Should Christians judge God?

Of course christians should judge this god

The question is do these christians have the maturity to do so ?


To begin though one needs to investigate the Sumer clay tablets , and what they say , to begin with

Any comparative study of religions will kill any Christian belief in their God. The churches have even basically scrapped the O.T. because they are ashamed of tying a decent Jesus to a genocidal son murdering God.

They just can't show Jesus as killing all those animals in Noah's day. Christians do not care about the people but they do about animals.

Yep. Christians have good moral. Not.

Products of our environment & our initial programming & physical make-up. Machines can only do & not do what they are built & programmed to do. If a person works on their character, it is because it is in their character to do so. Some people do not have that in them or not to the same degree as others.

I agree but that aspect of character also likely comes from nurture more than from nature.

this is self conflicting..
you say no-one is self made but then say you can change who you are by self examination and adjustment..

yes I agree that we can change who we are, but this requires a desire to change, and with the majority of humans being emotionally driven, this is a difficult concept for most, as self examination often leaves one feeling bad about oneself, and emotionally driven ppl do not like to feel bad about themselves so they would do or say(or not do/say/think) anything to not 'feel' bad about themselves.
you can't force ppl to acknowledge their shortcomings.

Correct. It comes from within. That is why I say I forced my apotheosis. It is a rare thing as there is mental pain involved. There is also pleasure.

But to your comment. We begin by absorbing whatever nurturing we get by chance. We may have good parents or not. That part of us we cannot do anything about. That part is not self made but as we grow from children to adulthood, it is our own guidance that we rely on. The degree of that guidance may be large or small depending on previous nurturing and what our peers are now teaching us.

Even a conversation here will effect you somehow. We are all in this together and all effect each other.

Fortunately, they gradually have been, over time, judging God as God is described in their Bible, even if they don't tend to admit it at any one moment. It's a reason why Western society has made progress and moved away from the subservience of women and other appalling practices.

I agree but we have a ways to go.

True that Christians say they do not judge God but when I hear that, I just tell them they really do as they have judge him to be God in the first place and have also judge him to be good or they would have rejected his sorry immoral genocidal ass.

Oops. I let my judgement sneak in there.
