and social or cultural mores to you.

I'm talking about social darwinism here.
So its okay to want to wipe out a culture thats abhorrent to yourself? Even if it results in a holocaust?

It depends. I could envision a situation where the culture were so ahborent and dangerous that it constituted an existential threat.
It depends. I could envision a situation where the culture were so ahborent and dangerous that it constituted an existential threat.

Yeah, I've heard that.

“The Jew is the enemy and destroyer of the purity of blood, the conscious destroyer of our race

Ironic that you should support such a stance.
Generally agree with SG here. An aggressive and unintrospective culture could indeed be a threat. Would they perceive our culture as anything but something to be exploited and destroyed? I wouldn't want to go extirpating anything, however. As with all things, it depends on the circumstances.
It's not a stance, it's a recognition of what is possible. For instance, if the Taliban had a culture that explicitly stated everyone should hate and destroy all western culture, that would constitute a real threat. Of course, it would be evil to simply kill all the people that could be considered part of this culture. Eliminating a culture doesn't necessarily mean eliminating the people. Cultures can be changed.
It's not a stance, it's a recognition of what is possible. For instance, if the Taliban had a culture that explicitly stated everyone should hate and destroy all western culture, that would constitute a real threat. Of course, it would be evil to simply kill all the people that could be considered part of this culture. Eliminating a culture doesn't necessarily mean eliminating the people. Cultures can be changed.

For instance, if the US had a culture that explicitly stated everyone should hate and destroy all Taliban culture, that would constitute a real threat.

Or as GeofP says:
An aggressive and unintrospective culture could indeed be a threat

Is that right?
Collateral damages? The price is worth it? Birth pangs of a new Europe? :rolleyes:
What if there were a culture that killed all young women who could read, since that was a sign of witchcraft? Would it be moral to leave that culture alone?
What if there were a culture that killed all young women who could read, since that was a sign of witchcraft? Would it be moral to leave that culture alone?

You mean the Salem Witch trials? Should they have killed everyone who killed the witches then? Wiped out that entire culture?
You mean the Salem Witch trials? Should they have killed everyone who killed the witches then? Wiped out that entire culture?

First off, who is "they"? Second: was that culture looking to expand witch-killing to the whole world? If they were, could they possibly have done so?
I think there were a few people responsible for that episode that should have been killed, yes. There are things that can be done short of killing everyone. In all fairness, witchcraft trials were rare. If you did nothing to save these young women, you would be complicit in murder.
First off, who is "they"? Second: was that culture looking to expand witch-killing to the whole world? If they were, could they possibly have done so?

Now we know the answers to that. At that time, did you? We're not talking retrospective cogitation here, but current action.
I think there were a few people responsible for that episode that should have been killed, yes. There are things that can be done short of killing everyone. In all fairness, witchcraft trials were rare. If you did nothing to save these young women, you would be complicit in murder.

You're the one who brought it up. Women were burned in public squares. Just like blacks were lynched or rebels were quartered and strung up with their head on a pike.
Hmm so if killing all the Jews would bring peace to the Middle East, you would support it?

Of course not. First off, Israel is ruled not by fiat, but by a confused parlimentarian democracy. Second, they're not looking to expand Israel to the Euphrates, no matter what some people might think.

I think the situation you're proposing would have to be pretty extreme to warrant the destruction of an entire culture. Containment is the only moral choice; but what then to do about humanitarian problems within that culture?
Of course not. First off, Israel is ruled not by fiat, but by a confused parlimentarian democracy. Second, they're not looking to expand Israel to the Euphrates, no matter what some people might think.

I think the situation you're proposing would have to be pretty extreme to warrant the destruction of an entire culture. Containment is the only moral choice; but what then to do about humanitarian problems within that culture?

Who cares what Israel is or is not? We're talking about destroying an entire culture. If you knew that by killing all the Jews, Hitler would have brought world peace, would you support it?

We're talking about your greater good principle here. Lets hear how strong your convictions are
What many people support is related to my question of acceptability to eliminate a people that hold different beliefs and social or cultural mores to you.

I'm talking about social darwinism here.
actually the poll question is "should uncivilized people be eliminated?"
my answer is yes, they should.

the real questions in regards to the poll are:
1. what is "uncivilized".
2. what is "eliminated".

i believe that these types of people require education more than anything else. education will "eliminate" uncivilized people.
Who cares what Israel is or is not? We're talking about destroying an entire culture. If you knew that by killing all the Jews, Hitler would have brought world peace, would you support it?

?? I think I already made the minimal requirements clear, Sam. You may recall me mentioning aggressive and unintrospective. The Jews were obviously neither. Almost all cultures were obviously neither.

We're talking about your greater good principle here. Lets hear how strong your convictions are

Sam, no one is really being fooled here. This is one of your "oooh a sneaky trap to impugn your character" threads that everybody sees right through. I thought I'd drop by and try to be reasonable, but I didn't honestly figure it would long before the Joos featured in the thread. You're proposing a hypothetical here - for which you railed at me in the other thread - and you should expect hypothetical responses. But you have specific ones in mind. So spill your intent or shut your computer down and go home.