Should people marry? It seems that God would forbid it.

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Should people marry? It seems that God would forbid it.

Christian scriptures say that in heaven, there is no marriage.

When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

As above so below, on earth as it is in heaven, indicates that when God returns to reclaim dominion from Satan, marriage will be abolished.

Why then do most religion of the Abrahamic root advocate marriage at all. Especially the polygamy. God does not favor marriage. If no two souls are to marry in heaven, then the law on earth should be that no two people marry.

We should emulate Jesus in all things and remember that as a Jew, he was almost forced by tradition to marry yet never did even though Gnostic Christian scriptures show him as loving Mary Magdalen more than his male disciples. Even kissing her on the (unknown parts).That is why I suggest that Jesus married Mary. Marriage was expected of all Rabbis.

This modern Gnostic Christian thinks marriage is the way to go, with a single mate, be that a mate of the same gender or not. Love is what is important. Not gender. That aside, I think that frees choice should reign in this issue.

Do you think we should abolish marriage and move closer to God’s heavenly law?

Should people marry? It seems that God would forbid it.

Christian scriptures say that in heaven, there is no marriage.

When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

As above so below, on earth as it is in heaven, indicates that when God returns to reclaim dominion from Satan, marriage will be abolished.

Why then do most religion of the Abrahamic root advocate marriage at all. Especially the polygamy. God does not favor marriage. If no two souls are to marry in heaven, then the law on earth should be that no two people marry.

We should emulate Jesus in all things and remember that as a Jew, he was almost forced by tradition to marry yet never did even though Gnostic Christian scriptures show him as loving Mary Magdalen more than his male disciples. Even kissing her on the (unknown parts).That is why I suggest that Jesus married Mary. Marriage was expected of all Rabbis.

This modern Gnostic Christian thinks marriage is the way to go, with a single mate, be that a mate of the same gender or not. Love is what is important. Not gender. That aside, I think that frees choice should reign in this issue.

Do you think we should abolish marriage and move closer to God’s heavenly law?


What a remarkably silly post.

The point, obviously, is that there are said to be no sexes in heaven as we will be "like the angels"and, quite possibly, there will have no reason to have special loving relationships between individuals among the resurrected, as the state of being will be unimaginably different from here on Earth. St Paul picks this up in Galatians, saying neither will there be any of the other labels we give each other in this physical world, such as Jew or Gentile, free man or slave etc.

It is idiotic to conclude from this that marriage would be "forbidden" by God, or that we get closer to "God's heavenly law" by abolishing it in this life, here on Earth. It does not remotely follow for an instant.

To be honest I wonder if this is a wind-up, it's so silly.
the remaing is anything and everything except the person who refers to this expression as he searches for god.
The point, obviously, is that there are said to be no sexes in heaven as we will be "like the angels"and, quite possibly, there will have no reason to have special loving relationships between individuals among the resurrected, as the state of being will be unimaginably different from here on Earth.

One would have to explain the psychology of loving without nature. There would be no attraction, only grey people. We could not possibly perceive love except in the most selfish manner. You can't love a copy of yourself, can you say weird. God gave us each a unique order of archetypes so we could love.
God is not something that has intentions to create or destroy.
God does. no thinking nothing at all. god itself is conciousnesss.
marriage is not something special. it is not some creation of third creature of two people. the marraige is to the eternal, forever.
what we witness is two peoples mutual feelings in any form, can be marraige, hate ,love, etc.
What a remarkably silly post.

The point, obviously, is that there are said to be no sexes in heaven as we will be "like the angels"and, quite possibly, there will have no reason to have special loving relationships between individuals among the resurrected, as the state of being will be unimaginably different from here on Earth. St Paul picks this up in Galatians, saying neither will there be any of the other labels we give each other in this physical world, such as Jew or Gentile, free man or slave etc.

It is idiotic to conclude from this that marriage would be "forbidden" by God, or that we get closer to "God's heavenly law" by abolishing it in this life, here on Earth. It does not remotely follow for an instant.

To be honest I wonder if this is a wind-up, it's so silly.

If "unimaginably different from here on Earth", how do you imagine what you are saying about it can be real?

How can you know what you say you cannot know?

If everyone on Earth is married to God as are the Nuns then there would be no children and that would be the end of "God's" creation. Maybe this is the last book of the Bible?