should gay couples be allowed to adopt and have kids?


i think that homosexual couples who "have" or adopt childre have a severe effect on the childs mind, if a boy was to be raised by 2 guys, i think he definately would be influenced by homosexuality and might turn him gay aswell,

if 2 women raise a girl she is most likely going to have a same skewed effect. also the children are going to have a very hard time socialising at school, due to other children picking on them, and i think it could have a very negative effect on the childs mind,

because bieng homosexual goes against the natural cycle of reproduction, if all men were gay then the human race would not continue. and a child that is raised by a gay couple i think pesonaly is more likely to suffer from various types of confusion,

what do other people think about gay couples that raise kids? will the kids be confused and have an altered view? will they suffer very badly at school from bullying and pay the price?

i think that homosexual couples who "have" or adopt childre have a severe effect on the childs mind, if a boy was to be raised by 2 guys, i think he definately would be influenced by homosexuality and might turn him gay aswell,
So how did people first become gay if they were raised by traditional (male & female) parents?
also the children are going to have a very hard time socialising at school, due to other children picking on them, and i think it could have a very negative effect on the childs mind,
Then that's a question of education surely. You shouldn't pick on people because of who (or what) their parents are.
because bieng homosexual goes against the natural cycle of reproduction,
But it happens in nature. Hedgehogs and swans (IIRC) spring to mind.
So how did people first become gay if they were raised by traditional (male & female) parents?

Then that's a question of education surely. You shouldn't pick on people because of who (or what) their parents are.

But it happens in nature. Hedgehogs and swans (IIRC) spring to mind.

i dont get it. what do you mean how did people become gay in the first place.

people will make fun of others if they have 2 dads.

no animals are not gay, they are confused about the gender of anouther animal, are you saying there are male swans that wont mate with females, and it will only mate with a male?

why didnt you answer the scientific part of the question? would it confuse the child and have a negative effect on his upbringing?

i dont get it. what do you mean how did people become gay in the first place.
You implied that having gay parents could "turn" someone gay. So where did the first gay people come from if everyone else was straight?

people will make fun of others if they have 2 dads.
People make fun of someone because they're taller/ shorter/ fatter/ thinner and anything else you can think of. Doesn't make it right or valid.

no animals are not gay, they are confused about the gender of anouther animal, are you saying there are male swans that wont mate with females, and it will only mate with a male?
Yup, according to a documentary a couple of years back.

Found this:
Bonobos are 100% bisexual!

"Homosexuality has been observed in more than 1,500 species, and the phenomenon has been well described for 500 of them," said Petter Bockman, project coordinator of the exhibition.
i think that homosexual couples who "have" or adopt childre have a severe effect on the childs mind, if a boy was to be raised by 2 guys, i think he definately would be influenced by homosexuality and might turn him gay aswell,
if 2 women raise a girl she is most likely going to have a same skewed effect. also the children are going to have a very hard time socialising at school, due to other children picking on them, and i think it could have a very negative effect on the childs mind,
because bieng homosexual goes against the natural cycle of reproduction, if all men were gay then the human race would not continue. and a child that is raised by a gay couple i think pesonaly is more likely to suffer from various types of confusion,
what do other people think about gay couples that raise kids? will the kids be confused and have an altered view? will they suffer very badly at school from bullying and pay the price?

I'm not sure there's enough evidence to conclude one way or the other. Gay couples should surely have the right to adopt if straight couples can adopt, equal rights and all that. If the gay couple can prove that they are capable of raising a child then let them.
Perhaps if more children grew up around gay couples then there would be less intolerance towards gay people, even allowing for the minority of school bullies.
Well, I happen to know a kid who was raised by two gay parents, and he seemed perfectly fine; granted I can't see his thoughts.

Merely based on my observations, I would have to say that your assertions are wrong.

I, personally, wonder how the child could not be, well, to be blunt, screwed up by having his parents being gay, but I guess it's possible.
You implied that having gay parents could "turn" someone gay. So where did the first gay people come from if everyone else was straight?

People make fun of someone because they're taller/ shorter/ fatter/ thinner and anything else you can think of. Doesn't make it right or valid.

Yup, according to a documentary a couple of years back.

Found this:
Bonobos are 100% bisexual!


yeah i said it could, i didnt say everyone who is gay will turn others gay, and i still think it might turn the kid gay who knows.

yeah but someone who is short is not going to get ripped on as much as someone who has 2 fathers who pound each others assholes :), seriously im not against gays, it disgusts me a little yeah but a person is a person,

seriously you know a kid will get ripped on for having 2 fathers. imagine a parent teacher conference where everyones parents come in with the kids, then the gay kids 2 dads walk in, people are going to make fun of the poor kid all the time. even more than when i call my kid gohan.

and bisexual is not homosexual, as i said before its confusion not preference when it comes to wild animals.

