Should compassion be a part of the justice system?

Should anyone be releaced on compassionate grounds

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You think murders or people who commit violent assaults or rapes should be either killed or let out on the streets?

You think murders or people who commit violent assaults or rapes should be either killed or let out on the streets?

Yes. Or embezzlers, child molesters, jaywalkers, tax evaders, etc. If they're not worthy of living in public with other trash like lawyers and investment bankers, then they should either be killed or exiled (if anyone will have them). Prison, however, is wasteful and cruel. It's a stupid man's time machine.
Of course compassion should be part of the justice system!

Anyone who thinks differently should be shot.
After all the main stated principles of a "justice" system are protection of sociaty and rehabilitation

Well, most people also include the principle of justice. I.e., crimes should be punished to provide justice to the victims, not simply to protect everyone else, or rehabilitate the offender.

I suppose you could squeeze that into "protection of society," since a system that fails to provide justice to victims would invite vigilantism and social breakdown, but it seems a bit of a stretch. Provision of justice to the victims of crime is an interest in its own right.