Should I Become An Atheist?

Should I Become An Atheist?

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The Devil Inside

most of the time, when conversing on this forum, i tend to side with atheists over religious views.
i am however, jewish.
should i become an atheist, or not?
please include reasons to your answer.

the likely hood that our universe formed by the application of energy from an outside source is so great that such would be foolish.

there is no need to embrace secular atheism.. just embrace science.. and cosmology.. and in time you will realise that in truth..

the evidense can strenghten your faith... not dispose of it.

do not reject GOD.. simply because others are quick to do so.

it's a bit of a moot question, the answer lies solely with you.
nobody suggested to M*W or southstar, they became atheist, their own common sense did that.(these, both started here as believers)
however if your not sure, then in reality you must be an agnostic, which to some is the best of both worlds.(MT, seem to be this although he has some strange thoughts)
I myself am totally atheist, but my reasons for being so, could be totally different to another atheist, there is a commonality, as logic dictates this. but we are only a group of like minded people.
we even argue amongst ourselves.

you should add "your choice" to the poll.
The Devil Inside

You should listen to yourself not others, the faith is all about believe.
Belief, or faith in a religion or god/s or otherwise, is merely a state of mind... your mind.
Belief or not, is so fundamental to You as an individual that there is no way that somebody else should decide your state of mind for you.

Discard your religion only if you think that it is bad for you or if the actual concept causes you undue anxiety. Before discarding it, I would suggest that you try embracing it first; pray for faith and if that doesn't work, then think again.
If U can see the injustice of god, U will be more happy as a Atheist.

But if U become an Anti-Theist, U will be in hell.

Treat all with respect and dignity, Atheist or not.
The Devil Inside said:
most of the time, when conversing on this forum, i tend to side with atheists over religious views.
i am however, jewish.
should i become an atheist, or not?
please include reasons to your answer.
Being Jewish puts one in a different position from goyim. An Englishman who abandons the Church of England does not commit the crime of treason. He becomes less English only by a very small degree. However, a Jew who abandons his religion may feel he has become substantially less Jewish.

The question therefore arises: how far is belief in God an essential part of belief in the Jewish religion? The Jewish tradition is about very much more than belief in God. It embraces centuries of accumulated wisdom. It is a formula for a way of life. The survival and success of the Jews speaks for the wisdom of following Jewish laws (mitzvot) and above all of belonging to a community which shares common values.

Ask yourself this question: do I believe in God's laws or in Man's laws? My own answer to the question is this: I take a dim view of the changing whims and fashions of laws made by men, and that I believe that the rules for the good conduct of society do not change. They arise from Nature, or from "the eternal nature of the human condition", or from "what we are". A religion that has stood the test of millennia has laws that are worth believing in. Think not that they are given by God, but that they arise from Nature.

If I were in your position, I think I should work with people of like mind and circumstance for an atheistic branch of Judaism -- a cousin to the Orthodox and Reformed branches.
Qualitatively, you likely already are one.

"Monotheists are atheists too, they just believe in one more god than I do."
All of man's writings on God are false. They have attempted to apply their own motives and social control to their own man-made God, and they are always wrong.

Was Mohammed a genuine prophet who could talk to God? No. He and his followers only thought that.

Was Jesus (assuming he existed in the first place) the son of God who came to Earth via a virgin birth? No, of course not. Anyone who thinks that is fact and not myth are intellectually defunct in one way or another.

With that in mind, you should learn to ignore myths and become agnostic or atheist. A personal God, or a God created by organised religion is at the end of the day, man-made.
thanks folks.
this was a bit of a social experiment.
again, i thank you for your (a bit underhanded on my part) unwitting participation.
and what did you gather from the experiment, anything interesting.
or was it what you expected.
i wanted to see how strong the fundamentalists on this board were.
i was less than impressed by their initiative to convert, lets put it that way.
KennyJC said:
All of man's writings on God are false. They have attempted to apply their own motives and social control to their own man-made God, and they are always wrong.

Was Mohammed a genuine prophet who could talk to God? No. He and his followers only thought that.

Was Jesus (assuming he existed in the first place) the son of God who came to Earth via a virgin birth? No, of course not. Anyone who thinks that is fact and not myth are intellectually defunct in one way or another.

With that in mind, you should learn to ignore myths and become agnostic or atheist. A personal God, or a God created by organised religion is at the end of the day, man-made.

M*W: Excellent post, Kenny
it would seem there are many atheists here....

so much fuel for the fire i suppose.... but its not my call.

simple fact is.. empirical science does not disprove GOD in anyway..

it is only theorys that do... theories.. by.. who?? secular atheists..

get it?

they have biased science... to say what they want it to say...
the evidense.. doesnt say it either way.

simple fact is.. empirical science does not disprove GOD in anyway..
It does disprove some gods, and it does disprove some notions of gods.
For example, it disproves what the bible/torah/koran (I think) say about how god created the universe.
simple fact is.. empirical science does not disprove GOD in anyway..

it is only theorys that do
Theories ARE empirical science, like it or not.
wrong, alphawolf.....
until we can make a time machine to see the events for ourselves, nothing about creation can be disproven, scientifically.

for all we know, we are a giant bowl of jell-o on some giant table.
just because we can look at stars and say "this was made like this", that doesnt prove anything.
Scientifically it can and has been disproven.
Don't mix philosophy with science.
And even if we could make a time machine, philosophically we'd still be in the same dilema.