Should Homosexuals Be allowed to adopt children? (Let's give this one more try)

And, why do you always cease to explain, every time, what A)a real man is and B) exactly how we are helping your argument?
JohnGalt said:
Advantages growing up in a homo household? Well, there are bound to be plenty compared to the street. Downfalls? Other than having to listen to idiots who claim their parents have no right to have adopted them, or listening to idiots ranting on about "being a real man" without giving any defintion of what they mean, I'm not sure of the downfalls. There might be more concerning idiots ranting, but nothing that complicated.

There are bound to be plenty but you haven't given me one yet! ;)

No one on the forum is an idiot !! We're just different people speaking our honest opinion about a question asked. And the question was asked. I didn't ask the question. Just gave my opinion. :eek:
Did I mention your name or the name of any person as part of this forum? I don't think I gave any names at all.

Problems are mainly those of pediphiles. However, studies can be done, a person's character can be evaluated, the lot of things. This is done to people who are straight also. Some homosexuals might fail this(I assume few, but I do not know), but a vast majority would pass.

Concerning psychology-If it is adoption, the child will be raised with them, and will be used to it. No problems. They might be confused as to what other people say about her/her parents, as well as to why they say that, but-there is no reason for them to say it. Therefore, if it weren't such a big deal to everyone, then the psychology would not be messed up. However, I might not suggest homosexual "adoption" in the case of fostering a child that had straight parents. If the child is around 7 or 8(probably a little longer), they would be terribly confused, and a homosexual adoption would be a last ditch effort. If the child were, I'd say 14 or older, they should know how to cope. If they have to be put up for foster care, they wouldn't mind who they were put with(I wouldn't). By the age of 14, a person should be self-sufficient, and not be effected as to what others say about it. Somebody they find will not care who the parents are, and the child will make it fine.

Aside from those stated above, what are other psychological issues facing children raised by homosexuals?
ReighnStorm said:

No one on the forum is an idiot !!

That's statistically impossible. Strange, though, that you should be making this claim.

We're just different people speaking our honest opinion about a question asked.

There's nothing honest about your part in this or any discussion, ReighnStorm.

Your participation is such as to depict you as either supremely stupid or rather quite dishonest.

Oh, well. It's up to you.
tiassa said:
That's statistically impossible. Strange, though, that you should be making this claim.

There's nothing honest about your part in this or any discussion, ReighnStorm.

Your participation is such as to depict you as either supremely stupid or rather quite dishonest.

Oh, well. It's up to you.

Like I said before T. you're going to be biased no matter what. Your still calling names. I don't think anyone hear would appreciate you calling them stupid or dishonest. There's nothing but honesty in my opinion on the subject in the post. I may not be completely educated in the art of gayinism as you are. You can agree or disagree in this forum. This post is not about what I am it's about what you want, plain and simple
(like you are). That's what the forum is supposed to be all about. Grow the f#ck up man or woman or both??? whatever dude or dudet or duddist.....
JohnGalt said:
Did I mention your name or the name of any person as part of this forum? I don't think I gave any names at all.

Problems are mainly those of pediphiles. However, studies can be done, a person's character can be evaluated, the lot of things. This is done to people who are straight also. Some homosexuals might fail this(I assume few, but I do not know), but a vast majority would pass.

Concerning psychology-If it is adoption, the child will be raised with them, and will be used to it. No problems. They might be confused as to what other people say about her/her parents, as well as to why they say that, but-there is no reason for them to say it. Therefore, if it weren't such a big deal to everyone, then the psychology would not be messed up. However, I might not suggest homosexual "adoption" in the case of fostering a child that had straight parents. If the child is around 7 or 8(probably a little longer), they would be terribly confused, and a homosexual adoption would be a last ditch effort. If the child were, I'd say 14 or older, they should know how to cope. If they have to be put up for foster care, they wouldn't mind who they were put with(I wouldn't). By the age of 14, a person should be self-sufficient, and not be effected as to what others say about it. Somebody they find will not care who the parents are, and the child will make it fine.

