Should Homosexuals Be allowed to adopt children? (Let's give this one more try)

I think the question should be " Why Should Homosexuals Be Prevented from Adopting Unwanted Children? We have so many children that need homes that I can't believe there are any good reasons a gay couple should not be able to adopt children any more than heterosexual couples.

The real victims are the children who will never get a chance to grow up in a loving home.
JohnGalt said:
This involves the child's happiness. Any rational(even though full rational capabilities are not quite developed in children)child wouldn't care.

Ahh, but we've already established that kids of adoption age (under 18, I think) are judged by our society as NOT being able to make rational decisions like that. So we, as a society, step in to make those decisions for them ..."we" decide what's "happiness" for the kid.

If "we" think that the kids might be teased at school or in the playground too much for having two daddies or two mommies, then "we" shouldn't allow them to adopt, right? I mean, "we" all know that kids who are bullied and teased in school have lasting problems in life, right?

I also don't think people are taking my other post seriously. I mean, we, as a society, already deny adoption rights to many, many people ...gays ain't the only ones. So if we, as a society, can deny some people, why not deny gays and lesbians, too? Ain't no stretch of the imagination that I can see.

Baron Max
Revlos said:
I think the question should be " Why Should Homosexuals Be Prevented from Adopting Unwanted Children?

Ahh, but they aren't "unwanted" children! Where did you get that idea?

There are many, many more people and couples who WANT to adopt than there are children to adopt .........BUT they're prevented for some reason by the state. There are so many, in fact, that many of them go to Russia or Southeast Asia to get their child!!

Baron Max
There is no reason why homosexual couples shouldn't be able to adopt children, simply because all the arguments to the contrary are unconvincing ad hominem.

Some of the anti-gay tirades in here just beg for me to bust out laughing. :D
J.B said:
If a guy really cared about another guy you would think he could show him a better way then screwing his cornhole.

What if the other guy really wants him to screw his cornhole? There are many gay men who will pay another man to do that to them. Jeff Gannon made his living that way before becoming a Whitehouse correspondent. If there's nothing "normal" about "trying to impregnate fecal matter" (your arguments really are very poor) why is it prominently featured in almost every hetero porn movie made today? Speaking of which, I'm kinda tired of seeing it, many of the women are in obvious pain because the jerk doing it isn't doing it right.

How normal is it to try and impregnate the upper digestive system for that matter? Or are you telling us that you'd never engage in oral or anal sex with a woman, no matter how much she wanted to give you a blowjob, or fuck her up the ass?

Baron, chances are that a single straight man probably couldn't adopt a young girl, just about no matter how sqeaky clean he was. Most single straight men aren't interested in adoption, or kids in general. Most who are interested get married and then have their own, or adopt. Our cultures paranoia about sex in general would probably leave a qualified single man high and dry adoption wise, even though it might be a mistake to do so. But whether single men, gay or straight, ought to be allowed to adopt isn't the point of discussion of this thread.
Do you realize that it says "intelligent community"? Let's live up to that standard.

Don't be that explicit, it is unnecessary. If you plan on it, use real words, not cornhole.

If you can deny some people, why can't you deny gay's and lesbians? If someone can get off for shooting someone, why can't everyone get off for shooting someone? There are reasons which those people are denied. When were we arguing over blowjobs?

First things, the younger age period(lets say, toddler to about 7, 8ish) would not make fun of someone for having two dads. Most probably wouldn't realize it. After that, there is a period I guess they could be "vulnerable". Around 13, people need to learn to cope with their surroundings, and what people say about them. Really. I did. But then, I'm not normal. Do you know why these children have lasting problems? They aren't tought to cope as I said above. They are told-I'm okay, you're okay. That argument doesn't last. You may say that I am just guessing as to this stuff, but I'm 13, I hear it all the time(from friends, my parents would shoot me if I said that). The child's mental stability should be up to him to maintain anyways, not the parents. But, of course, most people can't comprehend this, so I rest my case.
J.B. said:

If a guy really cared about another guy you would think he could show him a better way then screwing his cornhole.

I'm not sure where to start. So ... to pick a point at random: Clearly, your point lacks a certain understanding of the dynamic of male homosexual intercourse.

To the other, though ... yes, there are other ways for men to show affection to one another. If you really need the detail, I need some broader confirmation that you're not the only one.
There are difficulties in grasping this discussion from the points of view from so many. Truly, there are divisions amongst us from perspectives of each personal value system determined by our beliefs, genetic biology, exposure to lifestyles, experiences in this life, or traumatic events.