I'm not sure there's enough evidence to conclude one way or the other. Gay couples should surely have the right to adopt if straight couples can adopt, equal rights and all that. If the gay couple can prove that they are capable of raising a child then let them.
Perhaps if more children grew up around gay couples then there would be less intolerance towards gay people, even allowing for the minority of school bullies.

yeah i know theres not enough evidence, thats why im trying to have a conductive debate about it now to conflude one way or the other, if the chiild of a gay couple leads a more difficult and confusing life than that of a child from a regular couple.

how can a gay couple prove they wont have a bad effect on the child.

Well, I happen to know a kid who was raised by two gay parents, and he seemed perfectly fine; granted I can't see his thoughts.

Merely based on my observations, I would have to say that your assertions are wrong.

I, personally, wonder how the child could not be, well, to be blunt, screwed up by having his parents being gay, but I guess it's possible.

yeah if one child is ok it doesent mean that 100 others wont be. like a child brought up by 2 smokers might not end up smoking, but it doesent mean that alot might smoke because of it.

i think that homosexual couples who "have" or adopt childre have a severe effect on the childs mind, if a boy was to be raised by 2 guys, i think he definately would be influenced by homosexuality and might turn him gay aswell,

if 2 women raise a girl she is most likely going to have a same skewed effect. also the children are going to have a very hard time socialising at school, due to other children picking on them, and i think it could have a very negative effect on the childs mind,

because bieng homosexual goes against the natural cycle of reproduction, if all men were gay then the human race would not continue. and a child that is raised by a gay couple i think pesonaly is more likely to suffer from various types of confusion,

what do other people think about gay couples that raise kids? will the kids be confused and have an altered view? will they suffer very badly at school from bullying and pay the price?


Well, when you put it that way, what responsible person could possibly contradict you?
Smoking is a learnt habit. I know children of smokers who have never touched a cigarette.
Being gay is about orientation and the individual's make-up. If you went to live with a community of gay people how long would you have to stay there to become gay yourself?
Smoking is a learnt habit. I know children of smokers who have never touched a cigarette.
Being gay is about orientation and the individual's make-up. If you went to live with a community of gay people how long would you have to stay there to become gay yourself?

it was a mild comparison.
living in a community usualy means you soak up the culture around you, dont humans adapt to the enviroment and surroundings at hand?

i wouldent want to live in a homosexual community personaly. if a child is shown something then he will copy it usualy, monkey see monkey do.

if a child sees 2 guys holding hands and kissing, then he will think its normal. like if a child sees people swearing and using curse words, he will pick up on it and curse and swear himself, thinking its normal and ok.

if a child sees 2 guys holding hands and kissing, then he will think its normal. like if a child sees people swearing and using curse words, he will pick up on it and curse and swear himself, thinking its normal and ok.
But surely one is a behaviour pattern (swearing) and the other is not.
I spend most of my drinking time in gay clubs these days (my drinking buddy is a lesbian (in a partnership before you ask :D )) and there is no way I'm tempted to try out the "alternative".
yeah i know theres not enough evidence, thats why im trying to have a conductive debate about it now to conflude one way or the other, if the chiild of a gay couple leads a more difficult and confusing life than that of a child from a regular couple.

how can a gay couple prove they wont have a bad effect on the child.


They can't, no more than a straight couple can. What if the child a straight couple adopts turns out to be gay, will they then have a negative effect on their adopted gay child?
Is it better to leave a child in an orphanage or allow a gay couple to adopt that child? What's better or worse for that child's development?
What about single parents? Are their children confused, do they have a more difficult life than a child adopted by a gay couple.
How do we decide who is and isn't fit to be a parent?
But surely one is a behaviour pattern (swearing) and the other is not.
I spend most of my drinking time in gay clubs these days (my drinking buddy is a lesbian (in a partnership before you ask :D )) and there is no way I'm tempted to try out the "alternative".

yeah but going to a club on weekends is not the same as bieng raised and influenced since birth.

They can't, no more than a straight couple can. What if the child a straight couple adopts turns out to be gay, will they then have a negative effect on their adopted gay child?
Is it better to leave a child in an orphanage or allow a gay couple to adopt that child? What's better or worse for that child's development?
What about single parents? Are their children confused, do they have a more difficult life than a child adopted by a gay couple.
How do we decide who is and isn't fit to be a parent?

yes the children of single parents are effected in a negative manner, a child needs both the influence of a man and a woman. im sure most parents would agree with that. the mans influence is needed on the child and so is the womans,

No, gay couples should not be permitted to adopt children. They also should not be permitted to marry.

Baron Max
do you think it would mess with the childs head baron? i personaly think it is very possible that the child would turn out a bit messed up compared to "normal kids"

whats wrong with gay marraige?