Aside from those stated above, what are other psychological issues facing children raised by homosexuals?

:m: Do you not think that these issues are already too many :confused: ???
Yorda said:
Children are the most wise. Adults are fools, I don't like them.

You can make yourself homosexual by thinking sexually of people of your own sex, but this requires that your will is stronger than the will of the body. Sexuality is in the mind, nowhere else.

If they want to adopt children, let them do it.

Children are not wise, their children. Adults become fools by dealing with this type of B.S. on a normal basis. ;)
ReighnStorm said:
Originally Posted by ReighnStorm
You did not answer the question... is it that you have no idea or are there any positives at all to speak of:confused:

I believe I was pointing out an idea you appear to have overlooked, that homosexual families will not be stealing children from heterosexual couples, but rescuing them from remaining parentless and in the care of the state. The benefits of this are having two adoptive parents in a stable home environment who love you rather than being passed between foster families, or being raised by social workers. The benefits of homosexuals adopting children are the benefits of heterosexuals adopting children, and the alternative is an unstable and frequently abusive foster care system.
(Endless nameless?)

ReighnStorm said:

So let me ask you this. Can you please tell me what the benefits are for a child growing up in a Homosexual household?? and what are some of the downfalls that you think you can overcome when raising this or these children in that type of household??

From the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents":


Children who are born to or adopted by 1 member of a same-sex couple deserve the security of 2 legally recognized parents. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports legislative and legal efforts to provide the possibility of adoption of the child by the second parent or coparent in these families.


Children deserve to know that their relationships with both of their parents are stable and legally recognized. This applies to all children, whether their parents are of the same or opposite sex. The American Academy of Pediatrics recognizes that a considerable body of professional literature provides evidence that children with parents who are homosexual can have the same advantages and the same expectations for health, adjustment, and development as can children whose parents are heterosexual.<sup>1–9</sup> When 2 adults participate in parenting a child, they and the child deserve the serenity that comes with legal recognition.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Now let's be clear: that's the pediatricians. You know, the doctors whose business it is to take care of children?

Now, if you would be so kind, I would like you to think of Missouri. American values are alive and well in Missouri. Webster v. RHS, for instance. But then again, Missouri is also whence came Roper v. Simmons, which effectively outlawed the death penalty for juvenile offenders. Interesting contrast, sort of.

But the American Psychological association filed an amicus brief in DeLong v. DeLong (click for case summary, amicus brief), which states, in part:

The Missouri Court of Appeals decision below, that a mother's homosexual orientation cannot be presumed to be detrimental to her children is supported by a considerable body of scientific research on children of lesbian parents and on parenting by lesbians. Scientific investigation has consistently found that children raised by lesbians or gay men are comparable to children raised by heterosexuals and that lesbians and gay men are as good parents as heterosexuals. These studies provide no support for any presumption that a lesbian or gay parent's sexual orientation is or will be harmful to the children. Thus, as the Court of Appeals below found, the best interests of the child of a lesbian or gay parent can be determined only through an individualized, fact-based assessment ....

.... Scientific research provides no empirical basis for any negative presumption about the fitness of lesbians or gay men as parents. To the contrary, studies of parenting have consistently concluded that the parenting skills of lesbians and of female heterosexuals are comparable. Fewer studies have concentrated on the parenting skills of gay men, but research to date offers no reason to believe that gay men are unfit parents. Thus, scientific research provides no support for the belief that lesbians or gay men lack the parenting instincts and ability of heterosexuals ....

.... Scientific research has consistently found that the sexual orientation of parents is not a predictive factor as to the parenting ability of those parents or as to the psychological and social development of their children. There is no basis, therefore, for a presumption that lesbian or gay parents are unfit, or less fit than heterosexual parents, or that awarding a lesbian or gay parent custody will have a deleterious effect on the child. Two decades of scientific investigation have, in fact, provided considerable evidence for the opposite conclusion: that children raised by a lesbian or gay parent are as healthy psychologically and socially as children raised by heterosexual parents, and that lesbian mothers are as good parents as heterosexual mothers. Therefore, unless a specific parent's sexual orientation can be shown to have an actual harmful effect on the child, it should not affect the outcome of a custody determination.