Should same gender couples be permitted by Law to adopt children? Depends,,, on an individual basis. I don't think we could blanket pass a Law that says Yes. I don't even believe that a Law should play a part in this question at all. Adoption is a very personal issue that should be determined by the intent of the ones that are taking the steps to bring a young life into their world. The conflict that comes to my mind, is about the model that is presented to the child in a same gender parent adoption. This is not my personal point of view, but one of a larger picture of the overall affect on an impressionable developing life.

The complexities of our evolution in life from a pragmatic view does not support the thought of taking your two index fingers, tip to tip, to find a point of insertion, nor does the idea of two holes manage the need as one places their thumbs upon curled fingers to create a tunnel or hole. Those that find themselves in the throws of dual satisfaction, will find ways to overcome the biology. But that does not speak to our Humanity, and the need that exists for a valued life within ourselves and the numbers of children that need an Adult to offer guidance, as they mature in life, to adulthood, regardless of the sexual proclivity, will see past the deviation of male/female biology, for the Love that can exist within the Home.

The conflict is a profundity in what might occur for the life of the child, down the road. As if we didn't have enough emotional obstacles to overcome as a species of life, now we wish to inject another form of consternation to a young mind when they see a calendar event such as Fathers Day or Mothers Day, or an event that defines Fathers and Sons or Mothers and Daughters. Exclusion/Inclusion is a part of how we grow in life, as well as is acceptance. The differences/similarities that we share with our peers, and how we handle them, are realities that we either work through, in a sense of defence or aggresion, in support of our feelings of right and wrong, or submission to what another might feel or say, determine who we are.

In my world of experience, Male partners don't wish to be parents. Though Female partners are working very hard to enable themselves to fulfill a biological function of Motherhood, and seem to be the loudest voices for this sort of Marriage and Adoption. Sounds like a valid biological response, if two females raise daughters. Men of the same gender relationships seem to be happy with themselves and only want the same marriage privilages according to the Laws that are provided. Property rights, determinations of last wish discernment's, and any sharing of that which is afforded to Heterosexual couples.
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JohnGalt said:
If you can deny some people, why can't you deny gay's and lesbians?

Well, John, it seems that it's 'cause gays and lesbians don't like to be denied anything! They take it as discrimination versus simple restrictions which we all have to live with ...just like single men can't adopt kids. But single men don't gather and protest and whine and cry and wring their hands in despair and make it a damned media circus and a national/international issue.

Baron Max
... gather and protest and whine and cry and wring their hands in despair and make it a damned media circus and a national/international issue.

Well, that's how democracy works in many cases. It's also why freedom of the press is crucial to a democracy. Otherwise, it's too easy to quash minority opinions and cover them up so that they go unnoticed.

Right now, it just seems like "a damned media circus" to the people who call it that because it's an issue that they either don't care about or hate.

Later, when they get something they actually give a damn about, they won't be calling it "a damned media circus" then. They'd be going over there demanding reinsertions of the feeding tube for the butt ugly, wide-nostriled woman who just stares up at the ceiling with her mouth open (I wonder how many insects have flown in there). They'd bristle if you called it a "damned media circus" in front of them. Imagine the racket. (OMG! This is an IMPORTANT ISSUE HERE! HOW COULD YOU?!).

(I'm starting to ramble here. This is when the post is beginning to get brainless ... I'll try to cut it short soon.)

It just goes to show, that some people care about different things, and the media indifferently shows everything, and blows things up if they perceive they'll get good, steady stories about it. If enough people care to make it much of an issue, then people will notice and take action. If there aren't enough people, then fewer people will notice, and maybe people won't even care at all.

Either way, the media's important to democracy, and so are protests.
Naomi said:
Either way, the media's important to democracy, and so are protests.

Not if it's a bunch of fuckin' lies or bias, slanted "reports" in a sick, demented attempt to sway public opinion!

And in the US, we don't have a democracy, we have a representative republic (or some such bullshit!). If it were a true democracy, gays and lesbians wouldn't the "rights" to any-fuckin'-thing!!! So you gays and lezzies should count yourselves damned lucky that you don't live in a democracy!

