Should men have a say in abortion ?

Should I use smaller words?
If it helps you give relevant input to the discussion, then yes.

That you were making shit up. Thanks for confirming that.
Sorry to hear that you find the content you raise in this discussion to be so repulsive.
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Lots of talk about when does life begin…
But to cut to the chase:::

Do you thank the pregnant woman should have the final say whether to abort or not (i thank she shoud have the final say).???

An if you dont thank that she shoud… shoud ther be some sort of punishment if she does get an abortion.???
Lots of talk about when does life begin…
But to cut to the chase:::

Do you thank the pregnant woman should have the final say whether to abort or not (i thank she shoud have the final say).???

An if you dont thank that she shoud… shoud ther be some sort of punishment if she does get an abortion.???
Think of it this way : Do you think pregnant women should have the final say in whether they chain smoke and consume copious amounts of alcohol?

If you don't think that she should, should there be some sort of punishment?

IOW does society only have recourse to legislation or punishment when it is determining what values or acts or duties its members should or should not be socialized around?
Do you think pregnant women should have the final say in whether they chain smoke and consume copious amounts of alcohol?


"Do you thank the pregnant woman should have the final say whether to abort or not (i thank she shoud have the final say).???"

"An if you dont thank that she shoud… shoud ther be some sort of punishment if she does get an abortion.???"

"Do you thank the pregnant woman should have the final say whether to abort or not (i thank she shoud have the final say).???"

"An if you dont thank that she shoud… shoud ther be some sort of punishment if she does get an abortion.???"
Does "final say" elicit your full compliance? Do you happily trot down to the supermarket to load up your car with booze and cigerettes for a pregnant family member?
Think of it this way : Do you think pregnant women should have the final say in whether they chain smoke and consume copious amounts of alcohol?
Yes. Their body. They get to decide that the same way you get to decide that.

Of course, education and access to good medical care will reduce the instances of women doing that. (of anyone doing that, actually.)
@ Musika

Befor movin on... i woud like to know you'r answr to what i asked:::

"Do you thank the pregnant woman should have the final say whether to abort or not (i thank she shoud have the final say).???"

"An if you dont thank that she shoud… shoud ther be some sort of punishment if she does get an abortion.???"
@ Musika

Befor movin on... i woud like to know you'r answr to what i asked:::

"Do you thank the pregnant woman should have the final say whether to abort or not (i thank she shoud have the final say).???"

"An if you dont thank that she shoud… shoud ther be some sort of punishment if she does get an abortion.???"
I am just trying to determine if you are chalking up "final say" merely in terms of legislation, or in a broader sense of peer endorsement.
Think of it this way : Do you think pregnant women should have the final say in whether they chain smoke and consume copious amounts of alcohol?
Why can't you answer the actual question?

Instead, you attempt to change the narrative and subject to something else altogether and in the process, present an even more ridiculous example.

Should a pregnant woman have a final say over what she consumes or ingests? Really? We are now down to discussing whether adult women should have what they consume controlled by men?

Yes, she should have the final say over whether she smokes, drinks, or aborts.

It's not your body. Nor is it any of your business.

If you don't think that she should, should there be some sort of punishment?
What do you propose as a punishment?

Lock her up in prison and shackle her maybe?

IOW does society only have recourse to legislation or punishment when it is determining what values or acts or duties its members should or should not be socialized around?
I don't know what society you happen to live in, but generally, in civilised societies, women are not punished for drinking, smoking and ending their pregnancies.

The 17th century called. They want your misogynistic and paternalistic opinions back.

Does "final say" elicit your full compliance? Do you happily trot down to the supermarket to load up your car with booze and cigerettes for a pregnant family member?
If that is what she wants, it's not my body. That is her decision. What do you propose? Tie her to a bed to control her actions?

Anyone? You're not making stuff up again, are you?
Given the pages and pages of ridiculous behaviour you have exhibited in this thread, given your deliberate refusal to answer simple questions, given your repeated changes of subject and narrative, not to mention shifting the goal post, do you really think you are in any way, shape or form to be accusing anyone of this?

I have been following and reading this thread all week.

And do you know what I see?

Very few women.. But.. Mostly men trying to argue that they should have a say.

So to Bowser and co:

The answer is no. You do not get a say unless we ask for it.

To Capracus, who is trying to argue that he should be allowed to "opt out" if she chooses to not have an abortion.

There's a term called 'coercive control'..

You should look it up.

TLDR for you, it's abusive and controlling behaviour, and is a form of domestic abuse.

So you know, maybe, just maybe, you should refrain from suggesting men commit acts of domestic abuse if their partners do not do as they say or want. Unless of course you want to be that guy..
The 17th century called. They want your misogynistic and paternalistic opinions back.
Or you can just go to Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Ohio, Mississippi, Utah, Georgia, Arkansas or Missouri ... soon to be joined by several other states where sex education is poor and birth control is hard to come by... and the five remaining gynecologists are, no doubt, already drinking their way to cirrhosis in the airport departure lounge. The states that have the most severe chronic shortage of health-care personnel are the ones threatening to throw those same people in jail for putting their patient's welfare before the party line.
How predictably republican!
Why can't you answer the actual question?

The "actual question" comes with quite a bit of packaging (just look at the length and breadth of your post, for instance), and that's what I was beginning to address.
Clueless decided not to proceed.
As for your claim of reading this thread closely for the past week, I don't see any evidence for it .... but thanks for your participation anyway.
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The "actual question" comes with quite a bit of packaging (just look at the length and breadth of your post, for instance), and that's what I was beginning to address.
You were not.
You are here to misrepresent, and use the misrepresentations (lies) to abet personal attacks. That's what you were doing, and that's what you will continue to do here.
You are even too lazy to explain why they are unrelated, so make of that what you will ...

So, "poor reader" instead of "dishonest." Great.

OK, a simple acknowledgement of dependence does in on way imply that said dependence is "abhorrent." Being forced to carry a pregnancy to term, against one's wishes, does not make motherhood a "punishment." And "thing?" That's not even worth addressing.