American Psychological Association

More? Well you could read through Karen Pallarito's relatively brief article from From Pallarito's article (also carried by the International School Psychology Association):

On measures of psychosocial well-being, school functioning, and romantic relationships and behaviors, the teens with same-sex parents were as well adjusted as their peers with opposite-sex parents. The authors found very few differences between the two groups. A more important predictor of teens' psychological and social adjustment, they found, is the quality of the relationships they have with their parents ....

.... Overall, researchers found no significant differences between the two groups. Teens with two moms, for example, were neither more nor less likely than their peers with two opposite-sex parents to report having been involved in a romantic relationship during the past year or ever having sex. Both groups were generally well-adjusted, with relatively high levels of self-esteem, relatively low levels of anxiety, and good achievement in school.

The study reveals a minor difference: "The kids of same-sex parents said that they feel more connected at school," Patterson said. In other words, they felt their teachers were more open to them, and that people at school were fair and cared for them ....


Or you could try another APA link, a Public Interest Directorate, "Research Summary on Lesbian and Gay Parenting".

The bottom line, ReighnStorm, is that a two-parent household is preferable to a one-parent household. If the question was so important to you that you would actually go out and do some research, you would figure that out rather quickly.

Notes - Works Cited:
American Academy of Pediatrics. "Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents". Pediatrics, v.109, n.2. February, 2002; pp. 339-340. See;109/2/339

Matthews, Kathleen and Nory Miller. "Brief of Amicus Curiae American Psychological Association". DeLong v. DeLong, #80637 Supreme Court of Missouri. See

Pallarito, Karen. "Teens With Same-Sex Parents Well-Adjusted". November 15, 2004. See


PsycLaw. "DeLong v. DeLong". See

Darkwa, Osei. "Social Trends Affecting U.S. Social Policy". University of Illinois at Chicago. See

Patterson, Charlotte J. "Lesbian and Gay Parenting". APA Online. See
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tiassa said:
From the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents":

Now let's be clear: that's the pediatricians. You know, the doctors whose business it is to take care of children?

Now, if you would be so kind, I would like you to think of Missouri. American values are alive and well in Missouri. Webster v. RHS, for instance. But then again, Missouri is also whence came Roper v. Simmons, which effectively outlawed the death penalty for juvenile offenders. Interesting contrast, sort of.

But the American Psychological association filed an amicus brief in DeLong v. DeLong (click for case summary, amicus brief), which states, in part:

More? Well you could read through Karen Pallarito's relatively brief article from From Pallarito's article (also carried by the International School Psychology Association):

Or you could try another APA link, a Public Interest Directorate, "Research Summary on Lesbian and Gay Parenting".

The bottom line, ReighnStorm, is that a two-parent household is preferable to a one-parent household. If the question was so important to you that you would actually go out and do some research, you would figure that out rather quickly.

Notes - Works Cited:
American Academy of Pediatrics. "Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents". Pediatrics, v.109, n.2. February, 2002; pp. 339-340. See;109/2/339

Matthews, Kathleen and Nory Miller. "Brief of Amicus Curiae American Psychological Association". DeLong v. DeLong, #80637 Supreme Court of Missouri. See

Pallarito, Karen. "Teens With Same-Sex Parents Well-Adjusted". November 15, 2004. See


PsycLaw. "DeLong v. DeLong". See

Darkwa, Osei. "Social Trends Affecting U.S. Social Policy". University of Illinois at Chicago. See

Patterson, Charlotte J. "Lesbian and Gay Parenting". APA Online. See

Once again, and let's be clear... What are the BENEFITS etc.......... did do research check other post topic :cool:
The reasons I stated above are hardly any, and most of them apply to definitive age groups, and can be avoided if adopted at birth.

