Should people marry? It seems that God would forbid it.

Christ was actually a humorous guy. People in the middle East were nomadic and didn't have stable lives. Christ couldn't be understood by simple people, as a last resort he said he is son of god. people took that seriously. thus it all started.
nuns are married to god they will have sex after life.
jesus never wrote bible. jesus only advised people and rest is their own choice. their is no hell.
A good one should influence us as well as the poor ones but to have a poor one be thought of as good, that is what brings Dark Ages and Inquisitions.

books are always good for advice. people who interpret wrong go into dark ages.
religious books are good for reference but never a solution.
i agree with you
How does a spirit have sex with another spirit?
the orgasm is sex. sex is cosmic, union and creation out of it. more over god wont neglect his dear nuns, who had taken vow of chastity.
this is the truth you can ask any nun.
all the religions have become fanatic cause they are infatuated with god.
this infatuation is dangerous, they go on killing people in this sheer madness.
the orgasm is sex. sex is cosmic, union and creation out of it. more over god wont neglect his dear nuns, who had taken vow of chastity.
this is the truth you can ask any nun.
all the religions have become fanatic cause they are infatuated with god.
this infatuation is dangerous, they go on killing people in this sheer madness.

As far as I can tell this is just a jumble of unconnected words?
You did address my question. How can the spirit of a Nun and the spirit of God have sex?

All you say is that "organism is sex"? Yeah, so?

"Sex is cosmic" ...what does that is of the cosmos? That's meaningless.

"Union and creation out of it"? You haven't said how two spirits have sex but now you have them producing offspring it sounds like?

Then you tell to me check all this with a Nun. Afterward you start talking about fanatic religions that are infatuated with God?

Yes, I know that religious people are infatuated with God.

What does any of that have to do with my question?