Baron Max
J.B said:
Homosexuals represent somewhere between 1 percent and 3 percent of the population. Yet they commit up to one-third of all sex crimes against children. Knowing this, why would any responsible agency want to put more children in harm's way?

homosexuals do not commit sex crimes against children,paedophiles do.there is a difference,why is this so hard to grasp?
Baron, if you want sick demented attempts sway public opinion, I suggest you start with Fred Phelps, Jack Chick, and Michael Savage.

Yes indeedy, the gays in this country should be happy that us breeders don't just round them up and turn them into soap right? Because we all know that the world would be a better place if we did not have to tolerate their awful crimes against humanity which consist of..... what exactly? Maybe you should spell it out for us?

Maybe you could make this into a crusade that you could ride into a position of political power. Anything other than missionary position heterosexual sex for the purposes of procreation could be banned. Masturbating teenagers would be risking a trip to a re-education camp. And if caught having a circle jerk, straight to the showers!

We should all count our blessings that ignorant, intolerant bigots like you aren't in a position to get exactly what they want.
People who are against gays adopting children are just mad because their small minds can't cook up a proper argument. They just dump a load of ad hominem with some table-banging and whining and call it an argument.
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Once again Baron, in case you missed it; it is discrimination, and not just a simple restriction if a happy, healthy gay couple are not allowed to adopt, and a straight couple are, when all else is equal. It is as blatant as allowing a Christian couple to adopt, and not allowing a Jewish couple to do so, when the only meaningful distinction between them is their religion. Actually, it is arguably worse, since people can change their religion if they choose to do so.
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Baron Max said:

They take it as discrimination versus simple restrictions which we all have to live with ...just like single men can't adopt kids.

Just a note that the example is inaccurate:

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in 1999, 33% of children adopted from foster care were adopted by a single parent, the overwhelming majority of which were single women (31%).

I happened to recycle this stat last night while preparing a longer response to the WND article supplied by J.B. (See #768634, #797899 for prior discussion.)

I looked around online for some numbers, and I came up with 1998 statistics. During a period ending in May, 1999 (FY '98), 36,000 children were adopted out of foster care. The 1999 numbers cited by InfoPlease suggest that about 720 children went to single men. Single men represent in that statistic 6-7% of the single-parent adoptive families.

As I noted in another post, adoption prohibitions vary according to jurisdiction, somewhere in the county and state hierarchy of laws. I'm not sure that the Fourteenth Amendment has entered that portion of the discussion yet.

Notes: "Adoption Trends". See
J.B said:

I would love to be a fly on the wall and listen as one "daddy" explains to a child how he puts his penis in the other "daddy's" ass.

I'm sure thats great learning for a child.

I don't recall my heterosexual parents ever lecturing me on the ins and outs of recreational sex. Is this a common discussion in heterosexual homes? I mean, I want to make sure I raise my daughter correctly, so should I just explain blowjobs to her, or should it be a hands-on lesson?

Seriously, J.B., I would love to know why the subject would come up.

Came upstairs one morning when I was about 11, wandered into the kitchen. My parents' bedroom door, visible from the kitchen, was open. Saw my dad getting a hummer. He later explained to me that my mother was examining his hemorrhoids, and I didn't bother protesting what was wrong with that explanation. I don't recommend such transparent lies, but then again, closing the bedroom door is, well, it's self-evident.
Mystech said:
Yes, I am aware of the fact that there's another thread on this topic, over a year old, which is still right at the top of this forum. .[/SIZE]

Are you also aware of the rules on this forum i thought you couldn't start a thread which is the same as one that is already going?

Mystech said:
However I feel that it's immense size is naturally making it rather inaccessible to those who haven't been following it for that whole year.
Furthermore all we are seeing in that thread, currently, are sporadic spurts of the exact same arguments which have been addressed over and over again deep within the inaccessible bowels of the beast...[/SIZE]

So what will change with this thread, how will people know what was discussed on the old one when it is now a whole different thread rather than a different page, what have you changed by posting this thread

Mystech said:
A note to Tiassa: I’ve seen that you’re rather frustrated with the way things have been going in several threads as well, and I do hope that this is an appropriate way to attempt to organize the discourse in a more coherent, and hopefully productive manner. However if you think this thread’s aim is too redundant or just a silly idea in general, I certainly won’t take it personally if you feel it should be moved or deleted. I just figured it was worth a shot.

What does it matter what tiassa thinks it is as clear as day this is in breech of the rules

I know about the rules of this place that is why i have been banned so many times.