What's wrong with typing in black?
ReighnStorm said:

Once again, and let's be clear... What are the BENEFITS etc.......... did do research check other post topic

I don't know how much more clearly I can explain it to you.

Maybe larger text? (And with apologies to other posters who are sick of this sort of type.)

A two-parent household is preferable to a one-parent household.

And a one-parent household is preferable to a no-parent situation.

What about this do you not understand?

What strikes you as irrelevant?

What is your problem?
If you can't draw the conclusions, a two-parent homosexual household is better than a one parent anything household. A one-person homosexual household is better than a no parent household. And, to make a really long leap, using lots of logic, so bear with me. A two parent homosexual household is phenomenally better than a no parent household.

I couldn't have made Tiassa's amazingly clear statement any clearer AT ALL.
tiassa said:
And a one-parent household is preferable to a no-parent situation.

Is that universally true? And can you prove that?

JohnGalt said:
A one-person homosexual household is better than a no parent household.

Is that universally true? And can you prove that?

Baron Max
Am I supposed to take you seriously on that one, Baron? Or does your prior disclaimer still stand?
He does have a point. The single parent could be brutally abusive. However, let's assume that it is a decent parent. A gay can do this, rather easily. Homosexuality in no way can limit the maternal/paternal instincts of a person if they truly wanted a child, and they can serve as the same type of role model as those who are not. The only thing not providable in this situation(and in a straight(Assuming they aren't dating)single parent)is how they are to interact with the opposite sex. Sure, a lot of this the child can observe in others, but it would be better for them to learn this in the home. THe parent can introduce them to this, however, through business, friendship, etc., but it wouldn't be that of which two straight parents could demonstrate. A homosexual or heterosexual single parent would be lacking equally in this category.
tiassa said:
I don't know how much more clearly I can explain it to you.

Maybe larger text? (And with apologies to other posters who are sick of this sort of type.)

A two-parent household is preferable to a one-parent household.

And a one-parent household is preferable to a no-parent situation.

What about this do you not understand?

What strikes you as irrelevant?

What is your problem?

I asked you what are the benefits of a child being reared in a homosexual household. Not about how many parents are in the home. Come on now! Your just avoiding the answer because you know that there aren't any! :eek:
JohnGalt said:
He does have a point. The single parent could be brutally abusive. However, let's assume that it is a decent parent. A gay can do this, rather easily. Homosexuality in no way can limit the maternal/paternal instincts of a person if they truly wanted a child, and they can serve as the same type of role model as those who are not. The only thing not providable in this situation(and in a straight(Assuming they aren't dating)single parent)is how they are to interact with the opposite sex. Sure, a lot of this the child can observe in others, but it would be better for them to learn this in the home. THe parent can introduce them to this, however, through business, friendship, etc., but it wouldn't be that of which two straight parents could demonstrate. A homosexual or heterosexual single parent would be lacking equally in this category.

JG his point does not matter because he has yet to answer the question. I appreciate that fact that at least your trying too. :D

See I can keep it black when I want to :m:
I DREW THE CONCLUSION FOR YOU!!!! It's right there, I found it. Right below tiassa's I posted how that effected homosexual households and the advantages. I DREW THE CONLUSIONS FOR YOU!
JohnGalt said:
If you can't draw the conclusions, a two-parent homosexual household is better than a one parent anything household. A one-person homosexual household is better than a no parent household. And, to make a really long leap, using lots of logic, so bear with me. A two parent homosexual household is phenomenally better than a no parent household.

I couldn't have made Tiassa's amazingly clear statement any clearer AT ALL.

That's not a benefit to be raised by homosexuals.The fact that the child would have to be adopted or given by sperm is a definate downfall. Give me a Benefit only: not compare it to something else twice as horrible. Just the benefit and possibly downfall know the rest because I keep repeating myself. :bugeye: