Should men have a say in abortion ?

modern medical science that people pay for to save the life of a baby utero
all those scanner machines and operations...
etc etc...
...wont do it because they wont pay the money... ? "modern technological human rights"

instead republicans would prefer to pay for trump to have gold toilet seats on his private gold club

thats a human right ?

you do realize i know your playing the financial game here.

are you proposing that only rich pregnant women get free ultrasounds and free doctors visits ?
The term "human rights" conveys a specific meaning. If you use it in an unconventional manner, you will lose people in the discussion. It seems you are talking more directly about wealth distribution.
Others beg to differ ....
Even people who say abortion is murder don't really think it is. If they did they'd be pushing for capital punishment or at least prison sentences for the physician and for the women having abortions.

Abortion is a phony "crime" designed to oppress women and nothing else.
Nevertheless, all parties involved, whether for or against, are very clear at what point life begins.
Nobody is disputing the beginning of life. The egg and sperm were both alive long before conception and there's no crime in killing them then. And conception is not some magic moment when it becomes an "other" life; it's just another moment.
Do you feel the same about other issues in society? Like the issues around the deployment of the military, resource allocation and the economy, criminal justice and the legal system and so forth?
For the most part, yes.
You offered one "to do" list of what your opponents have to achieve in order to be deemed credible (rolling out benevolent goods and services on a scale on par with changing the orbit of the planet).
No goods; basic social services. Not benevolence: social justice.
You don't seem to have any concept of that.
Or respect for life.
You employ dishonest discussion techniques,
You know more about that than I do.
and when this is pointed out to you, using your own words,
Not once. Your standard technique is to change the other person's meaning by substituting different words.

you demand to know why I support dishonesty.
Yes. Repeatedly. And you rant and rave and attack and malign ---
but you never answer.

So how do you define " children who already exist"?
Juvenile/immature humans between newborn and 12 years old; 13-19 are adolescents, but there is overlap.
So motherhood is a punishment?
Forcing anyone to bear and raise children they don't want and can't care for adequately is cruel, but all-too-usual punishment by patriarchies for the crime of being female. That's all this whole fuss is about: you're scared shitless of women, so you hate them, so you try to control them by a three-prong approach: through economics, through physical intimidation and through reproductive bondage.
Even people who say abortion is murder don't really think it is. If they did they'd be pushing for capital punishment or at least prison sentences for the physician and for the women having abortions.

Abortion is a phony "crime" designed to oppress women and nothing else.
Thats an immensely naive understanding on the role of the legal system and how societies implement, establish and reinforce values they wish to be socialized around.
Nobody is disputing the beginning of life. The egg and sperm were both alive long before conception and there's no crime in killing them then. And conception is not some magic moment when it becomes an "other" life; it's just another moment.
Your brutal attitude to life aside, at least you are now somewhat the wiser in addressing the origins of life.
But pregnancy itself is a risk of sexual contact. Don't blame a woman for a man's failure.
Of course pregnancy is a risk of sexual contact, for both parties. Birth control can be neglected or fail, and participants can lie about their protection, these are some of the reasons that abortions are relied upon, as a backup to some failed aspect of birth control. If we are going to allow the woman a mulligan for her misstep, then we should grant one for the man when the woman wishes to continue with the pregnancy.
But a man's failure is his own. Remember, this is an unintended pregnancy. After accounting for available methods of birth control, and the couple's decision made, a man must still account for his gametes.
A man can’t account for his gametes when they’re being held hostage by the woman. If she’s unwilling to return them, she should be required to take sole ownership and responsibility for them.
He had his say when he left his stuff laying around where it shouldn't be.
If it shouldn’t be there, then she should be more than happy to rid herself of the mess it created.
Your proposition requires a spectre of compelled termination. Forced abortion is invoked according to the suggestion that it is unfair for a man to suffer the consequences of not aborting: If he cannot have the result of the abortion she does not wish to have, as you've been arguing.
Life itself compels women to have abortions, most often for the same reason a man would request one of a woman, because they don’t want to become a parent at that time.
"There is no need", you say, "to consider a woman's risk and trauma associated with her pregnancy when the objective of the father is to stop the process before these conditions arise." In the case you are presenting, however, he isn't trying to help her with anything; he is, instead, demanding a stake in her medical decisions as a lever by which he might help himself. That is to say, he's not trying to help; he's trying to control her for his own purposes.
He’s demanding no stake in her medical decision, he is requesting to have the same right to not become a parent that she has. If she continues with the pregnancy, he currently loses that right and she assumes a tenfold risk to her own health. Regardless of his motive for her to terminate, agreeing to his request will medically do far less harm to herself. And as for control, her continuing with the pregnancy is not an exercise in control over him on her part?
This juvenile-sounding petulance pretty much sums up the manchild chauvinism that has permeated this corner of political discourse as long as I have encountered it. To the other, so is that thing you said to Iceaura:
When your reason fails, you can always be counted on to bring out the ideological tar and feathers.
Really? That's it? You brought straw to your own sausage party?
What the hell does the above non sequitur have to do with this:
Capracus said:
When should the life of a developing fetus be considered worth protecting? Conception? Degree of cognition? Full term?
Always. From before conception, even.
Maybe you could attempt to make sense of the statement, since iceaura seems incapable or unwilling to do so itself.
Now, here you are, injecting particular rightist political language, and, really, nobody's surprised, given your tendency toward supremacist rhetoric. Additionally, the wavering back and forth doesn't work, and only reiterates the egocentrism at the heart of your pitch. If you want to call it "feticide", remember, then it applies throughout; you want him to be able to duck out if she doesn't commit "feticide" on his say-so.
It sees Nazis under its bed, and it struggles with vocabulary.

