Should people marry? It seems that God would forbid it.

This modern Gnostic Christian thinks marriage is the way to go, with a single mate, be that a mate of the same gender or not. Love is what is important. Not gender. That aside, I think that frees choice should reign in this issue.
Why only one mate? If love is so important, why limit it?
And you thoughtlessly spout it out. What does that make you?


A thoughtful reader of the bible, I hope.

What do you do, when you read old, or otherwise demanding, literature? You interpret it, right? And does that mean you necessarily believe every word you read?

Or, I could read the Koran (in translation - sadly my Arabic was only ever good enough for shopping) and try to give you you the gist of a passage. Would that mean I have become a "thoughtless" muslim, suddenly?

Do try to show a modicum of sense, please.
Christ was actually a humorous guy. People in the middle East were nomadic and didn't have stable lives. Christ couldn't be understood by simple people, as a last resort he said he is son of god. people took that seriously. thus it all started.

I don't think Jesus ever said he was the son of god did he?
I don't think Jesus ever said he was the son of god did he?

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Luke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Jesus thought of us all as sons of God.

This second clip shows his thinking.

The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized to activate your higher mind.

This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus, in the esoteric sense.

When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. Becoming a God is to become more fully human and a brethren to Jesus.

Would you feel loved as strongly as you should feel if a part of a harem?
Do children feel less loved when they have siblings? Love doesn't "dilute". If anything, it expands with use.

If parents can love two or three children as much as one, I don't see why they can't love two or three spouses as much as one.
Do children feel less loved when they have siblings? Love doesn't "dilute". If anything, it expands with use.

If parents can love two or three children as much as one, I don't see why they can't love two or three spouses as much as one.

Yes, many children feel less loved when there are many of them and if a part of a harem, I would feel a lot less loved.

You may not care if you are one of many but most do and that is why most only want one spouse.

Should people marry? It seems that God would forbid it.

Christian scriptures say that in heaven, there is no marriage.

When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

As above so below, on earth as it is in heaven, indicates that when God returns to reclaim dominion from Satan, marriage will be abolished.

Why then do most religion of the Abrahamic root advocate marriage at all. Especially the polygamy. God does not favor marriage. If no two souls are to marry in heaven, then the law on earth should be that no two people marry.

We should emulate Jesus in all things and remember that as a Jew, he was almost forced by tradition to marry yet never did even though Gnostic Christian scriptures show him as loving Mary Magdalen more than his male disciples. Even kissing her on the (unknown parts).That is why I suggest that Jesus married Mary. Marriage was expected of all Rabbis.

This modern Gnostic Christian thinks marriage is the way to go, with a single mate, be that a mate of the same gender or not. Love is what is important. Not gender. That aside, I think that frees choice should reign in this issue.

Do you think we should abolish marriage and move closer to God’s heavenly law?


I'm sure when God is upset with how things are going He'll have a word with somebody.

For now. Let's be honest wedding cake is nice. Dances and wedding parties are nice and people remember them.

Making a lifelong commitment to another person can be a good thing. It gives you something to do with your time.

Sure it is fake. But it will do for now in my opinion.
I'm sure when God is upset with how things are going He'll have a word with somebody.

For now. Let's be honest wedding cake is nice. Dances and wedding parties are nice and people remember them.

Making a lifelong commitment to another person can be a good thing. It gives you something to do with your time.

Sure it is fake. But it will do for now in my opinion.

Tradition, culture and a party. I am there for that. But that music is poor.

Then why do "most people" want more than one child? Why do we have the old saying, "the more the merrier"?

To be honest once you're in diaper mode it's hard to get out. Now you have a lot of things small children can use and you don't want to throw them in the trash.
Tradition, culture and a party. I am there for that. But that music is poor.


You need to give the DJ specific instructions and a list of songs.

If you're not specific they'll revert to whatever they're used to playing.

The same thing goes with the preacher and vows. You have to be specific. Otherwise you have no idea what they'll ask you to promise and they'll probably start rambling about all kinds of crazy things taking up party time.
To be honest once you're in diaper mode it's hard to get out. Now you have a lot of things small children can use and you don't want to throw them in the trash.

You need to give the DJ specific instructions and a list of songs.

If you're not specific they'll revert to whatever they're used to playing.

The same thing goes with the preacher and vows. You have to be specific. Otherwise you have no idea what they'll ask you to promise and they'll probably start rambling about all kinds of crazy things taking up party time.

I will remember this for next time I am cursed, eh, blessed that is, with a new wife.

I love my wife. I love my wife. I love my wife. I love my wife. Mea culpa.

Are you suggesting that girl children are less lovable? Are you suggesting that two or three girl children can not be loved as much as one?

I have only fathered sons but that is what I am led to understand.

I see that my one son who has a girl child gives him more grief than his son.

I would not say that that makes him love one over the other.

It certainly may in some people. Love can be quite a complicated issue.

I see that my one son who has a girl child gives him more grief than his son.
I don't doubt that girls give their fathers more grief. The point is that the fathers love them in spite of the grief - which goes against your point that multiple children feel less loved.
I don't doubt that girls give their fathers more grief. The point is that the fathers love them in spite of the grief - which goes against your point that multiple children feel less loved.

Then parents should not have favorites yet they do.

Mind that I am looking at what a few of my generation was doing and many of the previous generation were having ten to 20 kids. This is all anecdotal but I have seen the varying degree of parental love.

Then parents should not have favorites yet they do.

Mind that I am looking at what a few of my generation was doing and many of the previous generation were having ten to 20 kids. This is all anecdotal but I have seen the varying degree of parental love.
Sure, there may be "varying degrees" of love (if it even makes sense to "measure" love). But why not have varying degrees of love for several spouses, just like we have varying degrees of love for several children?