Should not Humanity be More Important than any god ?

Look the thing is god does exist.. Life; Life forms no matter how advanced and how primative; Have intelligence; it's obvious; but what seems to be the problem is that Humanity see that this god; actually ; gods , male and female; want us to become mature enough to survive on our own.
Of course not. The idea of a patriarch running the universe is absurd.

PS I have just obtained Nirvana.

Hmm...I see ; yet in your posts you keep referring to his, him...

So have you grown spiritually and intellectually or is this just a passing faze?
PS I have just obtained Nirvana.
Which album?
Yes I have grown spiritually and intellectually. I'm a new man.
Compared to when? If you start from a low enough position then growth isn't something to be shouting about.
Plus your desire and eagerness to claim attaining nirvana rather suggests that you haven't.
But if it gets you out of your CTMU obsession, who are we to stand in your way. :rolleyes:
Which album?
Compared to when? If you start from a low enough position then growth isn't something to be shouting about.
Plus your desire and eagerness to claim attaining nirvana rather suggests that you haven't.
But if it gets you out of your CTMU obsession, who are we to stand in your way. :rolleyes:

What the heck has any relative of yours got to do with your self-claimed "intellectual and spiritual" growth? :confused:
And I'm not sure how much of a leash you're on at the moment, but calling someone an idiot is not conducive to you being allowed to remain here and spout your drivel.
What the heck has any relative of yours got to do with your self-claimed "intellectual and spiritual" growth? :confused:
And I'm not sure how much of a leash you're on at the moment, but calling someone an idiot is not conducive to you being allowed to remain here and spout your drivel.

Awww, you misinterpreted. There is much love in what I say.

PS My experience of Nirvana was not all that it's cracked up to be. It is but a worthless memory now.
Not unless you're redefining the word "god".

I do.

god is not what is written down by the bible or any such; god in my definition is simply the intelligence of life forms. Life it seems to me evolve based on what the enviroment can give life; inotherwords; the materials, minerals , water , energy source( sun, heat, rocks etc.) life finds a way based on its enviroment.

I suppose god in a sense is the determination to manifest and survive. Not a theology.

This is why Humanity ; to me, is the most important life form in the Universe. Our ancestors knew nothing of our concepts of god(s). What they did know is that within them was this innate want to survive and this IMPORTANT ATTITUDE came before speech and the written word. Humanity wanted to exist as long as possible.

We have lost this deep seeded root to exist.

These written down god(s) have stolen Humanities desire to exist; for our sake , of our existence , alone. Not for some other entity ; but for Humanity alone.
I have heard that Humanity is a mistake by discussion ; not here on this site ; but by a radio program.

Because we are so violent against one an other.

We must as a being ; a living being ; as Humanity ; think much better of ourselves.

We must not allow this so called " mistake " to define who and what we are. Ever

We have intellect

And we must not define who and what we are from the recent past nor from the ancient past.

We must take our future , our destiny , into our own hands.
I just did this thought experiment in another topic. I will modify it to this discussion because it works here also.

Say we gathered a group of people, with one person representing each of all the spoken languages. There are currently about 6500 languages. In the middle of these 6500 people, all with different languages, we will place a unique peach tree. Although they can all see the same tree, each will make a different set of sounds, describing what they see, with only the person speaking those sounds, fully understanding what they are trying to say.

On the one hand, our sense of sight provide a universal language, where all 6500 people see the exact same reality. But none can transfer this visual directly to another, via ESP. However, because they are all there, they can look at each other and know exactly what each sees.

On the other hand, although those 6500 language allow us to make this information transfer, the need for 6500 cultural languages to create different sounds for the same thing, suggests language is subjective/arbitrary. Language does not natural converge. The result is noise and loss in terms of the visual reality of the tree.

There are universal languages, such as sight that uses colors, shades and textures, instead of letters, words and sentences. But it is not easy to directly transfer this information, without loss. Reality is a personal journey, using our collective human natures with its universal languages. The faithful look for God through universal eyes. Faith comes from inside and not from external translation.

The premise of this topic ; is Humanity more important than God. In terms of this thought experiment,one can phrase this as, are 6500 languages are more important than the universal languages common to all?