In medical use, the word "foeticide" is used simply to mean causing the death of the fetus.

Since you seem to have Nazis on the brain, maybe you’d prefer a more sanitized term like Final Solution.
And we should take the moment to note explicitly: Termination is not without its risks to a woman. If "there is no need to consider a woman's risk and trauma associated with her pregnancy when the objective of the father is to stop the process before these conditions arise", we must consider the risks of termination. Your failure to do so is not insignificant; similarly, your question of selfishness overlooks the perils and tolls of pregnancy.
I’ve considered the risk of termination from the outset of the proposition. I’ve noted numerous times that termination is far less risky than a continued pregnancy. The only way for a woman to eliminate the risk of a continued pregnancy is to terminate it, its one of many reasons women choose to have abortions. Did you even bother to read the nonsense you generated above before you posted it?
Wrong. The sperm bank donor intends to contribute to reproduction under particular circumstances. The hapless father you're describing isn't actually trying to reproduce, but, rather, seeks to escape reproduction. That you can't tell the difference is significant of something relevant, to be certain, but we can probably set that analysis aside as a distraction, for now. Thus, to reiterate: Sperm cells, as such, are not in this case a contribution to a process, but waste irresponsibly left behind.
Sperm donors want to contribute their “waste” without having to be responsible for the pregnancies they generate. A man unwilling to become a father is functionally no different than a commercial sperm donor, except he's not be paid for his services.
The man acquires responsibilities and obligations, and the rights contingently associated with them. Abandoning them is not among those rights.
If a women has the right to abandon parenthood during the first half of a pregnancy, so should the man.
Yep. Suck it up, snowflake. There's no such thing as a free fuck, and the government can't give you one.
Well since most fucks don’t result in pregnancy, most fucks in this regard are free. Laws are changing all the time, so maybe the government will eventually come through on this one.
Why "first"? You haven't even addressed the relevance of the issue, when asked directly.
Why is it relevant when a fetus is granted protection? It might have something to do with when the law establishes a legal limit in pregnancy for the option of feticide/abortion/termination/baby killing. Did I leave any of your favorites out?
You mean "months after", not "when". Also, "abortion", not "feticide".
Irrelevant regardless. Her obvious right to control the inside of her own body, to protect herself against assault and serious - potentially lethal - injury, does not depend on her motives for exercising it.
I’m pro-feticide in this case, so my position is in the best medical interests of the woman. If a woman wishes to assume the added risk of a continued pregnancy over the objections of the man, then let her also assume sole responsibility for the outcome.
The term "human rights" conveys a specific meaning. If you use it in an unconventional manner, you will lose people in the discussion. It seems you are talking more directly about wealth distribution.

the money is already theirs because they own their own tax
asserting that their tax money should not be equally distributed to pay for food housing and health care seems a bit of a stretch of the meaning of "human rights".

loosing an audience that are pre-disposed to be lost to a convenient psychopathic pre-determination is not a loss but a state of reality.
the loss can not occur because the win will be a loss
you already know this.
but THAT is you game.
Thats an immensely naive understanding on the role of the legal system and how societies implement, establish and reinforce values they wish to be socialized around.
Our society has decided that a woman's rights should be respected and protected.
Yet here you are, disqualified, by your own admission, yet offering input on a subject.
Not at all. I'm telling the goverment to butt out of women's bodies and I'm telling the anti-abortion gang to butt out of women's bodies. That's pretty consistent.
You also see that their relationship of dependence has zero bearing on their fate.
?? Not true at all. Parole is determined, among other things, by whether a prisoner can support him or herself outside prison.
It is never the case that the powers that be decide to imprison or exterminate someone merely because they exist in a state of dependence.
Agreed. Nor do women decide to get an abortion merely because the fetus "exists in a state of dependence."
?? Not true at all. Parole is determined, among other things, by whether a prisoner can support him or herself outside prison.
Only as secondary criteria amongst individuals judged as already guilty of misdemeanors.

Agreed. Nor do women decide to get an abortion merely because the fetus "exists in a state of dependence."
In most cases, I would say that would be primary.
Not at all. I'm telling the goverment to butt out of women's bodies and I'm telling the anti-abortion gang to butt out of women's bodies. That's pretty consistent.
You are neither directly in government, nor are you directly a candidate for abortion, so your vocal disgruntlement in the face of topics on which you deem yourself unqualified appears to be growing.
Of course the obvious alternative is that you don't really support these bizarre guidelines for advocacy and you are just plying a double standard to defeat your opponents.
Thank you for acknowledging that their dependence has a bearing on their fate.
Thank you for acknowledging that independence is only of prime consideration in packaging an individuals welfare, not engineering their destruction.

Ah! So have you gotten an abortion, then, for that reason?
Did you have an abortion for a different reason?